After my death, I was reborn in the great DC world and got the system! The hour has come to become the strongest! This is a translation, with the approval of the author! More chapters: https://www.pat
An hour later I was there.
I have created seven clones with different amounts of chakra, for different purposes.
Used the Doton technique: Stoneskin. I scanned the entire area carefully for "live" individuals and got a picture in the form of only the complete composition of the current beta family: Batman, Nightwing, Robin, Batgirl.
In addition, my clones and I carefully scanned the building, the ground and in general the entire space for cameras, bugs or some other crap. And it seems that we have noticed everything that is.
It's time to go up to the top floor itself ... And why is he so drawn to heights? He clearly has strange fetishes. I'm not even talking about black tight suits and young boys around him, I resigned myself to this and try not to notice.
I wonder what is their attitude towards me now?
Bruce Wayne / Batman 3000 (he respects you)
Richard "Dick" Grayson / Nightwing 2400 (strong interest, sympathy)
Jason Todd / Robin II 700 (interest)
Barbara Gordon / Batgirl - 200 (mild dislike)
Well, I expected something like this. Although Dick surprised me a little, his attitude towards me, on the contrary, jumped up, strengthened. It seems that he somehow assesses the situation more soberly. Well, here is already a shame to Batman and the rest, and honor and praise to him. Yet it is not in vain that he is Wayne's first and best student.
Batman pompously stood with a face towards me. Dick was sitting on the stone blocks in the corner. Barbara stood on the left side of the mouse. And Robin (Jason) positioned himself across the wall from me. Looks like an "ambush" is planned if I "buzz". This annoys me even more.
+ 1 to Paphos
+ 1 to Will.
Thank you system.
- Have you come? We really thought you wouldn't come. - tried to sneer Barbara.
Strangely, she seems to be already an adult girl, and she is trying to hurt me with such crap. However, I did not fall for this, but simply raised one eyebrow as a sign of "bewilderment" and looked at Batman.
- What are you, how could I have missed such an action. I thought I'd meet your whole bet family. But Robin and Mouseman are missing here. They won't come? And I realized that Robin was punished for bad behavior and put in a corner. And the older brother decided to isolate the younger from "problems" and did not say that he was coming here. You are cruel Batman with your little one.
- 100 to Relationship with Barbara Gordon / Batgirl
- 100 relationship with Jason Todd / Robin II
+100 relationship with Richard "Dick" Grayson / Nightwing
You have increased the level of the "Troll" skill
Oh yeah! The conversation has started! Love you system ...
- Rrr! He is not Batman's brother! - Gordon's daughter burned me with a glance.
"I don't know, he talks about it so confidently that I cannot help but believe. and you were in no hurry to refute it.
But Batman was silent.
- Batman died or just remembered that he had forgotten about "brother"?
- I didn't come for an empty conversation, but I'm waiting for you to tell me what you're hiding ?! - again this commanding tone.
- And again this tone! - I no longer hid my displeasure behind the mask of a joker. - It infuriates me! I didn't deserve that kind of attitude. Batman ...
- What are you talking to him? - suddenly jumps out from behind the wall, judging by the expression on the lower part of Betgirl's face (for them unexpectedly and apparently not according to plan) Robin. However, he is a playful boy and impatient. The future Red Cap is immediately visible. - You need it ...
- Stop Robin! - Batman tried to stop him with his voice, but did not have time, I was faster.
After all, I have already managed to chakra through the body and cover it outwardly, in a matter of seconds.
A punch to the chest ... the liver ... the jaw ... and the crown kick that knocks the kid out. True, I had to quickly get throwing knives, and knock Batman's betarangs off the trajectory. He responds quickly.
Two of my clones that were on the neighboring skyscrapers had already fired a tranquilizer charge (produced by Pamela, on my order) at Dick and Batman, but both missed. Good reaction, and intuition also did not go wrong. No, though. They did not dodge, but accidentally passed by. After all, my clones under the "concealment technique" were not visible to them. And that's just their luck. In the meantime, they rushed to me. Barbara was the closest.
I take out smoke bombs and throw them on the floor. Without sight in battle, I can orient myself well. Let's see if Barbara and Dick can fight like that. For Batman, I'm sure.
One clone dispelled and passed on to me the knowledge that when Dick was at me, he pulled out his electric batons, and my clone got up from the lower floor and doused him with a Water Ball from behind, which almost knocked Grayson out, but a control blow to the back of the head knocked him out. I have created two clones. And he sent them to Batman. It won't help for long, though. But it will delay him.
He himself took up Barbara.
She has a good school, but I am faster, stronger and more enduring. She tried to hit me with her pole at a painful point. But she missed a little. I "stuck" the pole to myself, and I myself knocked it out with a savory blow to the liver and did not disdain to load it in the jaw. She is not Batman. Couldn't do something against my quick attack.
But the memory from the scattered two clones told me that Batman was able to "catch my clones" with the help of betarangs and a net. True, one left kawarimi. I had to go hand-to-hand at him. I don't want to kill him ...
Whom am I kidding though? Want! But you can't!