
DC/Young Justice: Colors

Benjamin David spent half his days in a hospital bed, dying alone in what had become a colorless world without notice. But his time didn’t end as expected. Now, he suddenly woke up in another place. A strange universe where people dress as bats, aliens wear underwear outside their pants, and gods/immortals roam among men. Will his world continue to forever remain only a bleak black, gray, and white? Can he learn that color can be found in even the most unexpected of places? After all, we live in a rainbow of chaos called life. ------------------ Current Days of Upload: Sunday (Indefinitely, I hope) Personal Rating: M+ (Language is censored for my own preferences, but scenes of violence, blood, and death may be present.) ------------------ What to expect from this story... -Slightly Slow-Paced -Slightly Slice of Life -Action, Adventure, Mystery and Discovery (DC began by standing for "Detective Comics" before anything else, and I wish to stand by that origin if possible.) -Slow Power Increase (Strong to Stronger. Come on... it's a high-tiered world. He's got to be strong eventually.) -One Single Female Lead (NOT AN OC! She will be from either Young Justice or DC. I can't satisfy everyone, so don't give me ideas or get your hopes up! Romance will be later in the story.) ------------------ Hey it's the author here. I just wanted to speak to everyone regarding my fanfic. I first tried my hand at a novel due to my love for the hobby known as writing. Didn't go so well if you notice by scrolling to the bottom… As such, I decided to try writing some fanfics instead to improve my skill and bring to life these different ideas that came into my head. I'm starting with this fic right here, inspired by many other DC and Marvel stories. In this novel the MC will have no knowledge of the universe and its inhabitants. He only knows that he is in the DC Universe thanks to his powers. Other than that, he's in the dark as to what kind of place it is. Obviously I can't do this alone, and every bit of support goes a long way. I have managed to put up a Patreon for if someone wants to give me ideas or share my burden. Currently, you can read up to three chapters ahead over there. I want to bring the best possible quality content for everyone, and if I can make some money on the side, why not? Other than the prologue, the first 4 chapters are wonkey in word count, but they're between 4-8 thousand words each. At chapter 5, you'll be getting regular updates with a minimum of 8 thousand words or more. As I said, quality is important, but I'm not perfect. Even though I constantly review the chapters and put them through Grammarly or what not, THERE WILL BE MISTAKES. I can't guarantee to fix every single one of them, but if I accidentally right a huge plot hole or something, please let me know. Burn out is a real thing, and if I have to constantly go back to fix every single little detail, I'll eventually blow a fuse. Your support means the world to me, and I wish to go as far as possible with this story. Thanks! patreon.com/Geo_Ruler ------------------ Note: This is an AU (Alternate Universe) of my design with tweaks to Young Justice, DC Comics, and any other relevant DC works. Disclaimer: I do not own DC, Young Justice, nor any mention towards already owned and existing works, ideas, or other characters. I only own my OC and other certain elements. (Cover is AI generated.)

Geo_Ruler · アニメ&漫画
29 Chs

Chapter 14: Mixed Meetings

What's up my peeps! It's your dude Geo_Ruler here, back at you with another chapter!

I honestly didn't expect to get this far at first with this book, but I think I'm doing really great so far. It's just the start that was shaky so far.

With this chapter, we've made it to the last big time-skip for the foreseeable future. After this, our MC will be staying around 2008 and 2009 before we transition over to the "plot" in 2010.

Again. When I say "Plot", I mean it won't be completely similar to what you're thinking. I've already dropped hints regarding the differences I'm going for, and the real action begins in the next couple of weeks, starting from the next chapter.

Yes... we've finally arrived at the very first story arc!

I don't want to toot my own horn, but I like to think that things are going great with the story arc right now! Just ask my trusty Patreons, they seem to like it so far!

And speaking of Patreons... I actually got a great amount of support this week in the form of six of you guys! A big shoutout to @Nig-chu_, @War Wolfsaga, @Alex Delgado, @Victoria Aitken, @Mac Manada, and @Yaya Franklin!

Now just a reminder for you guys, even though this chapter is a time-skip, I'm not doing any flashbacks or anything like that. I promised that I won't be doing that unless necessary, and so far I'm sticking by that.

I'm starting to realize that one major mistake I made in the beginning chapters is just summarizing things for people to know what's going on instead of just letting it flow, allowing you guys to figure out what went on yourselves.

For example, instead of just outright saying "Ben was staying with Selina for 2 months", I could've taken a few chapters to transition between him suddenly living with her four months later, slowly revealing what happened in that time through dialogue or discoveries, before sending him off to Bruce and meeting Dick.

Just something to learn from.

Alright, enough ranting. Chapter time!


Date: August 4, 2008

Location: Washington, D.C., Hall of Justice

Time: 11:52 A.M.

"Good morning everyone! This is Cat Grant from GBS News, and we're currently with you live here at the Hall of Justice, headquarters of the Justice League! Today, we're going to be introduced to the newest lineup of heroes that will be shown out here in just a couple of minutes."

Inside one of the Hall of Justice's private rooms relaxing were Ben, Dick, and Zatanna, viewing the news reports for today on the room's center monitor.

Accompanying them at their feet were Kenzo and Wyle in their true forms.

"What took you guys so long to arrive?" Zatanna asked the two brothers quizzically.

As opposed to her casual garments, the two were still in gear, having only arrived a few minutes ago.

"We were… helping Batman trace a new lead on Joker." Dick answered, causing her eyes to widen.

Recently, a close childhood friend of Bruce's had just died, all the evidence pointing to Joker having done the deed.

Except, the clown was still missing.

So, their lead failed.

Ben's eyes briefly flashed bright yellow. 'I'm worried about him.'

Bruce had been cooped up in the Batcave a lot more often for the last year, refusing to leave at any of their behests.

Although he didn't really drift apart from them and tried his best to still be around, he wasn't in the best headspace.

That was only made worse by the loss of such a close friend, so they all tried to encourage him not to come in for today's event.

As one of the main faces of the League, however, Bruce needed to be present.

Although worry for the man was one part, Dick was also still extremely excited at the chance to watch the acceptance ceremony up close.

For Ben, his father's health was most important. The ceremony was pointless for all he cared.

"Do you think my dad will be ok being on the League as the only magic user?" Zatanna bit her thumbnail, changing the topic after sensing the mood brought up.

Ben took a glance at her.

'Is she serious?'

-Like a heart attack.-

She was here to show her support since apparently her dad was being accepted.

One thing Ben's learned to acknowledge is that she's a rebel at heart, always going against her mom and dad's instructions in both direct and subtle ways.

But deep inside, she still somehow worries about her family at the weirdest times.

"I wouldn't think too much." Dick casually commented. "Technically, with your dad joining, the League has three magic users they can rely on if needed. You and your mom are counted by extension in case of emergency."

Zatanna's eyebrows rose. "Wow. I didn't even think of that."

"Well, I AM supposed to be a detective." Dick chuckled.

She gave him the stink eye.

"Well, this was some of your sloppiest work yet, 'detective'." Ben chided to the two's momentary surprise. "Shazam is also technically a magic user."

"Damn." Dick muttered as Zatanna laughed.

As they shared some more witty banter for a bit, Ben suddenly turned his head towards the door.

'Seems we have a good amount of company.'

A gust of wind picked up inside the room, causing Dick and Zatana to yelp at the abruptness.

A blur rapidly circled the place before settling back next to Flash who sighed as he entered at the same moment.

"Man! I was expecting some super secret high tech lair, not a slightly comfier room." a bright and cheery voice complained.

A quick glance showed everyone a kid dressed in a predominantly yellow costume with red pants, color opposite of the hero he was standing next to.

Aquaman only chuckled at the kid, while Oliver replied in an amused manner. "Well sorry to ruffle your feathers, but if we did have something like that then it wouldn't be considered secret if we just showed it to you right away, would it?"

The nearby Will turned towards Dick and Ben raising his hand for a greeting. "Hey guys, how've you been hanging?"

Dick grinned as he went up for a handshake. "Dude! You wouldn't believe how busy we've been these last few months! There was some guy called Riddler a while ago who tried making Gotham his playground for a few weeks, then there was…"

While Dick and Will got lost in their own conversation, a young dark skinned man with blond hair and gills on his neck was standing next to Aquaman in a calm fashion as he surveyed the room, doing a double take when he saw Ben.

'What's he so surprised for?' Ben wondered when he noticed.

'Oh wait.' Ben took a glance at Kenzo sitting near him and Wyle on his lap.

'Right. These guys.'

Apparently the Atlantean wasn't the only curious one as the speedy kid from earlier zipped right up to Ben and started chattering away. "Wow dude! Neat pets! What kind of experiment did they come out of? This lion get struck by a bolt of lightning too?"

Kenzo growled, rising to tower over the kid.

In the time that passed, Kenzo could already be considered having finished his growth phase into becoming an adult.

His black stripes stood out on his white colored fur, while his gorgeous yet untamed short mane gave him the wild edge a king of beasts needed.

Alongside his stature and bodily growth was his equally matured intelligence.

To him, he found the kid's spoken words to be an insult.

No mere bolt of lightning could ever hope to harm him.

"His name is Kenzo, and he is in fact an extremely intelligent liger." responded Ben calmly, while Wyle watched on from his lap in amusement. "Not to mention, he is not an experiment but a magical familiar."

The kid's excited face turned bored faster than his earlier speed.

"Oh, you're one of THOSE people." he commented, beginning to completely ignore Ben.

Dick, Will and the dark skinned Atlantean boy frowned at his words, while Zatanna became confused.

"Who exactly are 'THOSE' people?" she asked, only for the kid to zip in front of her with a 'charming' smile on his face.

"Oh, you know babe. The kind of guys who believe in that 'hocus pocus', 'open sesame!' and 'Abra cadabra!' kind of stuff. Nonsense magic believers basically."

Zatanna boggled at his words alongside the Atlantean kid, William and Dick frowning hard.

"Kid Flash we talked about this." Flash groaned in exasperation. "Magic is real, and it's rude to tell people who use it otherwise. Especially to their faces."

The newly identified Kid Flash just dismissed his mentor with a shake of his head. "Yeah yeah. Whatever floats your boat."

Ben started patting Kenzo's back in order to calm him down.

Every new word coming out of Kid Flash's mouth served to further enforce the liger's idea of just biting his head off.

While Ben wasn't paying attention, however, a glint flashed through Wyle's eyes as he jumped and fired a beam from his antlers.

"Uh-oh." Ben muttered.

Before anyone could react, the beam of light collided with Kid Flash.

As the resulting glow died down, Kid Flash looked himself over, not noticing anything having happened.

*QUACK QUACK* (Hey! What was that for?)

Pausing, Kid Flash looked around the room to find everyone but Ben gaping at him.

*QUACK QUACK* (What's wrong?)

The horror only registered after the second time he heard the noises he was making, Kid Flash's eyes becoming crossed downwards as he felt around his mouth.

He had a beak on his face.

He started quacking in nervousness and horror, Dick having to cover his mouth with a red face and not burst out laughing due to everyone else keeping a stoic one.

"You okay Kid?" Flash ran up to him.


"Uh, what just happened?" Ollie questioned with a bewildered look.

"He's getting to experience what it feels like to be Daffy and Donald Duck." Will helpfully informed his mentor.

Dick let out a snort before being elbowed by Zatanna, now similarly struggling to stay in check.

"Fascinating." Aquaman rubbed his beard. "This is an extremely high level in the illusion arts."

His comment had heads turn back towards Wyle who already jumped back into Ben's lap.

"Don't blame me. Did you just expect them to let your insults slide?"

"Now unless you can convince Wyle, brute force the spell's power, or just dispel it, his mouth won't turn back to normal for the rest of the day."

"If I may ask, what manner of magical species is this 'Wyle'?" the dark skinned Atlantean asked politely.

Ben comically tilted his head. "Maybe after introducing yourself I'll tell you."

"I apologize for my lack of manners. My name is Kaldur'ahm, but you may call me Aqualad." he spoke with a slight bow and reached for a handshake.

"Nice to meet you Aqualad, my name i-"

"Wildcard, yes. I have heard and read much about you. You've done some good in your time as a hero, especially with the Joker incident two years ago. I thank you for saving my king during those trying hours." he spoke with a genuine bow this time and a slight smile.

Ben's pupils flashed ivory and amethyst in both curiosity and appreciation towards Kaldur's attitude.

'Calm, soft-spoken, clear-headed…'

-Practically the opposite of that Kid Flash's personality.-.

He just nodded his head. "It was no problem. It's part of the job."

Kid Flash seemed to recognize something, as he quacked in response to their conversation.

"What did he say?" asked Flash in confusion.

"He said, 'Can someone help me turn back now. I don't want to eat weeds for the rest of my life.'."

Ben shrugged at their surprise gazes. "I can easily translate his emotions into verbal form."

His practice was finally paying off.

"Evomer eht lleps tceffe!" Zatanna chanted.

The beak simply popped to everyone's surprise.

Kid Flash double checked it was gone before grinning. "While I have no idea what just happened, thanks beautiful." he sent her a wink.

Zatanna looked at him in annoyance. "It's magic as you were already told. I am a Logomancer, a magici-."

Ben interrupted her, "One moment."

At her look for an explanation, he clarified. "Sorry, you can continue. His disbelief towards magic made me double check with ESAMAL if he signed the contract."

"How did you know I signed a contract?" the young speedster voiced out loud.

"I created the contract, and can communicate with its enforcer to know all of those who signed it and are currently abiding by the agreements and regulations. As I have just met the two of you, I do not wish to give out sensitive information without being sure that the proper protections are in place. Forgive me."

"Please! You're telling me that was a magical contract? Flash just told me it was an agreement we had to carry out as superheroes." he scoffed, only for Flash to sigh and shake his head.

"You only signed it after I said that since you didn't believe me the first time."

Ignoring the banter between the kid and his mentor, Ben opted to look towards the other two pairs of heroes and proteges for the moment.

"I'm sorry, I forgot to answer your question earlier." he addressed Kaldur. "Wyle is a Jackalope, while Kenzo is a liger of the Baihu and Nemean Lion lineage."

Kaldur was stunned at the explanation, with Aquaman becoming surprised. "I had heard of their parentage from Batman and Giovanni, but I hadn't believed it fully until now. What of the Cerberus?"

"You actually believe that this guy has a Cerberus?" Kid Flash asked with widened eyes.

"Brutus is at home since he was asleep by the time I left with Robin and Batman. However, I can summon him now." Ben responded.

Not even waiting for a response, he raised his palm to show a red colored ball of energy being held within, throwing it to the side of the room and chanting.

"Nota Vocare, 'Brutus'." (Summon Familiar, Brutus)

Accompanied by fire and darkness, a howl resounded as Brutus jumped out of the parted earth.

"This is Brutus." Ben introduced to everyone as the ground "magically" stitched itself back together.

"Yeah." Kid Flash scoffed in return. "Because last time I checked, this doberman was totally a Cerberus."

'...Did he not register the part where it came out of the ground?'

-Apparently not.-

Zatanna was the first to become fed up.

"What's your problem?" she snapped. "All you've done is question and accuse us of lying or making stuff up ever since you got here."

Before he could respond, Kid was forced to yelp due to a growling Brutus who undid his illusion.

While everyone was stunned at the change from one head to three, Brutus took the opportunity to roar in Kid Flash's face.

Ben had to go up and start placating the hellhound before he ended what Kenzo tried to start.

"I've just received word that the Justice League will be out any minute alongside their newest recruits." the sudden voice of Cat Grant came on the monitor.

Flash shared nods with Green Arrow and Aquaman as he heard that.

"Alright that's our queue. Kid. Stay here and stay out of trouble. Got it?" Flash emphasized, receiving a reluctant nod in return.

After the three older heroes made their way out of the room, Ben gave Dick a look, passing on a silent message.

"Now that the grown ups are out to play, why don't we introduce ourselves again?" Dick grinned.

Zatanna snorted as she glared at Kid Flash. "Last time I checked, some of us didn't even properly introduce themselves before they started running around like they own the place."

Kid looked sideways and started whistling.

Kaldur interjected. "I don't mind introducing myself again. My name is Kaldur'ahm, or you can also call me Kaldur. I work beside my king going by the name Aqualad."

While the Atlantean's words managed to defuse the atmosphere, Kid still seemed unsure as he started vibrating in place, Cerberus slobber flying off him.

His reaction was probably due to how he wasn't really meshing well with everyone as he first thought.

Ben signaled Zatanna with his eyes.

"Fine. I'm sorry for earlier. My name's Zatanna Zatara and my dad's going to be joining the League today. I'm here to spectate." she explained, smiling at Will and Kaldur before giving Kid Flash a look that screamed 'Now you know why I'm pissed'.

Well, Kid was oblivious to that, turning gears on his earlier mood real quick in favor of zooming back up to her.

"Nice to meet ya babe. I'm Kid Flash! If the name didn't clue you in or you weren't paying proper attention, I'm the fastest kid on the planet. But for limited time only, you get to call me by my name, Wally West." he waggled his brows.

Her look of obvious disgust had Dick shaking with laughter, drawing all eyes on him.

"That's not how you do it. Watch and learn." he motioned.

He turned his back to everyone in the room with his cape covering him, smoke filling every corner.

"Ladies and gentlemen! We have an exciting guest here before you all today. So let's show our appreciation for him with a nice round of applause. Give it up for the one, the only… Robin! The Boy Wonder!"

Everyone turned to his voice in surprise and confusion as to how he got on top of the armchair behind them, posing with hands on his hips and a huge grin on his face.

Ben's irises were gold yellow.

'Always one for dramatic flair. Why must I always put up with this?'

-Cause your a stand up guy pal!-

"Now that's how you make an introduction." Dick said to Kid Flash's amazement. "I'll give you the name under the mask later. Wouldn't want to spoil the mystery so soon."

Ben just sighed at that as he nodded his head to Dick's look.

He still didn't see the need for secret identities among peers as it will come out sooner than later. But, he'll respect his brother's wishes.

He's probably just a bit more paranoid than usual.

Will crossed his arms as he leaned on the wall. "Roy Harper, codename Speedy. I work with Green Arrow in Star City."

Due to their previous discoveries, everyone on the League had already decided that Will would continue playing as the real Roy Harper until they found him, or else they would run the risk of whoever was in the dark figuring out that they were onto them.

"I'm Wildcard. I usually work with Batman and Robin in Gotham. I would give you my name, but since Robin wants to wait, I'll go along with him."

"I feel like 'Mr. Surprise' would've been a better hero name." Wally muttered under his breath.

"Speak for yourself, Candycorn." Will obviously heard him and rebutted.

He continued only after seeing Wally's look of embarrassment. "Since you two are a bit new, you can ask us if you need help or advice with this whole hero gig."

"Although I haven't been in the field as much as these three, I still got some experience from when I help out my dad." continued Zatanna as she pointed at Will, Ben, and Dick.

Aqualad addressed the three at those words. "May I ask how long you've all been working alongside your mentors?"

Dick and Will glanced at each other then looked at Ben before Will signaled Dick.

"I've been at it for around two years now, Will's got one, and Wildcard's got three. He has the most experience out of all of us."

"I don't buy it." Wally remarked incredulously. "You're telling me poser here is the big shot in the room? You can't seriously believe that?"

"And they're here folks! We have the whole Justice League assembled here today, ready to welcome their newest members."

Everyone ignored him in favor of focusing their attention on the monitor where the entire League was finally present to introduce their newest members.

Ben received an alert on his earpiece as Wonder Woman walked up to the podium.

"Sir, are you there?" came Aflred's unmistakable accent.

"Yes Penny-One, what's up?"

Dick noticed Ben's minor distraction as he glanced over at him, Aqualad following a moment later.

'Impressive level of detail towards his surroundings.' Ben took note of the Atlantean.

"I'm afraid that since Batman is away, Firefly has decided to make use of the opportunity to come out and play himself. He's currently held up inside Gotham City National Bank, having failed in robbing the place after torching the surroundings. He's now threatening officers to allow him to retreat lest he set off a cache of Fear-Gas as ransom."

Surprisingly, without conscious effort, that caused Ben to crease his brows in perplexion.

Although an exception happened once in a while, Gotham villains still preferred to commit their crimes during the night.

Even if it seemed counterintuitive to do so since that was when him, Dick, and Bruce were active, these guys seemed to have formed a complex rivalry with them. Instead of the villains actively distancing themselves from the heroes of justice, they were always trying to run towards them instead, actively wanting to encounter Ben and the rest in order to get one up on them.

"Any idea how he got a cache of Fear-Gas?"

Scarecrow has been missing for a while after the last prison break in Arkham Asylum, so this could be the latest tip needed to find him.

"I'm afraid that would be a negative sir." Alfred denied.

"We'll investigate it later then. I'll go to intercept him while you inform whoever is leading the GCPD officers there about my arrival."

As he hung up, he started making for the door before Dick walked in front of him.

"I'm coming too." he smirked, causing heads to turn.

"Um where are we going again?" Wally creased his brows. "I thought we were staying here like our mentors said and watching the obviously important ceremony?"

"More like your mentor." Zatanna pointed out to the kid's annoyance.

Ben's squinted behind his mask, sky-blue and lemon yellow irises piercingly digging into his brother while he addressed Wally. "Like you said, you're staying her. Robin seemed to have forgotten our agreement on not hacking each other's comms."

While feeling sheepish, Dick still chose to stand firm. "Come on. You could use some backup, and it's not like Batman will be mad if we left for an emergency like this."

Wally zipped up next to Dick, excitement radiating . "Yeah! I always wanted to go to Gotham, this could be the perfect excuse!"

"Wait." Wally paused for a moment as he rubbed his chin for a second.

"The emergency is in Gotham right…?" he whispered as an afterthought back to Will.

"Yup, a bank heist being carried out by Firefly right now." Dick picked up on it and informed with a grin, causing everyone's eyes to shine slightly.

Ben scanned the room, the place now being drowned by a combined eagerness.

"Look. I have nothing against working together. I even encourage it. However, I can't take you all with me right now. Your mentors expect you to stay here, while I already have express permission to cover for Batman today."


"You've been banned from solo missions or ones without him present." Ben interrupted Dick.


"No more ifs, ands, or buts about it." Ben also cut off Zatanna. "Your father will have my head if you go."

"Facts are that I will be taking Wyle with me, leaving Brutus and Kenzo behind for you guys to watch over. Next time, and with your mentor's permission, we can go together. End of discussion."

Finished with his words, Wyle darted over to Ben and perched onto his shoulder while waving goodbye as they made their way out of the room.

"Who went and made him king?" Wally grumbled.

Kaldur turned to him with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, no offense to his highness Aquaman." Wally fumbled for a reply. "He was actually made king."

"Smooth Romeo." Will smiled.

"You're not as fast with your mouth, are you?" Dick quipped.


Kaldur just crossed his arms as he brought the focus back on topic. "I must admit. Wildcard makes a compelling argument."

"Yeah, but we're going anyway." Zatanna smirked.

"There's that rebel heart! I can't tell if you've been like this your whole life, or we rubbed off on you." Dick similarly smiled.

"What can I say? You guys managed to bring out the best in me. I'm the rebel, you're the bratty kid brother, and 'Mr. Surprise' is the responsible older one that tries and fails to tone us down most of the time."

"And as annoying as you can be by the way," she smiled at the speedster. "I'm soooo using that nickname against him."

"Wait." Wally perked up. "So we're going even though we just agreed not to do exactly that?" he tried to clarify.

"Yeeeeeeep." Will drawled.

"This isn't a good idea." Kaldur considered hesitantly.

"Come on man! All we're doing saving the day while happening to somehow, coincidentally, be in the same area. Not like we're taking his gig away or anything like that." Wally tried enticing the Atlantean.

"I'm going either way." Will grimly determined. "Green Arrow doesn't get to decide my life for me."

Kaldur passed his gaze over the room as he delayed for a few more moments, expectant looks gazing back.

"Very well." he reluctantly agreed.

Dick and Zatanna passed high fives at each other while Wally and Will fist bumped.

They ended up becoming startled due to sudden growling.

They turned to find Kenzo and Brutus still sitting in front of the door, the former even looking at them in disdain.

"Oh damn it!" Dick groaned. "Now I know why he left them here. He wanted them to watch us instead of the other way around."

"So what? Your telling me…" Wally pointed at the two familairs "...that we can't deal with a dog and cat?"

Kenzo and Brutus growled once more, glowing blue and red fire flaring slightly from their single/multi mouths.

"Um… forget I said anything." he gulped.

Zatanna ignored his antics in favor of moving to crouch in front of the two.

"Kenzo, Brutus, why don't we work together? You guys can come with us and help in the field, and we'll take the blame if your held accountable later. Not to mention, doesn't it feel unfair that Wyle gets to have all the fun with Wildcard alone?"

The two familiars glanced at each other, with Kenzo meowing something at Brutus who was constantly shaking his head at the mixed breed.

A couple of grunts, moderately loud roars, and barks later, Brutus ended up reluctantly nodding his head as they both got up and stood next to Zatanna.

"That actually worked?" questioned a stunned Wally, Kaldur and Will mimicking his reaction.

"What part of 'intelligent' don't you get?" Dick exhaled, Kenzo and Brutus nodding in agreement as they glared at the young speedster.

Wally put his hands up. "Alright alright, I'll treat you with more respect. My bad!"

Zatanna had an evil grin on her face. "Smart choice. Kenzo has a form of super speed, so he hasn't had much fun on his hunts recently."

His face paled.

"Uhm, which bank did you say we were going to again?"


Date: August 4, 2008

Location: Downtown Gotham City, New Jersey, Diamond District, Gotham City National Bank

Time: 12:19 P.M.

"This is the last warning we will be giving you! Immediately release the hostages and a deal can still be struck!"

A young woman with a megaphone in hand was facing off in front of a huge set of double doors, peering in at one of the nearby windows.

A line of GCPD officers could be seen standing at her back, creating a cordoned off area that prevented spectating civillians from drawing any closer.

'Why can't this city ever give me a break.'

Renee Montoya was still new to this job, and was therefore sometimes unable to keep up with this place's hecticness.

In a city like Gotham, you had to start from the bottom if you wanted to earn your peers respect since most of them had to do the same.

Plus, starting straight from the top was an easy way to paint a target on your back right before ending up dead.

Everyone in this city was wary of foreigners from other states, especially the rich.

'At least the Bat isn't alone on that front.'

After realizing the truth of how to succeed here, she first painted herself to look like a fish in water among the rest of the school, blending with them in order to bide her time until she showed her true self...

A shark out for blood.

Waiting was no problem for her. It would only let her get a better lay of the land. She was no slacker.

She spent months collaring perp after perp, before eventually getting promoted by Commissioner Gordon himself around June.

Detective Montoya had a nice ring to it.

And just like with most promotions, there was an increase in workload.

Again, she was no slacker. But sometimes, she just wished that this city could stay quiet for one night.

As she recently learned while becoming one of the chief's confidants, being promoted means working often alongside the city's heavy hitters.

Gotham's resident heroes, Batman and his strange sidekick family.

She can't remember how many times she had to solve a big case involving a super criminal escaping prison, trying to bomb City Hall, or steal ammunition from the docks.

And she did it all alongside the city's heroes.

She had to admit though, they brought crime down a lot more than she ever thought.

Without them, she didn't think the city could take that kind of constant chaos.

As she came out of her thoughts, she heard a gravely voice echo from one of the bank's windows.

"Last warning you say?" a hardened bored voice echoed from the bank's windows. "Do tell what you'll do if I don't obey? Charge in? Last time I checked, I still have the switch separating these good little piggies from a life of fear and torture. Not to mention roasting them if I get bored."

Having a headache at figuring out how to continue talking down this mad man, Renee yelped as a hand tapped on her shoulder.

"I apologize for startling you Detective. I came as soon as I heard of the situation." came the calm tone.

Wildcard, a man she found to be the strangest of the hero lot in this city.

You'd think Batman would constantly take charge of the others when in action, being the only one to give orders.

Yet, whenever this playing card spoke up, people like the Commissioner and Batman would end up putting their entire attention towards his thoughts.

She's learned that the Bat was a distrustful guy, always questioning those around him and refusing to heed the advice of others unless needed.

'Does he ever question himself too?' was a thought that refused to stop bugging her ever since the first time she met the Dark Knight.

Even Gordon admitted one time to her that the guy doesn't usually tell him much, preferring to keep him in the dark on certain matters unless absolutely necessary.

But in the case of Wildcard, he's almost always listening to the kid.

"I hate it when you guys do that." she snarled. "While I appreciate you being here, what about Batman?"

"It seems you aren't caught up with today's news. He's currently caught up in an important Justice League event."

"Dammit." she sighed. "No offense, but I have no prior experience of seeing your combat skills in action when alone. Do you think you can deal with Firefly?"

"Yes." he nodded. "Although I'm confident, I know that isn't enough to reassure you. So a few steps on your part would serve well to distract him, make my job easier, and also put you at slight ease. Here's what we'll do."

While Ben and Renee were discussing their plan with each other for a couple of minutes, a group of five kids and two strange animals were leaning on a rooftop across from the front of the bank.

"I can't believe you guys wouldn't let me run ahead. The *Blank* has nothing on me." Wally huffed.

Kaldur looked at him strangely since part of his words seemed to just cut out before continuing, Wally himself also becoming confused at the phenomenon.

"Do we constantly need to remind people about the contract?" Zatanna groaned at Dick.

"Yup." he replied as he turned back to the two clueless guys.

"You guys are gonna have to be less direct about those secrets in public. Like how I know you were praising the private tunnels. They sure do make going from point A to B easy. Especially for us regular folk." he smirked.

His words translated to, 'Zeta Tubes are much better than speedsters.'

"Still don't believe in magic?" Zatanna tacked on snarkily, showing off an outfit similar to her fathers, having changed out of her casual ones somehow on the way here.

Wally's fists clenched as he opened his mouth to no doubt start arguing again.

"Let's save this discussion for later." Kaldur halted the incoming storm.

Will was ignoring the confrontations as he scouted the area. "At least we didn't miss any of the action."

"Yes. Wildcard seems to have just arrived and is still in the midst of discussing a plan of action with the leading officer." Kaldur observed.

"Psh. Who needs a plan? I can just zoom in there and take out the bad guy before he could even blink!"

Dick held the boy's shoulder tightly before he could speed off.

"Not how we do things here. If we go in without a plan, the whole building could erupt with Fear-Gas, running risk of the people trapped inside having a possible heart attack based on the dosage."

That seemed to sober everyone up real quick, Wally not so sure anymore on what to do.

"Dude! I thought we were dealing with Firefly, a known arsonist. How did Fear-Gas become part of the equation?"

"Did I forget to mention that part?" Dick rubbed his neck.

Zatanna glared at him. "Yes. You did."

"Perhaps it was a mistake for us to have come." spoke Kaldur after a couple of moments of silence as the magnitude of the situation finally settled in for everyone. "Wildcard clearly has the situation under control."

True to his words, they watched as Ben began sneaking up to an out of view window and quietly signal to Wyle on his shoulder.

The familiar quickly blasted them with a beam from his antlers, causing them to turn invisible.

Watching as he disappeared from view, unsure glances were shared.

Zatanna's shoulders slumped as she surveyed the scene once more. "Should we just go back?"

Dick opened his mouth before widening his eyes instead, catching something shooting through the air out of the corner of his vision.



Everyone was blown away..

Luckily they managed to react in time to defend themselves and use the force of the explosion to redirect themselves away from it's center.

Brutus and Kenzo were standing next to Zatanna, Kenzo using his body as a shield for her since he deemed this friend of his master as the most squishy.

"What happened!" shouted Will, bow and arrow at the ready.

"Looks like a decision was made for us." Wally cried.

"Why yes, it has." a sultry voice descended from above, heads turning to the source.

A woman stood there holding an arrogant edge that seemed like it always belonged on her, intermixed with a mysterious aura that allowed her to pass it off as a feeling of both scorn and danger, hiding everything else through a veiled mist.

Dick's eyes widened while everyone was confused about the woman's identity.

"Talia Al Ghul." he muttered audible enough for everyone to hear him.

"Do you know this assailant?" asked Kaldur.

One of the most important rules when he trained with Ben and Bruce was not to show your reactions to the people around you, friend or foe, so that it can't affect your situation.

Reactions of any sort can either be good or bad to the situation like most things, but if you can't properly differentiate the outcome that will be affected by showing it, it's better not to.

And right now, Dick was trying not to show his nervousness.

"That's Talia Al Ghul, daughter of Ra's Al Ghul, true leader of the League of Assassins."

Everyone tensed at his explanation, the names and titles given evoking a sense of danger.

Except for Kaldur. He was still confused. Since he had only recently come to the surface world, he wasn't up to date on the organizations currently active, criminal or not.

"It seems that my beloved has taught you well boy." she spoke with a slight smile as she gazed at Dick.

"Except, I am now the acting head of the League of Assassins as well." she corrected him.

"No way?!" shouted Wally before he whispered towards Will next to him. "What's the League of Assassins by the way?"

…Scratch that. Wally was just as new too.

Hence he was ignored.

"Beloved? Now that's just messed up. What is it with *blank* and his dating life?" questioned Zatanna, Bruce's real name slipping for a moment and promptly censoring.

Her words and strange censoring were also ignored for the moment in favor of the situation in front of them.

"Would you like me to kill these pests, Highness?"

Tension rose at what sounded like another foe, everyone looking towards the rooftop behind them to find Merlyn, most likely the person to have fired an arrow at them earlier, and another unknown man.

The man was heavy set and bald, freely showcasing the type of violence and ferocity contained within himself, sending constant glances at Talia filled with an unnatural reverence and devotion.

"Not yet. I was hoping for the distraction this buffoon Firefly provided to lure Wildcard out of the bank into our trap, but I didn't account for more interference. Batman should've only sent his first pupil, not all of these children." she huffed in annoyance, causing the kids eyes to widen with Dick narrowing his instead.

"You're still after him? Why? Was Deathstroke, Deadshot, and that Ishamel guy being beaten by him not enough for you? In fact, I would've thought you'd be halfway across the country by now Merlyn." Dick tauntingly spat.

Wally leaned into Will once more. "...Who are those people again?"

The archer's knuckles whitened.

"One more word and you'll have to watch out for friendly fire."

Wally leaned away.

Merlyn's face was beyond contorted as an arrow was aimed at Dick. "How dare you!"

But the second man shook his head and grabbed his associate's wrist before the string could be released.

"Her Highness has spoken for us to wait and you wish to disobey? You're already on thin ice for your previous failures."

The archer tensed as an unknown glint flashed across his eyes, finally staying his hand albeit reluctantly.

"Thank you Bronze Tiger." Talia nodded her head in approval. "At least one of you can follow orders."

"As for you…" she turned to Dick. "We have our reasons for wanting the boy. One's that you aren't required to understand. In fact, everything you've just said only gives us more incentive to take him for ourselves."

She sighed as she beheld the children's solemnness. "I don't believe that we'll be able to leave without these nuisances hindering us. Dispose of them, but refrain from killing. It would be foolhardy to have the whole Justice League come after us in revenge."

No more words needed to be said as Will shot an arrow to intercept Merlyn's, twin explosions being the signal for action.

Wally shot off towards the Dark Archer and leaped over the roof's distance intent on taking him down.

Except, an arm reached out while he was mid-jump, yanking him from his shoulder and tossing him into the ground hard.

As the speedster groaned in pain, Bronze Tiger reciprocated his jump, but to the other side, meeting face to face with Kaldur who was holding a pair of water hammers.

His fist clashed with the Atlantean's first sideblow, before countering with a gut punch.

Kaldur managed to block it by crossing his weapons, opening up distance between them.

"Cerberus, you get Kid Flash, while Liger helps Aqualad! Z! With me." Dick shouted his orders towards the rest, causing them to run into the fray.

Kenzo jumped the distance between rooftops as he charged at Merlyn while sending a blast of wind from his mouth which the man dodged.

Brutus tried ramming the already engaged Bronze Tiger, forcing the man to dodge and soon begin avoiding the cerberus' and Atlantean's combined attacks.

He tried tanking a blow from the magical canine before deciding to stay more defensive, only managing to hit a couple of glancing blows against Kaldur while putting most of his focus on dodging.

Dick had already charged towards the only remaining enemy, birdarangs flying at Talia.

As the woman weaved between his attacks, Zatanna started chanting.

"Ekoms dna srorrim… Etaerc Nibor snoisulli!"

Wisps of smoke gathered around Dick as he whipped out his escrima sticks, copies appearing around him with the same outfit and gear.

Laughter began echoing in the surroundings as Talia drew a scimitar in response to the series of actions, calmness all over her features.

As the copies tried piling down onto her, she avoided their blows while methodically cutting them apart, a cloud of smoke gathering when only a few of them were left.

A crowd of birdarangs suddenly came at her from one direction, drawing a smirk onto her face.

She smoothly reacted by throwing a few shurikens back the same way while dodging, earning herself a grunt from the smoke.

"Should have taken better care not to reveal your hiding place, boy!" she arrogantly chastised, destroying the last few magical copies as the smoke dispersed to the sight of Dick holding his slightly torn up right arm.

"Taeh taht nopaew!"

Talia hissed as she dropped her sword, watching it bubble down into a molten slag of metal.

Zatanna had gone up to Dick's side as she looked over his wounds, sparing a wary glance at the woman.

"*Blank* get over here! I mean… Liger get over here!" Zatanna fumbled before correcting herself.

Kenzo abandoned his fight against Merlyn while picking up Wally in his mouth, running to the magician's aid.

Merlyn took the chance to make use of the space given back to him as he began retaliating with shots at Will who was harassing him earlier, forcing the younger archer to group up with the liger as well.

Kaldur, not having made any headway with Bronze Tiger at all and almost suffering a poweful head blow, ducked under another straight punch as he began jumping back to join the regroup, Brutus right behind him.

As everyone huddled up, already drained of energy from the short bout, Brutus and Kenzo shielded them in front.

Talia and Bronze Tiger stood a distance away, Merlyn jumping across the roof to join them a second later.

"My my. It seems that you haven't learned much from your mentors and teachers. Certainly you could've done better, no?" Talia questioned.

"Especially these two beasts Highness." Bronze Tiger pointed towards the two familiars as they growled at the insult. "I can not tell what they are exactly, but they possess great strength and are unable to use it masterfully, more focused on safeguarding these children."

Kid Flash smashed his fist onto the floor while the others became angry and ashamed.

"I do not appreciate your depreciation of my comrade's abilities and talents."

Heads swiveled towards the rooftop that Merlyn had been on previously, Ben standing in his entire Wildcard glory with a gun aimed at Talia and the archer each.

Talia had a strangely quizzical look cross her face. "The Prodigal Son arrives."

Ben remained silent, entirely motionless at her taunt.

His continued lack of stimulus caused a strange tension to start building up.

"Very well then." Talia's voice turned taut. "Since you wish to dispense with the pleasantries, I'll permit it. You may either follow us in tranquillity or witness these children's demise."

Ben tilted his head for a few seconds before holstering his guns and leaping towards them, walking with his hands in front of his face.

"Wildcard, don't listen to them." Dick warned, voice distraught.

"Yeah!" Wally added in agreement. "It's our fault for not listening to you earlier. But we can still take them!"

Bronze Tiger went up to bind him while Merlyn had an arrow trained on him at all times, ready for any sudden actions.

Except, the trio weren't prepared for the kids and familairs to suddenly disappear out of thin air.

While the three enemies were stunned for a moment at the abrupt change, two cards appeared in Ben's fingers out of nowhere, one flicked straight towards Merlyn.

"Penatribele sonus." (Sound Penetration)

His chant caused a less impactful, but similar, sound wave like that of a 'Canary Cry' to erupt from the card in his hands, aimed towards the trio.

As they spasmed due to their rattling eardrums and shaking bones, the second card hit Merlyn, changing into gravel and earth that quickly crept up his body and encased all but his head into a human statue.

The heavy jostling that came with the process also knocked the man out.

Talia was on her knees just briefly before attempting to block out the noise and move into action.

'Perfect chance.'

Ben took out another card when a roar suddenly sounded as Bronze Tiger began changing forms, a tail coming out from his lower back and his entire head changing into that of an actual tiger, leaping at him with his newly shaped claws extended.

Ducking under the sharp talons, Ben rolled as he took out his guns and started shooting green and red energy bullets at the man-beast in controlled bursts, targeting his joints and supporting muscle groups.

After some explosions, Bronze Tiger just charged out of the resulting smoke unharmed as Ben kept dodging his incongruously wild yet trained swings, re-holstering his guns due to their uselessness as he began to reciprocate his foe, moving in for a close-combat brawl.

"Highness. Escape as I hold him off." Bronze Tiger shouted, receiving a solid punch to the face that caused him to briefly wince.

Ignoring the Merlyn figurine, Talia silently turned on her heels to face the direction from where she arrived, having to pause right after.

"Miss us?" Wally waved.

The kids had reappeared right in her path of retreat alongside Wyle, the Jackalope cheekily waving his hoof while perched on Brutus' center head.

"Highne-" Bronze Tiger was interrupted in his worry over his leader as Ben took the opportunity to deliver an axe kick right on top of the man's head, rattling his brain.

"Congratulations Lost Son." Talia spoke, strangeley serene with her words. "You have bested us. What shall you do in the wake of your victory?"

"Bring you in obviously." Wally scoffed when Ben remained silent. "What kind of question is that?"

Ben only shook his head at the speedster after hearing that.

"Leave and don't return."

While the rest were stunned at his words, the woman only smirked. "Beloved made sure you had a good head on your shoulders I see."

"He didn't need to make sure of anything." Ben dismissed her.

Bronze Tiger had already regained his bearings as he swiftly moved to crumble the rock bounding Merlyn, hoisting the archer on his shoulders as he wearily returned towards Talia's side and backed away as he protected her.

Kid Flash tried to zip towards the three, only for Ben to yank his collar backwards with impressive speed. "Dude! You're letting them get away. That's not how the job works."

Zatanna eyed him strangely. "How would you know? Isn't this still your… like… first day on the job?"

Ben sighed audibly for the first time in a while, clamping a hand over Wally's mouth as he waited until their enemies were out of sight.

Once he confirmed their emotional signatures were no longer within his immediate range, he released the kid as he turned towards the rest.

"Why'd we let them go?" Dick questioned before Wally could start berating him.

"You never checked the rest of your surroundings." Ben responded calmly.

Everyone was confused at the implication of his words, while Kaldur and Dick seemed to understand as they began to slowly pan the high rise buildings around them.

"Possible reinforcements?" Kaldur muttered, filling in the rest on the situation due to his question.

Will started to rub his temples. "So you let them go on a technicality?"

Ben just pointed his finger in a certain direction directly in line of sight of the bank, facing behind where the group had landed on the rooftop earlier. "No. You actually had another sniper here on that building's rooftop. A distance of around 2 kilometers-


"-separated you all and certain death had they decided to shoot you on the spot."

They all froze as they followed his finger, Zatanna visibly shaking as Kenzo nudged his head into her side and tried to comfort her.

"You're lucky that Kenzo and Brutus could subconsciously sense the danger and not leave your sides for too long. Just one lapse in judgment meant they wouldn't have been able to react in time to intercept the bullet for you, so they played smart without knowing the full reason why."

As some faces whitened and others clenched their teeths, Dick's gaze became empty.

'We're lucky they toyed with us, even when they were explicitly ordered against putting us down, otherwise…'

"But still..." Ben turned towards his familiars.

The two sat up straight. "You were meant to keep them at the Hall. Your showing today means extra training on how to use your abilities since this could've been avoided with enough of it. You should've been able to take down all three of them without compromising everyone's safety, even against a surprise attack."

Wyle hopped between the four heads making up the total between his two brothers, all of them lowering in shame as he gently stomped on them with his hooves.

"The fault was not theirs." spoke Kaldur as he tried to explain "We were the on-"

"Yes I know how in the wrong you guys were." Ben interjected, tone bordering a rude manner unlike him.

He looked them over, his eyes changing into a myriad of colors before settling on lemon and gold yellow.

'Why can't I be completely pissed at them.' he mentally sighed.

-Meh. You're just a big old softy.-

Turning back towards the bank, he went towards the roof's edge and looked down at Detective Montoya who met his gaze and signaled if the commotion from earlier was taken care of.

Nodding his head, he watched as she started rousing the surrounding officers, a bound and battered man with cracked face lenses and broken wings being put into a cruiser.

The rest of the young heroes walked up next to him and watched until the cars turned a corner out of their vision.

"I hope you learned a lesson today." Ben began after a moment of silence. "This isn't a game. This is real life, and people die as a result of our actions. One slip up means that person could be you, or worse, someone you care about."

-Don't worry. I'm sure today's events have finally settled in for them.- ESAMAL assured him.

Ben only agreed after looking at their whitened knuckles, pale faces, gnashing teeth, and narrowed eyes.


Date: August 4, 2008

Location: Washington, D.C., Hall of Justice

Time: 12:52 P.M.

Bruce slowly trained his gaze on each kid individually, his Bat-Glare causing them to lower their heads in shame and slight fear.

"You will not be doing this again."

Oliver went up to Will and put a hand on his shoulder. "What were you thinking!?"

The kids were back to where they started exactly one hour ago in the exact same room, but with the entire League present for the show of their mentors giving a dressdown.

Giovanni looked at Zatanna as he exhaled heavily, eyes crinkling. "Is this how you show me your responsibility? Your discipline?"

Zatanna raised her hand before he interrupted. "I agreed to let you come here to spectate this event. You have broken my trust."

"And you." he scowled slightly as he turned his attention to Ben. "You should've protected her! Where were you when all this had occurred?"

"I have the exact same question." Oliver backed up sternly. "The news is already out on the failed bank heist. It was reported that you took less than five minutes to take down Firefly, while these five were being confronted for around twenty. Where were you for the remaining fifteen?"

Everyone looked at Ben for an answer to that new piece of information as he just took out a card and dropped it to the floor.

"Speculum carceris." (Mirror Prison)

Everyone had to refocus their vision after a brief flash of light.

An unconscious and tied up man dressed in ninja attire was on the floor, all of his weapons and equipment piled up neatly at his side.

Silence descended as the heroes panned their gaze between the man and Ben a couple of times.

"I do not believe I am able to compute this." Red Tornado stated in a dead tone.

"That was so cool." Captain Marvel whispered under his breath, Superman turning his head to the man with a raised eyebrow.

"Wait! You mean to tell me that you-?! He was-?! We were-?!" Wally actually began spluttering at the sight, unable to form a coherent sentence.

Will grabbed Ben by the collar. "If the sniper is here, then did you lie to us earlier?"

"Did I lie to you?" Ben repeated. "Try to recall my exact words at the time."

Zatanna didn't even bother waiting for anyone to ponder as she chanted.

"Yalper S'dracdliw sdrow."

"No. You actually had another sniper here on that building's rooftop. A distance of around 2 kilometers separated you all and certain death had they decided to shoot you on the spot."

As the spell faded, Dick was the first to realize what Ben meant with Kaldur following right behind.

"I don't get it." Wally spoke. "This just basically proves tha-"

"It proves…" Dick interrupted. "...that he didn't lie to us. He just didn't mention the fact that he went to take him out first."

"Every word I told you earlier was the truth." Ben continued after seeing that everyone understood. "You were all ignorant of the distance that separated you from termination."

Ben glanced back at Oliver.

"While I went for this guy, Wyle was present in the area at all times, prepared to intervene and subjicate the enemies through illusions should any real danger have come upon them."

"Please do not continue to doubt my expertise. Although I could also be considered relatively new to all of this, I do have some proper experience and training."

No one spoke up against him.

"And for the same reasons…" he glanced back at the downtrodden teenagers. "...I have no right to truly berate you all. You are also new, and still have much to learn. I apologize if my earlier words offended you in some way."

Silence settled into the room as most became surprised, before Kaldur abruptly moved forward and stuck his hand out with a solemn look on his face.

"I refuse to accept your apology as you've done no wrong. The fault was ours in following after you even when explicitly told not to do so. Had it not been for you, the situation may have turned out differently. For all of these reasons, I hope you can accept my own remorse, along with my thanks."

Aquaman looked on in pride at his pupil, while Ben stood there for a moment before firmly accepting the young Atlantean's hand.

Wally shuffled his feet with a rigid expression. "Yeah. I guess I'm sorry too… for… you know…"

Similar forms of apology came from the other three younglings in the room, with even Brutus and Kenzo voicing apologies in their own ways.

Seeing the air clear a bit, Bruce intervened as he turned all attention towards him once more.

Barry just gave everyone a salute as he scooped up the sniper from the ground and zoomed out of the room, presumably to drop him off at the nearest police station.

"You were all invited not only so that you may be acquainted with peers of your age, but also to celebrate in your mentors and their own peers' achievements."

"As you were absent earlier, allow me to introduce to you the newest members of the League."

"Please welcome Green Lantern, Black Canary, Captain Marvel, Red Tornado, Giovanni Zatara, and Captain Atom." he motioned towards the aforementioned individuals.

As the six introduced themselves, it signalled the start of more greetings and festivities.

Ben stayed by the wall in the corner for a bit as he viewed the proceedings, Bruce walking up to stand beside him.

"We both know that Kenzo and Brutus could have taken all three down with their eyes closed and not have to worry about the sniper."

Ben glanced at his father out of the corner of his eyes.

He lied about Kenzo and Brutus' ineptitude since he was in constant contact with them through using their familiar bond.

He just had them throw the fight while berating them alongside the rest at the end to make it more believable.

"As if you wouldn't have done something similar to show Dick a lesson."

"You're correct." Bruce agreed, tone turning hard. "But that's me, not you."

"Maybe. Or you can't stand the idea of 'like father like son'."

Suddenly, Bruce stilled when he tried to leave, Ben unable to tell the reason behind his father's weird reaction since his emotions were currently blank.

It was only when Kaldur began approaching them that Bruce returned to normal.

"Have I interrupted you?" he glanced at Bruce's departing back.

"No. Everything's fine. What can I do for you?"

"I must admit, I was fascinated with your power and demeanor in combat and wished to ask how you became so skilled. Although age doesn't always equate competence, I had believed that Batman took a long time to reach such a level."

Ben took a moment to take the man in, finding sincerity in both his gaze and emotions.

'Not like there's anything better to do."

As Ben began conversing with Kaldur, the rest of the kids ended up walking up towards the two of them, joining in with low voices.

Wally told a few jokes here and there alongside Will, earning laughs from Dick and Zatanna and a chuckle or two from Kaldur as well.

Will was the first to note Ben's lack of reaction.

"Finding the humor lacking?"

"Oh no. I'm reacting," Ben assured the archer. "You just can't see under the mask."

"So? Just take it off. Or do you still not trust us even after what we went through?" Wally wondered.

Ben pointed at Dick, his brother awkwardly scratching his head at the raised eyebrows directed at him.

"I guess we could make an exception just this once." Dick joked. "Possible death really puts things into perspective."

A beam came from across the room hitting him, causing a funny looking beard and mustache to appear on his face.

Everyone in the room paused as they turned their attention towards the laughing Wyle atop Brutus' center head once more.

"Wyle took offense to that." Ben supplied helpfully.

More laughs were his only response.


Date: August 4, 2008

Time: Unknown

Location: Unknown

"I apologize father. I've failed you once more." Talia expressed with slight shame.

She was currently standing alongside a figure seated on a majestically fashioned throne made of marble, bronze, and gold, a various assortment of bones hung overhead.

Directly in front of them were the kneeling forms of Bronze Tiger and Merlyn remaining completely motionless.

"I do not fault you daughter. In fact, I find the lack of progress to stem from the fools given so many chances to rectify their previous failures."

Merlyn flinched at that, while Bronze Tiger continued to remain motionless.

"Head. I merely atte-"


Although the word was spoken softly and without any added feelings, Merlyn trembled for long time before regaining control of himself.

The figure patiently waited for him to cease before continuing. "I have heard of your conduct during this mission. Your insolence and incompetence ends today."

"Previously, Deadshot was just a mere secondhand associate. Therefore, he was expendable, of no concern, and worth giving so many chances."

The figure leaned forward in his seat, the mere action causing an aura to proceed forth from him.

"But I personally forged you into your current state, archer."

The tone and presence demonstrated a man who demanded perfection, required obedience, sought strict discipline…

"Out of the desert's very dust and sand were you granted this mercy, and into the dust and sand you shall return should you fail me once more."

…and promised death to any who failed doing so.


*BAM!* Another chapter down!

For those of you who were with me since I posted the very first chapter, if you took the time to scroll through the comments, you should know that I like to take some of them into account.

And I have a little sticky note here meant to remind me about giving a shoutout to @Ananta!

Thanks for the Mr. Surprise comment!

Yes. I incorporated it into Wally's dialogue cause I thought it would sound like something he'd say. So, it was both funny and fitting.

I like hearing your ideas, and if I feel like some of them have merit, I'll do my best to include them if I can.

Now, another reminder that next week we're getting into the first story arc.

I just want to say to all of you that this will be the last author's note for a while before that. I want to do my best to not spoil anything about what goes on in the arc, and keeping my lips sealed is the best way to do that.

I'll only be giving the usual Patreon shoutouts and leaving a quote at the bottom of the chapter.

Alright I believe that's all folks.

Same steps as usual.

Giving Power Stones = Good Fortune and Blessings In Your Future

Comments = A Virtual Hug

Reviews = My Undying Appreciation



"I like chance meetings - life is full of them. Every day, without realising it, I pass people whom I should know."

- Krzysztof Kieslowski

Geo_Rulercreators' thoughts