
Dear devil dont

Xiao Ming gets crossed into another world after the despair he had after the break up with his girlfriend.What would happen if he was the only man in the eyes of someone he couldn't want to get close with...... 'No need xiaoxia we are breaking up!' ".....you are mine,you don't even belong to yourself ." an aufaint voice sounded husky and deep yet seductively pleasant to hear. A pale delicate yet precisely toned body shivered at sudden touch of cold wet lips on his ear lob. 'don't' the man pressed on the silk red sheets whined inwardly. But unfortunate to him nothing could hold back this demon king from .......

ukisa_Gemini_s · ファンタジー
18 Chs

The past..

'System how came this works Xiao Ming is connected with the demon king..and also..I was told that I came here to serve the man called Bai Chi not this one something is amiss.'Xiao asked as he looked at Yao Guai's beautiful face who was pretending to be asleep.He was wearing only the under garments that were red in color this time round but still translucent, Xiao could partially see the chisel chest with sharp pink buds and the eight abs pacs on the layers abdomen.His lashes were long and matched his sloe cold red lensed eyes.His nose was sharp and had a strong bridge.This jaw line was excessively perfectly lined.

[ Host that is along story between this world's Xiao and the demon king.]

'Spit out!'Xiao demanded not taking his hungry eyes off Yao Guai.

[Then host must pay 50Points to get this information and your current balance is 50 points.But Host can pay half the amount to get half the information or get aloan and has to full fill a simple mission to get the information.]

'Get the loan.I can't risk the little points I have now.I might need them in the future.'Xiao risked to do the mission to get the information he wasted ...Curiosity had got the best of him ..ofcourse who wouldn't be curious of. a handsome...I mean a beautiful man like the demon king was especially if he was told to make revenge on him.

[ Ding !Host got a loan of fifty points.

Ding ,host will have to do the mission after the information is provided.

Ding!only specific information can be provided.

Ding !Loan can't be terminated .Failure to pay the loan points will be deducted immediately.]

[ Host I will start to narrate...Originally Xiao Ming of this world was born as a celestial being of the immortal world but he was not happy with the way immortals behaved and what they called to be right or justice seemed invalid to him..He had his own way of reasoning and because of that he ended up breaking a lot of the heaven rules....and as his punishment he was made to became a demon servant .When time passed by he came to encounter himself with the demon king.Roumors had it that the demon king was an ugly being with fur all over. It said that he was ruthless ,merciless and never loved any one in his life making him heartless.But to Xiao this rumours had not smashed his eagerness to confirm the demon kings appearance , still one fateful night he managed to sneak into the demon kings cahnmber and saw his appearance that made him to fall in love with the demon king.Thus didn't miss the demons knowledge and made sure to punish Xiao by making him his personal maid.

Many things happened between the two and finally both came to fall in love with each other but when the demon king found out that Xiao Ming was once an immortal before coming to the demon realm his feelings for him changed.He became suspicious and curious of why Xiao was with him.Instead of talking it out with Xiao he banished him out of the demon realm to the endless void ...This is when one of the immortals sneaked in and tried to convince Xiao to give them the information to weaken the demon king.But Xiao completely refused to tell them anything.He was give a pill of immortal suffering,which would make one to feel the worst pain of all times and if the pill took a lot of time in ones body they would certainly die out of pain.The pill caused inside pain and not noticeable by anyone unless oneslf told u that he had taken it..and even if you saw them in pain you wouldn't know what was bothering them.It only took three days for the pill to kill someone like Xiao Ming since he had less chi for he was never interest in cultivation. Xiao had all the information they needed cuase he was well exposed to everything of the demon realm ,him and the demon king were lovers he would never betray him because he knew the demon king had his reasons for sending him to this void.The news of an immortal breaking into the void to see Xiao reached the demon king and made him more angry as he also heard that he had told that immortal all the information willingly.

He summoned that Xiao would be brought to his and as he expected Xiao looked totally fine.Yet this was all Xiao's pretence actions he had used the little chi he had to suppress the pain when in Yao Guai's presence but it couldn't last for long.....]

Flashback of that time...

Xiao stood rooted on the ground lifelessly. He was now happy that his majesty had summoned for his presence...but what the later told him broke his heart.

"Are you satisfied for betraying me..do you know that I could end all the lives of those innocent immortals and demons you told me were your friends..Cause now you know the reason why I sent you to the void." Yao Guai spoke with cold anger in his voice .He was thinking that maybe he crossed the line for blaming Xiao for the lives of his family that was slayed by the immortals because Xiao didn't know anything about it though he was from that bloodline of his parents murderers.

"Yao its not what you ..." Xiao tried to explain but was cut short by the hot slap he received for Yao Guai.In fact it didn't hurt him at all.He didn't mind his Yao Guai hitting him but he minded his Yao Guai the person he trusted and loved the most think of him this way.He didn't even touch his hit cheek as he slowly returned to look at Yao Guai with resentment in his eyes.Why of all people him?