
035 The Cursed Girl

London hospital.

"I don't know how much you know about magic, but something strange happened recently."

"Speak, I'll listen." Batman made a gesture of listening.

Constantine sighed, exhaling the smoke from her lungs.

"Something opened a channel between my conscious and unconscious, and brought out the demon within me."

"Just this morning, I trampled to death a lot of demons."

"In the end, there were too many to kill, so I had to swallow them back into my stomach."

Batman understands every word he says, but it's not so easy to understand when put together.

Especially since Bruce Wayne doesn't really know much about magic.

He could only look at Constantine, and then said in a very suspicious tone:

"You shouldn't have high grass in the morning, right?"

Constantine said helplessly:

"I knew you didn't understand magic, why didn't the Justice League you mentioned send someone who understands magic?"

"This way at least it can help with this matter."

Batman is deadpan:

"It's hard to believe, but I agree with you on this point."

He observed the hospital, "Who are we here for?"

Constantine led the way and said as he walked, "Tracey, the daughter of a friend of mine."

"You still have friends?"

"Yeah, I can't get rid of the evil relationship I have formed since I was a child."

Because of Batman's special status, the two specially chose to come here late at night.

At the moment no one saw them except the few on duty.

When they came to a ward, they saw a couple waiting anxiously.

"Where have you been, John?"

"Find some foreign aid."

Constantine's baby Chase looked at Batman suspiciously.

"You mean this, a weirdo in a black costume?"

Batman's face remained unchanged, and his voice was also: "I.Am.Batman!"

Chase's eyes were even more strange: "He even has a name?"

His wife, Renee, said anxiously:

"We're wasting our time, why don't we trust doctors?"

She stared at Constantine bitterly, and said something not very nice:


"And asking for help from a scumbag and a freak in a fancy dress? I don't understand!"

Chas could only persuade him with good words: "We have invited too many doctors, but none of them can cure Trish. Only John can help."

He looked at Constantine with hope in his eyes: "Please, brother."

Faced with the small request, Constantine could only nod helplessly.

Batman has been watching and doesn't say much.

He followed Constantine into the ward, and finally saw a little girl about eight years old lying on the hospital bed.

"The next thing may challenge your three views, but please don't act too aggressively, okay?"

Batman nodded slowly in his gaze.

Constantine stood by the hospital bed and began to speak a spell in a language Batman had never heard.

Suddenly, a golden air mass appeared in Constantine's hands.

He punched out the air mass, forming something like a passage on the opposite side.

Batman narrowed his eyes and took a step back.

He heard some little knowledge from Dane's science popularization. Magicians usually open a magic channel, and the people who come on the other side are often not human.

Contrary to Batman's imagination, a tall beauty in a purple nurse uniform came out of the passage.

She has medium-length hair, and her skin is as pale as Deadman's, but she has delicate features and is quite pretty.

She seemed to be very familiar with Constantine, and immediately called out his name when he came.

"You really can't pick your time, John."

"I'm having a threesome with the Dryad and the Air Fairy, and I have to say, they both have better skills than you."

Constantine coughed and looked sideways.

The nurse girl quickly spots Batman standing nearby.

"It's interesting, do you still have such a friend by your side?"

"Let's get back to business, I've come to you this time for something important."

He looked at Trish on the hospital bed, and the nurse girl also looked at her, and then couldn't help rolling her eyes.

Although she looked very impatient, she still walked over.

"Well, I did take a vow to protect my life, to do no evil, and stuff like that."

Her hand lit up with a magical light, and it went directly into Tracy's body.

Batman looked over at Constantine, and he explained:

"This woman is a Nightmare Nurse, and the body is a demon."

"Now I share a body with a human being, don't worry, she is my own."

How the hell do you reassure me?

"What do you think?" Seeing her groping for a long time, Constantine couldn't help asking.

"I think you should shut up and let me do my job."


"She's possessed, right?"

That's Constantine's guess, but he's not sure.

Nightmare Nurse is annoying: "Can't you even understand 'shut up'?"

After a while, she withdrew her hand, and Tracy's body was as before, without any damage.

Batman also relaxed a little, and then he heard Nightmare Nurse say:

"She's not possessed because there's no entity in there that can be possessed."

Constantine had never expected such a result, and subconsciously asked, "What?"

Suddenly Batman said, "There's no...soul in it, right?"

Nightmare Nurse looked at him in surprise, and couldn't help but sigh after confirming that he was really just an ordinary person.

"John, you're not as smart as a mortal."

Constantine's face was a little ugly, he justified:

"But before I found out that something was attached to her."

Upon hearing the words, Nightmare Nurse simply said: "Then let's see who it is..."

She stretched out her hand to grab it, and a short wand appeared out of nowhere in her palm.

She waved it, and the magic turned into a silk thread and penetrated into Tracy's body.

A bright red thing was pulled out from inside, and it climbed onto her body along the Nightmare Nurse's magic, as if it had completed some kind of possession ritual.

When Nightmare Nurse opened her eyes again, her temperament had completely changed.

"help me!"

"Tracey?" Constantine was overjoyed, and quickly asked, "Where are you now?"

The Nightmare Nurse who was possessed by Tracy looked weakened: "In a...a cage, I can't see clearly, it's so cold here."

Constantine then asked, "Are you alone?"

Trish replied, "Yes, except when it comes."

Having said that, Nightmare Nurse hugged her arms, as if terrified.

"Who? What's its name?" Constantine realized that this guy was probably the culprit.

Tracy seemed to feel the pain, she let out a cry of pain, and Nightmare Nurse's expression changed again, becoming evil.

"I have many names, which one do you want to know?"

At this time, the person possessing Nightmare Nurse has obviously changed, no, it is a demon.

"Who are you?"

"John Constantine, if you want to find the answer from the devil, you have to come here yourself, hahaha."

"Then tell me where I can find you."

The demon suddenly left Nightmare Nurse's body, and Hellfire burned a line of English words on the glass window of the hospital:

"Los Angeles, 1247 Enstrom Street"


Nightmare Nurse fell to the ground, and after being possessed by the demon, at the moment she had to reveal the demon's true face.

It can be seen that there are obvious female characteristics, but compared with the human body, the demon body is hideous and terrifying, and ordinary people cannot look directly at it.

But I didn't expect that apart from Constantine, who was not surprised, even Batman didn't change his face.

He even had the leisure to care about this demon.

"Are you OK?"

"It's okay, I need a little time to recover."

Nightmare Nurse was talking all day, while changing form, returning to the appearance of a human nurse again.

She helped Batman's hand to stand up, looking at him with something different in his eyes.

"You're very different, handsome, what's your name?"

"Batman." He retracted his arm after lifting Nightmare Nurse up.

"Batman, well, a very special name like yourself..."

Constantine couldn't stand it anymore: "OK, that's enough Yasa, do you have to flirt with a man you just met at a time like this?"

"Come on John, I'm a demon." Nightmare Nurse laughed.

"Also, I don't think you have time to dawdle here."

"I guess we're going to Los Angeles next."

"Yeah, I have to buy a plane ticket to go back."

Constantine is a poor ghost, although he can always get close to a rich woman.

But even as a non-picky eater, there are occasional times when he doesn't feel like doing it.

"We're in a hurry, right?" Batman tapped the display on his arm a few times.

Suddenly, there was a strong wind outside the window, which blew the curtains violently.

Constantine and Nightmare Nurse look over.

At some point, a black bat-flight appeared outside.

"You have a plane?"

"Otherwise how would I get here?"

You can't come here on a passenger plane wearing a bat battle suit, right?

Batman opened the window and climbed into the cockpit on the wing of the flight controller.

"Do you want to watch there, or go back with me?"

After reacting, Constantine quickly took a few steps and boarded the flight controller as well.

Nightmare Nurse wanted to stay here to guard Tracy's body, so she didn't board the plane.

The Bat-Flight takes off and finally leaves London at supersonic speed.