
DC: The Prince of the Underworld

A man found himself in a parallel earth without a family to protect him was adopted by a criminal. He was force into a life of crime to survive in the world's most dangerous universe. ... You can find up to 13 advanced chapters at my patreon patreon.com/Abyssuit Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the fanfic i was merely translating this. Ps: Ccto to the book cover's owner... Crdt: Tangrin (Gabriel Henrique)

Abyssuit · アニメ·コミックス
183 Chs

Chapter 120

The bridge is about twenty meters long, and the vampire hippie is halfway across.

Constantine positioned himself behind him, while Boston stayed above, and Dio landed in front.

There is a small bridge connecting one part of the city to another.

It's only about four meters wide, and there is an empty canal below where some homeless people are trying to seek shelter from the cold.

"Are you gonna surrender?"

Dio told him while holding a vampire on his shoulder and his sword in the other hand.

The vampire can transform into a mist or other flying creature to flee if ordinary humans surround him, and that would be enough to escape.

But they are far from ordinary.


The vampire laughed with his head down while his long blond hair covered his face.

It wasn't a confident smile; it was the smile a villain makes after their target falls into a trap.

"Watch out!"

Dio warned them.

There were vampires all around them as the gray mist that was there on both sides of the bridge began to appear.

Dio already stated that not being able to tell the difference between vampires and human beings is a problem.

Dio only had to listen to their heartbeat or breathing to tell if someone was a vampire or not if they were in front of him.

However, Dio couldn't hear if the vampire was hiding from him. That's why they've surrounded them now.

"Bloody Hell!"

Constantine cursed. He doesn't seem too worried by the way he's acting as he smokes his cigarette.

Dio gently tapped his communication to request reinforcements.

"So, you were expecting this."

Dio said this to the vampire hippie while trying to buy a few seconds before reinforcements arrived.

"The Blood Red Moon Cult sent me to this city to deal with some heroes. I finally found them; I was getting impatient."

He replied while lifting his face to reveal his blood-red eyes.

"Hell, you didn't mention that these crazy cultists would be involved."

Constantine said to him.

"You didn't ask."

Dio replied with a smile.

"I'm William Kessler. It's nice to meet you. You can die now!"

That was the attack.

The vampires on their sides advanced frighteningly fast towards them.

These vampires aren't newly turned; Dio could tell from the way they move and stand that they were more used to fighting and using their powers.

They're probably a death squad from the Cult or something like that.

It won't be easy.

Dio saw Boston diving towards a vampire on the left.

Constantine cast some spell, and his hands were blazing with strong red flames reaching up to his forearms.

Dio threw the vampire off his shoulder to the ground and took his stance. The one who attacked him was none other than the leader of this group.

Dio didn't have much space to dodge or cast any spells, so he stood his ground while watching three vampires approach from his sides and the front.

Dio could feel strong and familiar magic behind him just as he was about to attack.

A beautiful, feminine hand passed over his shoulder pointing towards William.

"Erif nrub, nordlauc elbbub!"

(Fire burn, cauldron bubble!)

A powerful explosion of flames took up Dio's entire field of vision while hitting William head-on.

The flames also spread to both sides of the bridge and hit several other vampires.

Shortly after, Zatanna stood by Dio's side, snapping her fingers, and all the flames in front of him disappeared, leaving only William on the bridge.

It was almost as black as coal where half of his body was burned, but the vampires could heal, and Dio could already see skin growing over the burned area.

A few vampires turned into mist or bats to escape Zatanna's attack and are now reverting to humans behind William.

"You wanted to kill him!"

"You almost killed me!"

Two voices shouted simultaneously from their sides.

Constantine was in the line of fire right behind William, but Kid Flash, who was with Zatanna, saved him.

Zatanna and Dio look at them.

Kid Flash was standing, with Constantine sitting on the ground.

He wasn't injured; only his pants and shoes were a bit burned. If there had been another second in the fire, he would have been burned for sure.


Zatanna said it without any hint of guilt in her voice.

There's nothing scarier than an angry woman, except for an angry superpowered woman.

"That stung a bit; it's been over fifty years since someone hurt me like that."

William said there was a bit of satisfaction in his voice.

"I can do better if you want."

Zatanna replied while raising her hand again.

"Kid, take her to a safe place."

Dio said and pointed to the woman vampire on the ground.


Kid Flash replied while running to the woman and taking her away.

"Where were we again? Before we were interrupted, oh yes, kill them!"

William ordered again.

When the vampires behind him advanced, one of them made a different move than the others, who had already passed their leader.

The vampire attacked William's back with its long, suddenly grown nails, but William was old and powerful, so he turned around and grabbed the vampire's wrist.

"What does this mean!?"

William shouted with anger.

"Sorry about this, but I'm on their side now."

The vampire said it in Boston's voice.

When Boston possessed the vampire, he used his other hand to try to attack, but William easily stopped him once again.

However, he forgot that he was now facing Dio, and he didn't miss this opportunity to thrust his sword at his spine.

Dio didn't want to kill him; a member of this so-called secretive cult is a goldmine of information.

They have to capture him alive.

But Dio also underestimated William.

He transformed into mist before his sword even touched his flesh, and Boston's vampire possession allowed his sword to pass through the vampire's abdomen.


Boston screamed in pain.


Boston left the body's vampire in pain, and Dio raised his sword to cut from belly to heart.

The vampire turned to dust at his feet.

In front of him, William appeared again with long nails ready to slash his neck.

However, Kid Flash entered the fight and used his body to push William off the bridge.

"Be careful!"

When Kid Flash stopped in front of him, a vampire in the form of a bat came from above him while aiming to bite his neck.


A fireball hit the vampire directly.

"Thank you!"

Kid Flash thanks Zatanna, who is also throwing fireballs and has flames on her arms like Constantine.

"Don't let him escape!"

Zatanna shouted at Dio.

Dio nodded to her and jumped from the bridge.

In free fall, Dio looked down and saw William landing in the empty canal while waiting for him.

The homeless people who were under the bridge were smart and had already run away.

"Aren't you going to run?"

Dio asked him after landing.

The two high-level magicians and a speedster have joined the fight, which makes it less likely for him to win.

"The Cult of the Red Blood Moon doesn't allow failures."

William explained.

"Too bad for you."

Dio grabbed his shield and positioned it in front of his body, above his mouth.

"Boston, can you stop him for a few seconds?"

Dio asked in a low voice.

Boston also came with him, and he was floating a few meters from his side.

"My possession depends on the target's power level; this guy is old and powerful; a few seconds is my limit."

"That's all I need; wait for my signal."

"Who are you talking to?"

William asked.

"I have voices in my head; it's nothing major."

William looked left and right to search for Boston until his red eyes noticed something.

"I understand; there's an invisible life form here, maybe a ghost. Clever, almost no one expects something like that."

Dio was not surprised that he guessed; they already knew he was an old vampire.

"Before we start, can you answer a question?"

"Of course, go ahead, kid."

"What's the deal with the vampire hippie look?"

Dio asked with genuine curiosity.

"HAHAHAHA, that? I'm just paying tribute to the best time of your kind. It was like a huge buffet with thousands of tall, pacifist young people from all over the land. The thought of it makes my mouth drip."

William said this while licking his lips.

"Alright, so you're a lunatic!"

Dio advanced with his shield in front of his body.

William acted quickly and transformed into a white wolf. He jumped on Dio and tried to bite his arm.

Dio spun his body and struck his head with his shield while sending him flying.

However, he turned into a white mist before he could get too far.

What he did next was a surprise.

The mist tried to enter Dio's nose and mouth instead of escaping and returning to his physical form.

Dio held his breath and covered his nose, but he quickly shifted towards his ears.

Dio teleported to the other side of the canal out of fear.

Facing the approaching mist again, Dio raised his sword and struck his shield with the pommel.


Dio's burst of divine energy exploded and forced William to revert to his physical form.


Dio signaled.

Boston dove from above and entered William's body while still rolling on the ground.

Boston started thrashing around on the ground as if he were having a seizure while he was in William's body.

Dio had only a few seconds.

Diablo put his foot on his chest and stopped his shaking by using the shadows that appeared next to him.


Boston shouted.

"Επικαλούμαι το κρύο της θλίψης του ποταμού Cocyte!"

(I Invoke the Cold of the Wailness of the River Cocytus!)

A layer of ice began freezing William's torso from Dio's foot.


Dio could hear the sound clearly even though it was far away.

He recognized this low-volume sound well. The rarity and danger of this sound made it easily obvious.

It was the sound of a bullet fired from a rifle.



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