
DC: System Shock (COMPLETED)

Well, if I had plans for a wild adventure, this wasn’t what I had in mind. One moment I’m crashing on the couch, thumbing through my dog-eared DC Comics collection, and the next... Boom! I’m smack dab in the middle of Metropolis, and let me tell you, it's not the Metropolis you see on postcards. Imagine, the skyscrapers you dream about from movies and comics, now they're crumbling. Flashing lights and explosions paint the skyline. No, it's not some fancy holographic display; this is real, alarmingly real. There I was, regular old me, standing in all my awkwardness in a city under siege by god-knows-what-and-who. Superman is up there, cape fluttering and all, throwing down with these ominous-looking entities. And me? I'm over here, equal parts stunned and terrified. As debris rains down like a disaster movie on steroids, I’m diving for cover behind a partially collapsed building. The dusty, shredded pages of my comic collection flutter around me, a stark contrast to this gritty, chaotic reality. Then, out of nowhere, this shimmering interface pops up, hanging in the air like a neon sign in Times Square. It’s like some cosmic computer screen offering me options like I’m about to pick a new phone plan. I poke at it because what else do you do when you’re yanked from your comfy world and dropped into a super-powered showdown? The thing offers guidance, quests, and, get this, points. Points! Like I’m suddenly part of some cosmic rewards program. So here I am, taking cover, trying not to stick out like a sore thumb in my jeans and old band t-shirt, while navigating an interface that might as well be from a sci-fi flick. “Welcome to the Universal Network System,” it says. And I’m thinking, “Yeah, thanks for the warm welcome, but can I get a ticket back to my couch?”

Wicked132 · アニメ·コミックス
98 Chs

The Irony #85

Observing Black Adam swing his fist once more, Micah inwardly sighed. Fighting such a formidable opponent in this situation was far from ideal, but it seemed he had little choice but to demonstrate his power. 

With determination coursing through him, Micah activated his bloodline, his skin transforming to a deep obsidian hue, twin horns sprouting from his forehead. Between them, a slit emerged, gradually widening to reveal a third eye resembling a portal to the cosmos, a radiant blue orb adorned with shimmering stars.

As Micah completed his transformation, the stabilizing barrier surrounding the island began to quake, and as he met Black Adam's attack head-on, the barrier shattered. The fabric of space itself became turbulent around Micah's fist, generating numerous minuscule dimensional rifts imperceptible to the naked eye.

These rifts tore into Black Adam's arm, gouging out small, barely noticeable chunks of flesh and skin that vanished into the unknown. Sensing the imminent danger, Black Adam swiftly retreated, regarding Micah with a mixture of alarm and surprise.

Micah regarded Black Adam with an even gaze, the space around him warping subtly. "Now that I am no longer a helpless prey waiting for its demise... are you willing to listen?" he inquired calmly, his voice tinged with a hint of disinterest as if he didn't care for his opponent's reply regardless of what he would decide.

Black Adam's gaze narrowed as he fixed his eyes on Micah. He had indeed struck a deal with the Secret Society, but it entailed eliminating the young man standing before him. Fully briefed on Micah's formidable abilities, including his command over space, Black Adam had initially felt confident in his ability to kill him, particularly with the space-stabilizing barrier encasing the island. 

However, now that the barrier had vanished, Black Adam realized that forcing Micah to stay and fight or even defeat him was far from certain. Doubts began to gnaw at him; perhaps he couldn't secure victory after all.

Crossing his arms, Black Adam regarded Micah with a contemplative expression. "It appears you possess the qualifications to bargain with me," he conceded, his tone measured. "However, whether you can fulfill my demands remains to be seen," he continued, his voice tinged with skepticism.

Micah met Black Adam's gaze with a hint of concealed amusement. "Then let us hear your terms, Your Majesty," he replied calmly, his demeanor unwavering.

Black Adam cleared his throat before speaking. "There exists a newly developed cure circulating in the world... regrettably, my kingdom has been diplomatically isolated, and we have been denied access to it," he explained. "In exchange for my assistance, the Secret Society promised to provide a steady supply of this medicine," he concluded, his expression grave.

Micah's features contorted into a curious expression at Black Adam's revelation. "You're referring to the cancer cure developed by EternaCures, aren't you?" he inquired, prompting an immediate nod from Black Adam.

Micah couldn't stifle a chuckle at the confirmation, which earned him a sharp glare from the imposing figure before him. "Apologies, it's just... the irony of this situation strikes me as rather amusing," Micah explained, raising his hands in a conciliatory gesture as he noticed Black Adam's displeased expression. 

"I don't mean to mock your noble sentiment to your people... it's just that I'm the owner of the company that created this cure, and yet here you are trying to kill me..." he elaborated, shaking his head in mild exasperation. 

"If it's just the cancer cure you want, I can do you one better. I'll have my people establish a branch of our company in Kandahq..." He stated. "Not only will we provide the cancer cure, but our latest products as well. The prices will be within reach for all," he assured, his tone earnest.

Black Adam regarded Micah with a skeptical gaze, pondering his proposal for a moment before finally nodding. "Very well, I'll take your word for it. You have two months to fulfill your promise," he declared, his form beginning to ascend into the air. 

"Should you uphold your end of the bargain, you'll be welcomed as an esteemed guest and friend in my palace," he continued, his voice resonating with authority. "However, should you fail, I will hunt you to the ends of the earth, and you will face the consequences of your deceit," he warned, his tone ominously foreboding as he prepared to depart.

"Wait just a moment," Micah's voice rang out, causing Black Adam to halt his ascent through the sky. "Tell me, is Ras Al-Ghul lurking on this island?" he inquired, his gaze fixed intently on the departing figure.

Black Adam shook his head dismissively. "That cowardly Demon Head? No, he wouldn't dare show his face here," he scoffed, disdain dripping from his words. "This was merely a trap orchestrated to ensnare and eliminate you," he added, his tone dripping with contempt for Ras Al-Ghul's tactics.

He himself wouldn't stoop to using such cowardly strategies or even taking part in them if it weren't for the sake of his people. 

Micah's frustration was evident as he let out an exasperated sigh. "I suspected as much... And what of the technology stabilizing space?" he pressed, his curiosity piqued. "Do you know who engineered it?"

Black Adam nodded knowingly. "Gorilla Grodd was behind those devices... He and the Demon Head were keen on either capturing or eliminating you," he disclosed, his tone filled with disapproval. "Do you require something else?" 

Micah shook his head, absorbing the information. "That's all I needed to know. Farewell, Your Majesty," he bid respectfully, a note of finality in his tone.

With a nod, Black Adam transformed into a streak of golden lightning, disappearing into the vast expanse of the sky above. Micah watched his departure with a mixture of disappointment and resignation. 

He knew it was the wise choice to avoid a confrontation, especially with such a formidable foe in enemy territory. Despite his confidence in his abilities, he understood the risks of engaging Black Adam without a clear advantage.

He knew all of this, and yet, deep down, Micah still wanted to test his strength against the might of Black. In the end, his apathy won, and he forced himself to take a step back, letting the King of Kandahq indulge in his arrogance. 

As he contemplated his next move, Rattigan poked his head out from within his jacket, emitting a series of agitated chitters. Micah sighed, addressing the rat firmly. 

"Relax, will you rat? There was no need to fight that guy..." he said, gently pushing the rodent back into his jacket. However, Rattigan continued to express his discontent with a flurry of indignant chitters, much to Micah's bemusement.

Micah shrugged, his apathy evident in his tone. "So what if he's arrogant? It's none of our concern," he remarked with a scoff. "If I had to put every conceited fellow in their place, I'd never have a moment's peace," he added, receiving a retaliatory nip from Rattigan. 

Unfazed, Micah raised his hand, looking at Rattigan with emotionless eyes that betrayed a hint of annoyance and fondness. "You're a real pain in the ass sometimes... But fine, if you want some entertainment, I'll see what I can do," he conceded, eliciting an unimpressed chitter from Rattigan.

With Rattigan settled on his shoulder, Micah resumed his contemplation, his mind already turning to his next course of action.

After a moment of contemplation, Micah's gaze shifted to the mines where the island's natives toiled under the oppressive rule of Ras Al-Ghul. A faint grin spread across his face, a spark of determination igniting in his eyes. "Let's see how long you can hide once I drag you into the spotlight..." he muttered to himself, his voice tinged with resolve.

With a sudden burst of energy, Micah teleported directly in front of one of the young islanders, startling him from his labor. "Hey, you there, come over here," Micah called out, his tone surprisingly calm amidst the harsh surroundings.

The young man, clearly accustomed to obedience, approached cautiously, his eyes betraying a mix of fear and curiosity. "Y-yes, sir?" he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper.

Micah studied him for a moment before speaking again. "You've been working in these mines for as long as you can remember, haven't you?

The young man nodded meekly, confirming Micah's suspicions. "Do you want to leave this place? To escape the lash of Ras Al-Ghul's minions?" Micah inquired, his gaze blank as ever.

A flicker of hope lit up in the young man's eyes, but it was quickly overshadowed by a sense of apprehension. "I... I can't abandon my family, sir," he admitted, his voice tinged with reluctance.

Micah's expression softened momentarily before returning to its usual impassive state. "You can take your family with you out of this island, away from this torment... not just your family, but all your people as well...." he offered his tone firm yet reassuring. 

"But I have a few tasks I need you to help me with in exchange, nothing difficult or complicated. If you agree to them, you and your family won't have to endure another lash for the rest of your lives," he promised, extending a lifeline of hope to the beleaguered islander.