
Dear Adam: About Taste

Pov Kaia.

A bowl of meatballs with him made my heart beat faster. He is able to burn the fire of love in my soul. This is really very hard but I have to live. When I opened my eyes it was all just a memory in my daydream.

I began to be drawn to a love in a silence of my night. It felt so heavy in the fact that it wasn't me he chose. Then why is he too good for me if in the end he kills me in love.

Tears fell from my eyes when I heard a conversation between him and his best friend a few days ago.

Flashback on.

On the Space Campus looking for Ify. Even Retta also disappeared.

"What's wrong with you?" Reprimand Bagas.

"Didn't see Ify?" Ask Space.

"Tumben you look for Ify, usually you look for Kaia?" Bagas rolled his eyes.

"Don't start!"

"Yes, I really am."

"Now it seems that you are closer to Ify than Kaia."

"Don't worry, Gas!"

"I don't care about Angkasa. I'm just surprised at you."