
Chapter 11: The Story of the Dofus





[Third person Point of View]

At the very beginning of existence itself, the Source of All Things created a race of supercelestial beings called the Hands whose purpose was to populate the nothingness of the Void with Multiverses using the Anti-Crisis Energy provided by the Source. After the creation of their Multiverse, each member of the Hands would pass and allow their energies to return to the Source of All Things.

In this multiverse's beginning, there was nothing but The Source, from which sprung forth an explosion of incalculable energies that heralded the Dawn of Time. Manipulating this newborn multiverse was Perpetua, who entrusted its three realms of matter, anti-matter, and dark matter to her sons.

Perpetua was one of The Hands from the greater Omniverse. She was the first creator of the Multiverse and the mother of the Monitor, Anti-Monitor, and the World Forger; Perpetua was also considered the second most feared being in the greater Omniverse, out of all her brothers and sisters tending the infinite Multiverses.

The most feared and powerful member of the Hands, a being named Ymir, had already returned to the Source as all members of the Hands should when they sacrifice themselves to create a Multiverse.

Ymir had taken a core of the Source energy to create a single egg before she returned to the Source of All things. Fearing what it could do, the Hands returned the egg to the Source. Since what she created was a single egg instead of a Multiverse, it did not simply return to the source when it touched the Source Wall.

Ymir intended to let the egg, which she called Dofus, evolve naturally without anyone's interference including her own. She simply made sure that it would survive being trapped in the Source Wall until it hatched. Ymir knew her kin better than they thought and anticipated their actions.

Upon seeing Ymir's action Perpetua decided to create a Multiverse that could be self-sustaining and that she would watch over it, unlike Ymir who accepted to be taken away. Also unlike Ymir, she could not take a core of the Source thus she decided to add negative Crisis Energies to her Multiverse.

As the cosmos slowly expanded and gave rise to stars and planets, the hand of Destiny, the first of The Endless, recorded all that transpired in his book. As the first life came to be so did Death, the second of the Endless. 

The rest of the conceptual family soon followed along. Two warring factions of immortals, The Lords of Order and Chaos, began their cosmic struggle for dominance. As time went on for the mortals, the true nature of their fight was lost to time and the Lords of Order were seen as the good guys, and the Lords of Chaos were seen as the bad guys.

[20 Billion Years Ago]

Perpetua created the first iteration of the Multiverse using the negative Crisis Energies and created her three sons Mar Novu, Alpheus, and Mobius, as its first inhabitants.

Once created, Perpetua explained to them that her Multiverse comprises of three main realms made out of the three basic forms of matter- dark matter, positive matter, and antimatter, and created them to monitor these realms.

She assigned Alpheus to the dark matter realm beneath creation where he would build the myriad universes of creation. Mar Novu was assigned to the positive matter realm, where he would guard the many universes that rose out of the dark from cosmic crises.

Mobius was assigned to the antimatter realm where he would prevent the light of creation from breaching the Greater Omniverse. Curious, Mar Novu asked Perpetua what her purpose in this Multiverse was, as her role as the creator had already been fulfilled. She told him that she would remain to make sure that all of her children lived.

[18 Billion Years Ago]

The Old Gods originated from GodWorld (also known as Asgard or Urgrund) during the "First World". About 3 billion years later, the "First World" slowly segued into the "Second World" as the humanoid lifeforms on Urgrund attained godhood, thus becoming the Old Gods, in which these beings reached a peak of immense power and ushered a golden age of cultural and scientific advancement.

[15 Billion Years Ago]

Perpetua called upon Mar Novu to show him her greatest creation. Perpetua had searched the endless worlds of the Multiverse looking for the perfect creation, but could not find it. Disappointed in what saw, Perpetua bound the Martians with the Humans, creating the Apex Predators; perfect killing machines that would live and fight until the end of time.

Upon seeing what his mother had created, Mar Novu told her that he found a cosmic judgment coming for them because of her actions and that she was well aware of that and wished to fight back. Perpetua then tried to share her point of view in vain, leading her to order her Apexes to attack Novu, forcing him to flee.

Two hundred thousand years later, Mar Novu told his brothers what he had seen and they agreed that her kind, the Hands needed to be alerted of her doings. They were interrupted by Perpetua who witnessed their betrayals and sent her Apex Predators to attack her sons.

The Hands' response was to send the Cosmic Raptor to stop Perpetua's plan. Unable to defeat the Cosmic Raptor, Perpetua, her Apex Predators, and the totality of her power were taken to the Source Wall and imprisoned in it. The Hands recreated Perpetua's Multiverse, allowing the Multiverse to evolve without intrusion. Perpetua was trapped and forced to watch it all.

What none knew was that after the battle between the Cosmic Raptor and Perpetua along with her army, Something fell out of the Source Wall during Perpetua's imprisonment. A single egg fell into one of the universes that Perpetua had created and the Hand had recreated.

Strangely enough, once it entered a universe copies of the egg started to form throughout the Multiverse. Most would land on Earth and be hidden until someone found it, that someone would often be a magician who would later become the ancestor of the Campbell Family.

The original Egg landed on Earth before Life had even begun. In many universes, it stayed there until it was hatched but the original egg left that planet when a mysterious little magical girl, that would later be known as Hecate, determined it too dangerous for humans and cast it out of the planet after casting out whatever was inside it. It drifted through the Universe.

[5 Billion years ago]

On the densely populated planet of Maltus, a blue-skinned race eventually achieved immortality and abandoned their birth world to live on the planet Oa, an ancient world rumored to be the center of the universe.

That was the first act that would cement most of their head up their ass for all eternity... As one future Hero and subordinate would later say.

There, one of their greatest scientists, Krona, attempted to unlock the secrets of the beginnings of all existence. Instead, his experiment unleashed an enigmatic Earthman from another universe named Volthoom, who taught the Oans to harness the power of the Emotional Spectrum.

Created by all sentient life, this energy was personified by the green willpower of Ion, the yellow fear of Parallax, the red rage of The Butcher, the blue hope of Adara, the orange greed of Ophidian, the indigo compassion of Proselyte and the violet love of The Predator.

[A/N: I would prefer to call the violet one The Warrior.]

There is a saying, Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Some of the Malthusians were skeptical about whether Volthoom could control that much power, but they decided to trust him as he had more knowledge about the Emotional Spectrum.

However, Volthoom's insanity wreaked chaos, so after locking him up, the Oans took it upon themselves to become the Guardians of the Universe. Trying to remove magic from the universe, they bound as much magical energy as possible into an orb called the Starheart.

They then shunted this orb into another universe reasoning that it would not harm their universe if it was in another. After sealing the wild chaotic magic of the universe within the Starheart, the Oans constructed an android army known as The Manhunters to establish order across the cosmos. 

Sadly, they had no modern movies and thus were unable to foresee their mistake. When their robotic servants malfunctioned and massacred virtually all of Space Sector 666, the Guardians decommissioned the Manhunters, although many fled to operate from the shadows on other worlds to fulfill their oath "No Man Escapes The Manhunters!" 

Believing that sentient life would make for a more effective police force, the Guardians formed the Green Lantern Corps, empowered with rings fueled by a Central Power Battery on Oa that channeled the green light of will from all life in the cosmos.

The Guardians also imprisoned the fear parasite, Parallax, within the Central Power Battery, creating a weakness to yellow within all their power rings. As millennia passed, the true nature of the Yellow Impurity was kept secret by the Guardians in order to prevent any from unleashing Parallax upon the cosmos once again.

As for the other emotional spectrum entities, sooner or later all would be captured and turned into a Center Battery for their emotional spectrum's Lantern Corps. They would stay within each respective Lantern Corps until the end, at least that is what usually happens in most Universes. 


There came a time when the Old Gods died. They were weakened due to infighting which left them vulnerable. The brave died with the cunning. The noble perished, locked in battle with unleashed evil. Urgrund fell into war. At the heart of this conflict was Lokee, the god of mischief and bastard son of the chief god Wotan, who became the first god of evil.

The conflict between the forces of good and evil escalated until Ragnarok came which saw GodWorld being torn asunder in a great explosion where the gods perished. From the death of the Olds Gods, New ones, called New Gods, came to life and all were ruled by Yuga Khan.

He ruled with cruelty like none other until he was defeated by the joint effort and cunning of his two sons, Uxas and Izaya. They would later be known as Darkseid and Highfather. The two sons used Yuga Khan's newfound obsession with the Source wall to trap him inside it.

Although betrayed and outnumbered, Yuga Khan was the strongest New God for a reason. He was not defeated so easily. The fight between the three destroyed the homeworld of the New Gods and split it in two. The era of Yuga Khan ended in a fiery holocaust.

From the blinding death flash of their destruction, two molten bodies began to form. One world, suffused with the cunning and evil of these primordial beings, became Apokolips, forever spinning in the shadow of New Genesis, bathed in the bravery and nobility of their forerunners. Uxas ruled the former while Izaya ruled the latter.

[50 000 years ago]

The energy unleashed by the explosion of Urgrund spread across the universe, generating what later became known as the God wave which seeded worlds with the potential to eventually bring forth gods of their own.

That same energy managed to hit and was absorbed by an egg floating in space. The Dofus absorbed part of that energy wave that hit him while the other part caused it to change its trajectory and land on a Planet.

That planet was populated by humanoid creatures that had golden-colored skin and completely green eyes with no whites or visible pupils. Their hair are unusually long and thick compared to that of humans.

The original egg, the Dofus, had landed on Tamaran where it would be viewed as the gift of X'hal to its inhabitants. X'hal is someone who is worshipped as a goddess by the Tamaraneans thus it came as no surprise that the Dofus was viewed as an object of great importance.

The Tamaranean race was brought to Tamaran from the neighboring planet Okaara by X'hal. As they made the world their own, the Tamaraneans established a planetary government that evolved into a feudal society.

Each landmass is ruled by a royal family, under the dominion of which exist smaller city-states ruled by influential families. Through the generations, political marriage served to bond one landmass with another until Tamaran only had Two Royal Families.

Though with the appearance of the Dofus, a specific mass of land was shared by and between each side to place the Dofus. That land became a neutral zone for both sides and a temple to X'Hal was built on it.

The Tamaraneans are a passionate people driven more by emotion than reason. While they are unusually fierce warriors, their capacity for love is even greater than their capacity for hate; as a result, war and strife were for many centuries long forgotten on Tamaran.

Instead, the people channeled their energies into creating a tropical utopia, a paradise where they could live in harmony with the wildlife and where battle skills were maintained largely for ceremony's sake.

Everyone lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Citadel attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop-

[AN: Whoops wrong fiction, let's redo this.]

Everyone lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Citadel attacked. Komand'r was born the eldest child of one of Tamaran's royal family. The first princess born in over a hundred Tamarean years, she should have been courted and showered with honors.

On the day she was born the Citadel Empire attacked and destroyed the western Tamaranean city of Kysarr, killing three thousand citizens in her name. Though she was in no way at fault for what had happened Komand'r was for all time inextricably linked with that terrible day.

To make matters worse, Komand'r had been stricken with a childhood illness that left her unable to harness ultraviolet light to fly as most Tamaraneans did. Komand'r grew up hated by the Tamaran population, who denied her birthright and refused to allow her to be the next Princess of Tamaran. 

With the rise in power in the Vegan system of the bloodthirsty race called the Citadel, Tamaran was eventually reintroduced to war. Tamaran re-outfitted its armies and, led by both royal houses, managed to fend off a Citadelian invasion. 

The Tamaranean households were united in this fight due to the tragedy that befell the royal house of King Tharras. On the day of Komand'r's birth, the royal house of King Tharras had welcomed an heir. Prince Karras had been born but unlike Komand'r, he had died at the hands of the Citadel's attack.

Five long Tamaranean years went on for Komand'r as she was subjected to the undeserved hatred of her people. For context, one Tamaranean year is equivalent to thirty-five Earth years. Her parents had told her the good news that they were expecting another child. 

She along with her parents all went to the Neutral Zone's temple where they met with King Tharras and Queen Salja, the other royal household on Tamaran. They had received grave news that the child they were expecting had died in the womb.

After offering their sincerest sympathies to the grieving royal family, both royal families went inside the temple to visit the Dofus. Komand'r could guess what the others were praying for. She guessed that her parents were hoping to have a child that was not cursed while the other couple was hoping for a child at all.

At that moment, she thought to herself, what DID she want? The love of her people? No, that dream had long been shattered. Her people's forgiveness? No, the way she saw things, she did nothing wrong, they hated her for merely existing.

As she contemplated on what she wanted, the Dofus did something that no Tamaranean had ever seen it do. It moved on its own while glowing. It was just a slight trembling but it was enough to catch the attention of the five Tamaraneans present. Something had happened to it almost as if it had regained something that it had once lost.

They gasped at the sight as before their very eyes, the Dofus started to break- no it started to hatch. A small, little, and adorable pair of hands came out of the egg followed by a pair of equally small, little, and adorable pair of legs.

With this, the egg started to lose balance and was about to fall from its pedestal where it was placed. The two couples did not know what to do and thus stayed in their spot but Komand'r ran towards the egg that was about to fall.

Just like she had anticipated it, the egg fell but she was able to catch it. It broke upon contact with her and before she even knew what to make out of this, she was holding a small baby boy in her hands. Komand'r noted that the baby boy had a strange pair of horns made of energy on his head.

Before the two couples could even berate her for breaking the Dofus, the baby boy emitted a strange light as his hand touched Komand'r's skin. When the light vanished, the baby boy looked like a regular Tamaranean baby and the Dofus's eggshell had vanished as well but that was not what shocked the two Royal Couple.

What shocked them was that Komand'r was currently holding a baby boy AND she was doing this while levitating. This meant that she could harness ultraviolet light to fly as most Tamaraneans did and it meant that she was cured of her incurable disease.

If they needed any more proof then it was this. The baby boy was not normal but they could not declare his existence to the world as they were in a war with the Citadel. It would put him in extreme danger of being targeted by them more than each royal family member ever was.

Out of duty but mostly out of gratitude and need for a child both royal families decided to come up with a cover story. They both went to the temple to pray for the health of their children, the Dofus granted their wish, Komand'r was cured and the yet-to-be-named child of King Tharras and Queen Salja was born without complications. 

King Tharras and Queen Salja had yet to announce the death of their unborn child thus adopting this one would not be noticed by anyone. They quickly made and replaced the egg to avoid any suspicions. And so from that day, Prince Yugo of Tamaran, son of King Tharras and Queen Salja was 'born'.

[AN: Want more? Like Thanos, I want those STONES!!!]

Creation is hard, cheer me up! STONES!!!!

Isekai_enjoyercreators' thoughts