
Chapter 59: Abnormal Day

~Echidna POV~


That takes care of Ruby's weapon of transferring over to her yesterday now I get some free time to relax after helping the staff out.

I swear the knowledge in this world has been the best I had ever since my imprisonment in my own world.

Albeit I was unmoral to the core and unfeeling but whatever.

I'm a changed Witch I tell you.

Currently, I'm in the hall room on the couch lazing around reading the history of the Empire while I read through this world's growth.

I already gave Peridot the remaining time to train her magic the same with Pearl, but I have Beatrice keep an eye on the two.

Never know what's going to happen.

As I was reading Tatsumi is also busy with the Nobles again as they try to bribe them or worse actually try to threaten him…


Oh man, that is a good joke now isn't that right!

Those people lack any real force behind them only the pretenses of money and numbers would be enough to make them realize that won't be enough to deal with Tatsumi.

And the sole reason he even goes to those meetings with the Nobles is to keep his end of the bargain with Night Raid to inform them what the Nobel plan to do.

But otherwise his more than strong enough to defeat the Empire after all with his power he can literally create an army of monsters to destroy this place.

I guess he has a morality of letting these people live and fight for themselves since he doesn't want to rob them of the right to change things on their own if he did the people would come to rely on him than themselves.

Maybe that is why he doesn't end it yet?

That or he doesn't want the extra work.


Maybe the latter.

Although learning the Empire history is certainly fascinating, I think it's about time for some fresh air I suppose.

Getting up and grabbing some gold coins from my bag I told my guards and staff I would leave for a bit to the streets of the Empire they complied.

After that, I was getting off on my way seeing how this place compares to my world in some ways.

Observing the area, I see that depression is the same as in any other country or Kingdom…

A failing Kingdom…

I simply can't wrap my head around myself that some people would let a child take the throne much more or less be this blatantly be this corrupted in this world.

Truly wasteful people as far as I'm concern.

They have all of this technology and creativity, but they can't use it for the betterment of their Kingdom is simply so frustrating!!

These people are stupid I say stupid!


No use pouting in frustration about it as I was walking around the Empire a bit that was when I noticed a member of Night Raid walking around as I see Leone here.

Leone noticed my appearance as she manages to come towards me as she wraps her arm around me as she says to me in a cheerful tone, "Hey there Echidna! How's it hanging!"

Using my unseen hands, I made sure not to get rob by this woman.

No way I'm losing my money to her.

But I simply reply to Leone in a welcoming matter as I spoke to her, "Hello again Leone I see that you are doing fine today so what are you up to?"

Leone then gave me a playful smirk as she happily replies to me, "Easy I'm doing some info gathering around the Empire you see I go around seeing if any of the people have some jobs for me to do?"

Well, that makes sense after all they are assassins…


A thought just occurred to me I don't think me and Tatsumi has actually taken care of the people of the Enthusiasts of the Capital ever since we save those girls haven't, we?

I guess we were too busy with other things that we forgot.


But then again Leone is here at the moment looking for work plus I don't think I need to buy anything with Tatsumi creating some literal gems to sell to the people so it would be some good to pay for their work.

Placing my finger to my chin I ask Leone a request since she is looking for work, "Well then if you are looking for a job how about I give you one instead since me and Tatsumi seem to overlook a group causing some problems."

Leone hearing this stops with a cheerful demeanor as she told me to talk in private to which I agreed.

Afterward, she took me to a secluded spot she knows in the Empire in an alleyway to discuss in detail my request.

When we had some quiet place Leone then asks me in a serious tone, "Alright then Echidna what job did you and Tatsumi overlook that you need us for?"

Placing my hands together in a playful manner I told her what the job entails, "Alright what I need from you is to assassinate a group of people calling themselves the Enthusiasts of the Capital."

Leone then places her hand on her chin as she thinks about my offer then she asks me curiously this time about the people in question, "Very well but can you tell us why you want these people dead not that I'm insinuating anything but we only kill corrupt and evil people?"

Smiling at this I knew this group of assassins did have a purpose after all as I told her what they did that got her attention, "Simple. The Enthusiasts of the Capital were a group of men who bought small girls from poor villages to break them down after seeing their happiest faces. At some point, they worked with a slave broker named Bach. We already killed Bach when we recruited the girls Val, Air, and Luna to work with us they can verify my claims if you wish."

Leone simply shakes her head no as she then tells me in an honest voice, "No need I can tell from your heartbeat that you were an honest plus, now Night Raid has a big job to do killing all those dirty bastards to pieces!"

That is one way to motivate someone.

With that, I hand over the bag of gold coins to her as we both got away from the alleyway as we enter the main street of the Empire Capital.

As we finally got out Leone then asked me an offer in a cheerful manner, "Say Echidna I was wondering if I could come to your place for a bit to collect the info from Tatsumi about you know the Nobel asshats?"

I nodded for her to come over after all they do come around time to time to collect information or to mooch off for the free food but not a problem.

With that, we both started to head our way to Tatsumi's home but that was when I finally view the plaza is filled with…

Looking in shock I didn't expect to see anyone crucified here and dead.

Leone glancing towards me in confusion soon realized where I was viewing till she told me in a sad tone, "That's what happens to the people of the Empire for speaking back this is truly disgusting…"

Glancing at this are the people here truly idiots?

Maybe so…

I have had corrupt people before in my world, but they were never this showing for their misdeeds to this degree…

People here have no meaning of life or rather no true purpose of morals at all if that is the case.

I didn't reply to Leone's answer as we both left the area of this place even if I were to heal these people now the Empire would simply get to be an annoying pest to deal with on a basis.




Using my unseen hands from afar I managed to destroy their constraints being made to crucified them and add a little touch of [Water Magic] into my hands to heal them at least they won't be desecrated like this.

Even though it won't help them much doesn't mean they should go out like corpses.


Damn that Tatsumi…

Making me feel again while I don't like the situation it does make me feel what are the words… Satisfied? Happy? Overjoyed?

Or something else altogether?

Leone glances over to me then to the plaza as everyone is surprised as she says to me in a kind tone, "You know you sure a nice kind to help them like that even if they were already dead at least you have them their dignity."

Glancing over to Leone I simply reply to her, "No I simply did it because… I wanted to. You are reading into this too much."

I kept on walking away to Tatsumi home as Leone smirked at me as she says to me, "Sure you do~"

Like I said before she is reading into me too much I did it because I felt like it and nothing else…