
Chapter 32

Yes, really I was given a normal task, and not some kind of garbage? Have the last improvements of the System even come to the issue of normal tasks?

- Well, let's get started. - and I began to deal cards.

We played for over two hours. And Diana, Donna and a couple of other Amazons who came to us, at first, wanted to take us out for a walk somewhere. And then they sat down around us and closely watched the battle of the "titans".

I gave in to Artemis a couple of times. Whatever she gave up this venture at the beginning, and I was able to complete the quest. After all, the most important thing there is a reluctance to spoil relations with Artemis by as many as a thousand positions.

But, as it turned out, the passion is such that it will not save even the half-goddesses. It was already the fifteenth round, if I may say so between the two of us, and she lost it.

I even pumped the level. I only needed a little less than a thousand there. And also two levels of the "Shuller" skill. And luck, along with intuition.

After that, the outraged Artemis said that she was very tired today and went to her place. Grumble something unintelligible under his breath. I just thought that for today it's all over. And I wanted to go to the library to read something new. But suddenly Diana turned to me.

- Hmm. Can we play too?


You have received an assignment.

"Player 2.0"

You have a unique opportunity to defeat not only the famous Amazon champion Artemis in a game of luck, but also her hundred sisters in arms. Do this ten times and get a reward.


1 in 100


+ 5000 experience,

enhancing relations with the Goddess Fortune.

+ 5 to luck

+ 10 free points.

Penalty for failure / refusal: Brand of a loser or - 10,000 relationships with all residents of Themyscira.

Accept the assignment?

Well no.

I hope there will be no Player 3.0 quest when I complete that too. At least I intend to fulfill it. For the consequences of the fine I do not want.

As a result, while I was once again telling the four Amazons the basics of the game, in addition to what they had already seen, new faces began to approach us. As I later found out, the "sisters" of the main military leader and champion Themiskir were surprised by the redhead's mood and asked her what had happened. She told them everything honestly. After that, almost everyone was eager to try. As a result, I crawled into my monastery only in the evening and was morally tired. On my account there were already 27 defeated Amazons. None of them really knew how to play. Perhaps Diana, sometime during the Second World War, saw soldiers playing in the trenches. Because she almost beat me once. After that, I told her that until 98 more Amazons played with me, I would not sit down to play with her.

She pouted (when she pouts she's so cute) and left. And only after that did the rest of the Amazons grab hold of me.

On the second day, I thought I would have a whole line of Amazons wanting to play. But that was not the case. Only me, Artemis and Donna were at the Arena, who expressed a desire to train with us. First, the red-haired beast drove me a little, and then left the two of us to exercise together, rushing off somewhere on business.

We had a couple of sparring sessions and then just had a nice chat.

And after that we went to the library. By the way, I'm talking about Donna, she knows how to cook pretty well. I praised her and said that if I had the opportunity, I would feed her with my cooking. But she looked at me strangely and said that it was better not ...

It sounded so offensive that I had a desire to prove to her that I cook well. The main thing for me is to have a place where it can be done and the ingredients.

She smiled condescendingly and said that after the "lesson" we could go to her house and there I would cook something of mine for her.

And so it happened.

I was wise for about two hours, maybe a little more, in her "kitchen", but I managed to cook quite edible pilaf.

Until the last moment, she did not believe in my culinary abilities, until she shoved the first spoon into her mouth. Then her eyes widened and she looked at me in a new way.

- Quite ... not bad ... I didn't expect a man to cook well ... It ... was unexpected. - She said, stuffing more and more spoon in her mouth. - And when she finished it (literally in a few seconds!), Then she added - But not enough.

- Not a problem! I can cook some more if you like. I would cook for myself, but I am kindly served food three times a day and I have enough.

"Sister Cleo is the best at cooking. - smiled Dona - She learned this art even from some gods. Even from Dionysius, she learned how to make the best wine in Themyscira. And then she invented her own recipe, and now it comes straight to Olympus in the first place.

- Even so?

- That's right, and also ...

The stream of words of the sweetheart Donna did not stop for a long time. I even had time to cook another portion of pilaf, and she was still talking about the gods of Olympus and the history of many "famous" Amazons of Themyscira. By the way, I found out that their population is very tight.

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