
Chapter 3545 her taste; the taste of home! 1

Gong Sheng didn’t eat at home often.

The presidential palace was busy and had to deal with many things every day. It could be said that the moment he opened his eyes every day, he would be the one to decide the decisions of the country at a larger level.

He controlled the direction of the operation of the huge empire, forming allies and repelling enemies. If possible, he would use other means to solve problems without fighting, so that the citizens of the Empire could live without the flames of War, poverty, and hunger, he tried to live a happy and prosperous life.

Therefore, his daily schedule was quite full.

If he did not receive foreign envoys, meet with cabinet elders, or have meetings with the heads of various departments, he would eat state banquets or simple and fast working meals.

In any case, he worked overtime until late into the night and came back to sleep. This villa was more of a resting place for him than a home.