
Dealer's choice

It was a normal in Victor's life, a college student in Los Angeles, until that happened. The moment that changed lives of every person on earth. Everybody went from enjoying modern age to fighting for survival. The world is never going to be the same.....

DnB4ever · ファンタジー
41 Chs

CH 24 - Colossal ghoul

"Karla, Sheela, Brook. We will fight that thing, whatever it is, Rest of you go. Stadium is not so far away from here, get in there as soon as possible,"

The panic was visible and their trout has changed to full blown run towards the stadium. Everybody except the people I named and surprisingly Jessica ran.

"Jessica why are you here?" I asked.

"I want to help! Please let me help!"

I was about to answer when I heard "BANG!" very close. I looked towards the source of the sound and I saw a building that was once a clothing store crumble to huge pile of rubble and dust. From the rubble huge number of normal ghouls and zombies started to stream out. Looking like there was hundreds of them. Bunch of ghouls with classes could be seen crawling the walls and jumping on the poles.

But neither of those were source of the sounds, from behind this group a giant ghoul was walking. It had about 5 meters in height. It looked slow but very strong. Once that thing gets to hit any of us that person is goner.

I quickly analyzed the situation and started to speak.

"Brook take care of the trash! Jessica summon elemental and send it down the middle with Sheela! You stay with Brook and whack any ghoul that comes close to her! Karla take left, I am going right! We will focus on ghouls with classes primarily, but kill anything that moves Karla. Once the numbers are handled, I will engage that big fucker, don't come close to it. Only me, Sheela and elemental can stay close to that shit, everybody else keep distance. Understood?"

""Yes!"" All girls sounded in unison.

"Let's go!"

I ran to the right side of incoming ghouls while Karla took left. Sheela and elemental ran into the middle while Karla started to shoot as fast as she could to eliminate as much normal ghouls and zombies as she could.

Magic arrows were whistling in the air around us penetrating enemy after enemy, with this packed group they were killing 5-6 ghouls each hit. While we focused on killing as much we could in melee, Jessica was holding fort next to Brook killing anything that got past us before it could touch Brook.

As this we were successfully thinning the numbers of ghouls when we heard it.

"Grrrrrrrmm!" Guttural sound coming from giant zombie that was standing some distance away not engaging in combat.

The moment the screech sounded a multiple less loud but very similar screeches sounded around us.

Few moments later ghouls started to funnel from the directions of those sounds. Weirdly enough each group that started to funnel in was commanded by over 2.5-meter big ghoul.

"Spread out and cover incoming ghouls, don't let them reach Brook! Brook keep on shooting as fast as you can!"

And so, we spread out around Brook to stop incoming waves of ghouls and zombies.  Everybody was killing the ghouls as fast they could. They were hundreds upon hundreds of them coming in. Arrows were flying, axe and rapier was flashing in fast movements and tiger with water elemental were tearing ghouls apart with all they might.

We were able to stop the advance of the ghouls towards Brook and we even slowly started to push them back that was when 2.5-meter-tall ghouls started to act.

Two of them quickly jumped towards me, one to Karla, one towards elemental and tiger and little while after that one snuck around us and headed towards brook and Jessica. I quickly glanced at the other melee fighters and there was no way to free somebody up so I had to trust Jessica and Brook to hold out until somebody is free.

Two big ghouls that engaged me were rather slow but they had good team work and every punch they threw made a crater in the solid concrete ground or hole in the building. So, taking punch from them was out of the question. And I needed to kill them quick to help Brook so relaying on fact that I can outlast them with my aura was out of the question. So, after seeing some of their attacks, I decided to go on the offensive. I dodged one of the strikes and quickly dodged around the leg of one of them and started to work on it. I stabbed it as many times as I could as I ran around dodging the incoming attack. Like this I was circling around them dodging their attacks and stabbing their legs to make them absolutely immobile. After a few seconds I was able to shatter one leg of each ghoul, after that I quickly pierced their heads, finishing them off and quickly glancing towards others.

Tiger and elemental were not doing very well but they were holding the line and since they could heal from our mana and there was no way they would turn to zombies I left them to their devices for now, Karla was doing perfectly fine she already cut of both hands of the huge ghoul and was about to finish it off. After that I quickly looked at the two girls fighting the last big zombies. It seems I didn't need to worry. They were holding the big zombie back. Brook was able to hit it a lot of times with her bow while Jessica just danced around poking it with the staff.

I quickly moved towards them and helped them with the ghoul. After that I looked towards the last one but Karla was already there.

Once the last big zombie fell down, we quickly finished the rest of the ghouls and zombies. Fact that they retreated a little when big ghouls attacked and were leaving them the space to fight helped immensely.

During this entire fight since the ghouls appeared I was receiving a huge number of notifications from my status, but I was not in a situation to leisurely check them. They started the moment we were about to engage ghouls. I had feeling that they started before we started killing ghouls but I decided to check later, when we are out of danger.

After last ghoul fell the colossal ghoul started to move, he grabbed the pole that was near him and broke it off. Then it grabbed it like a greatclub and started to advance towards us with bloodshot eyes.

"Brook, Karla and Jessica keep your distance. If you can, attack it from afar."