A man found himself in a parallel earth without a family to protect him was adopted by a criminal. He was force into a life of crime to survive in the world's most dangerous universe. ... You can find up to 13 advanced chapters at my patreon patreon.com/Abyssuit Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the fanfic i was merely translating this. Ps: Ccto to the book cover's owner... Crdt: Tangrin (Gabriel Henrique)
The Myrmekes were fast on the ground, and he already had twenty around him while advancing in sync ready for the feast.
Dio grabbed his shield from his back and placed it in front of his body with the pommel of his sword.
Then Dio struck his sword forcefully.
The divine explosion had the power of a small bomb, and the shockwave threw away all the Myrmekes that were about to eat him.
There were many trees around him that were also hit and started falling onto the Myrmekes.
That didn't kill them or even hurt them. Their natural defenses are too strong.
However, it provided him with a few minutes of peace.
Dio then climbed onto one of the fallen trunks and looked down at the Cyclops from above.
He was not far away and halfway across the frozen lake.
Dio put his shield back on his back and looked at his sword.
He regretted that it was not larger for the first time in his life or that Hades did not give him a spear.
Then he ran into a beautiful tree ten meters tall.
Then Dio made two quick cuts just above its root.
The idea was to leave the top intact and the bottom sharp.
Dio jumped and cut a little below where its leaves and branches were as the tree began to fall.
He fell to the ground and held the straight wooden trunk on his shoulder and wrapped it in his arm so it didn't fall.
Dio was now holding a pointed five-meter-tall trunk on his shoulder.
He dropped his sword to the ground and looked at the target. He sprinted at all his speed and held the trunk.
An ant showed up in front of him right before he jumped. Dio didn't stop and used its head to finish his jump.
He crossed the entire distance between them and started falling on the cyclops.
He shouted with a swing his club with both hands this time.
Dio spun his body and swung the trunk he held while hitting its top against the cyclops's weapon.
It wasn't a surprise what happened, and both weapons exploded while sending wood chips everywhere.
Dio fell on the ice in front of the Cyclops, who was looking at what was left of his club.
He didn't give him time and jumped while holding the bottom of what was left of his trunk above his head.
The cyclops woke up and tried to hit me with his hand, but Dio was faster this time and kicked his hand above his head.
He couldn't avoid lifting his face, leaving them both in the perfect position to pierce the tip into his only eye.
Cyclops roared in pain and fell backward spewing water and ice.
Dio saw his arms rise while he was still on top of him with all his head underwater.
Then Dio released the side of the trunk and interlaced his fingers to raise them above his head.
Dio struck with all his strength on top of the trunk to dove it even deeper into the cyclops's head.
The green blood that spewed out slightly burned his skin.
It looks like he's dead because his raised arms have fallen to the sides.
"Επικαλούμαι το κρύο της θλίψης του ποταμού Κωκυτός !"
(I Summon the Cold of Wailing from the River Cocytus!)
The black mist returned while freezing the entire lake around him again to prevent Cyclops from sinking and give him solid ground to stand on.
Then Dio saw the ants standing far away while looking at him on top of the body and as soon as he summon back his sword, they start to retreat.
The Myrmekes spread and left him alone on top of his body.
Afterward, Dio wondered what to do with all of this.
Dio washed himself in the frozen waters of the lake to clean himself before deciding what to do with the body.
The Cyclops blood seemed to have a certain corrosive factor, but not as strong as the ants' acid.
Their acid was also cleaned, and his regeneration handled the rest.
Dio dirtied himself again collecting what was left of the cyclops's eye and storing as much of his blood as he could.
He didn't know the value of these materials, but monster parts always have value.
Even if Dio grabbed the wrong part of him, the blood could be useful.
Dio's defenses are high, so it only makes my skin tingle, but it must be quite powerful for a human.
It's a pity he couldn't collect some of the Myrmekes' acid too.
Then Dio let the body sink into the lake.
He felt tremendous relief from not using his sword to end this fight.
The presence of another soul trapped inside it would keep him awake and ruin his mood to continue this journey.
He pushed these thoughts back and started walking north to a more open area where he could set up his base or finally leave this area.
Dio walked for a few hours without seeing anything different, and he was already fed up.
He decided to end the day after finding a good open place to light a fire and prepare something to eat.
"My sister is outdoing herself today!"
Dio jumped and stepped back like a cat standing a few meters away from the voice that came out of nowhere, with his sword and shield already ready for battle.
The lessons Diana always gave him about being prepared for anything finally came in handy.
"Normally, Hestia doesn't like to stay in the Underworld,"
The man continued.
He was sitting next to him on the rock. He wore a white toga with one shoulder across his chest diagonally.
He had the strap of a simple beige leather bag resting on his hip.
He wore a golden hat with two wings of the same color sticking out from each side.
He had a very Greek face, with black eyes and a beautiful smile.
A long, golden scepter with a long handle and two snakes wrapping around the handle to the end was sitting beside him.
A sphere with two golden wings on both sides and at the top.
This was certainly a god, and he was easily recognizable.
There wasn't much mythology knowledge needed to recognize Hermes as he wore simple sandals.
The only thing that made him stand out were the two white wings thirty centimeters above his ankles and moving slowly like they were alive.
"Lord Hermes."
Dio greeted him while putting away his weapons and making a slight bow.
There was no need to keep his weapons in hand because in front of him was a god. He knew the difference between them very well.
He could kill him easily if he could sneak up on him without being detected.
Hermes may be the first speedster in the DC multiverse.
It was never clear how fast Hermes was compared to other speedsters like the Flash. However, Dio remembered that he could match one of the fastest versions of one of them.
"Have you calmed down?"
Hermes asked in a gentle tone.
He had a distinct human voice, unlike Melinoë.
"Yes, sir, it was a surprise. I apologize for that."
"It's alright, part of the blame was mine, sometimes I forget that most mortals cannot perceive my speed."
It was only a reasonable comparison because demigods are in fact mortal compared to a real gods.
"Why don't you sit down? We need to talk a little."
Hermes pointed with his scepter at the stone on the other side of the fire.
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