

How I have grown to miss Europe and my home of London. Cherry and Tarry both say that I need to blend in. I understand why but how am I to blend in. This country barely has any vampires from the old times. Hunter call this damb place home. I heard that Anthony was still alive and still wants me dead. The tables have turned on us now I am the one running.  The thing is I don't even know why I am running in the first place. Do I feel guilty for the hand he was delt? Do I just give him my life? Wait what am I saying I am not at fault here. The only thing I did wrong was not see sooner. Damb him even now plagues my mind.  "Iris maybe its time to act you know like a human. This way the hunters will have a hard time tracking you." Jackson said not understand the first thing about vampire hunters. "That wouldn't work because they have the ability to sense us. The same goes for us if we can pick up on one of them, they already know we are among them. What we need is a cloak but can't get anything good here. The cuvens are small and don't know squat. " I said pinching the bridge of my nose. "Then we need to keep our heads down for however long we can. We need to build an army to stand behind her when its time to head back to London. " Jackson said wrapping himself around me protectively. Charry and Tarry go out to find a place for us to stay. It was starting to get cold and Jackson was going to need to hibernate soon. Baltimore will serve us for now at least till we get on our feet. Charry found an old abandoned farm house that needed some fixing up. The bords were rotten and the furniture dusty and coverd in webs. The smell of death and decade makes me puke. Tarry and Charry cast spells to clean up the farm house. The walls glowing with a beautiful shade of lavender trimmed with black. The floors were a dark oak wood. The furniture Victorian style dudty velvet blue with black trim. Crystal Coffee table with a silver vase in the center. The also added a basket for Jackson to hibernate it was dark but warm. They showed the same level of detail for the kitchen and bedrooms simple and quiet. Once the house was finished we all talked about what we would do for money. "Lady Iris you should pose as a high-school student. Charry and I will get jobs as teachers just to keep an eye on you. "  Tarry said then looked at Jackson "you can act as guardian till we figure something out for you. " she said and he nods. That's how it has been for the past ten years.

The sent of pine wipped past me as I ran cold air burning my lungs. I was running from a young hunter he was not short but definitely not tall. His eyes were a crystal blue and his hair reminded me of ebers, his skin a cream color he dressed from head to toe in black.

"Nighean faigh do asal air ais an seo! Loisgidh sibhse a choisicheas an oidhche. Thionndaidh thu do chùl ri Dia agus mar sin thèid do pheanasachadh. Cuiridh mi air ais thu gu slocan ifrinn far am buin thu." The male yelled as stakes flew past me hitting trees.  I feel my legs about to give so fighting hime seems to be the only option at this point. In moments I had him pinned beneath me. He was struggling to move for his weapons. I smell his blood it was tempting and I wanted it. I couldn't stop myself the hunger was just to much. He begged me not to turn him but I couldn't let him die. I made him drink my blood and made him family. The possess is long so had time to remove his weapons. Dragging him threw the snow to a near by root cave. Resting him on the soft sand waiting for him to wake. Gently brushing some hair out of his face I whispered. "Mo mhac tha an t-àm aige dhut dùsgadh. Feumaidh sinn do ghluasad gu àite nas sàbhailte." His eyes flutter open looking at me like a child would his mother. "Come now my son its time to go." I said helping him up. He followed holding onto me the farm house was quiet. "Jackson one of the blood backs quickly." I yelled a small blonde haired boy came to the living room. "Arrow honey go get your father." The boy ran out the room and moments later Jackson came in a small black hair girl sitting on his shoulders. "What happened and why is that in our living room?" Jackson hissed at me fearing for not only our but the children's lives. "Jackson he is one of us now. It will take some getting used to but with you getting ready to hibernate we need more hands." I said before helping the young man drink. When he got the strength to move and drink on his own he did. He looked at me sad but he just didn't speak. I know what he is feeling and wants to say but he cant bring himself to.  "So want to tell me your name son?" I asked gently placing my hand on his shoulder. "My name is James alinton Frederickson. I was born to a family of hunters. Now look at me a filthy blood sucking vampire. I should kill you and end my suffering. At least I die doing what I was made for." He spoke with a thick Scottish accent. I stood infront of him handing him the stake. When he gose to plunge it in he started struggling. He looked at me with fear sitting back down. "You can't kill me because I made you. I am your master and you my fledgling from now to eternity you are mine. The fledglings you created will also have no choice but to listen to me. As far as your concerned I am god and have the power to do with yo as I see fit." I said taking the stake from him. "Tomorrow we are going to school so be ready by sun up." I growl  before leaving the room Jackson followed. Our daughter Naserah sat with the fledgling. She was way to fearless for her own good. What I didn't see was the dynamic that followed after.