
021 The Scarecrow

Jason has been thinking about the purpose of the scarecrow. He is different from Joker, a lunatic who is just looking for fun. Scarecrow usually has a clear purpose in committing crimes.

And there's not much time left before he announces a new gas to Gotham.

But so far, Jason has only seen private soldiers injecting civilians in stupid ways on the street.

He didn't believe that the Scarecrow was trying to accomplish his proclamation in this way, it was too stupid.

"He must have some way of spreading the gas over a large area throughout the city, and I have to find that way."

As it happens, Batman thinks so too.

He also got samples of the new poison gas from the private soldiers, and found Barbara, intending to find out the real hiding place of the scarecrow through triangulation.

"The gas reaction will emit several unique radiation peaks, and we can scan the city for characteristic energy signals, so that we can find the place where the scarecrow made the fear gas."

Jason, who watched the screen, couldn't help but admire: "It's really smart."

Barbara approves of this approach, but she also raises questions:

"But the satellites take hours to get in place."

Batman said: "We don't have that much time, I'll reset the signal tower..."

Jason turned off the screen and gave the AI ​​instructions to hijack the satellite signal, which was much faster than Batman's.

According to the data stolen from Barbara's computer, he quickly scanned and compared the positions of the characteristic energy signals.

Just at the ACE chemical plant.

"Oh, why am I not surprised at all?"

While Batman was still struggling with the antenna, Jason had already rushed to the target location.

This time he sneaked in in a different way.

He was depressed before, so the way to infiltrate was to kill everyone. Without witnesses, he infiltrated perfectly, and there was nothing wrong with it.

But now the Scarecrow already knew of his existence. Although he was not afraid, he would not foolishly step into the trap.

It's serious to sneak in and figure out what the Scarecrow is up to.

The night is his best protection, Jason sneaks in quietly.

With the battle suit in place, no other technological means can detect him.

The combination of the infiltration technique and technology he learned in the League of Assassins allowed him to invade the ACE Chemical Factory silently like a perfect ninja master.

Jason quickly hacked into the factory's central computer and discovered where several chemical materials for the synthesis gas were stored.

Unfortunately, the computer shows that these materials have basically been consumed.


This means the Scarecrow may have created enough fear gas to be short of a route to spread.

Jason continued to sneak into the factory and blocked a worker who was about to leave in a workshop.

"Where is the Scarecrow now?"

This staff member doesn't look like one of the Scarecrow's minions.

And the fact is indeed the case, I saw him a little panicked:

"The scarecrow is making a bomb, do you know what that means? He's ready to release the gas!"

He intends to use the power of the explosion to spread the poisonous gas?

Jason frowned, always feeling that something was wrong, but there was nothing wrong with this being a gas chamber.

"Tell me, where is he now?"

"He's in the central mixing room."

Jason dropped the staff and went straight to the central mixing room, where he found the scarecrow.

"I didn't expect you to find me first. It's really unexpected."

The scarecrow seemed confident, and in the next second, he even directly revealed Jason's identity.

"I don't think Batman knows that his little assistant survived a catastrophe, does he?"

"Jason Todd."

Jason raised the electronic mask, and instantly a big gun appeared in his hand, pointing at the scarecrow's head.

"what is your purpose?"

"I saw you fight Batman, and I have to say, you surprised me Jason."

"You're better than ever, and I'm sure you're as fed up with that bat as we are."

"Your target is Batman." Jason suddenly figured it out.

"Yeah, definitely it was him, it was always him, and it was all about destroying Batman."

"But it's not just about killing him."

"What we hope to kill is the spirit that the identity of 'Batman' symbolizes."

"Not only are we going to kill him, but we're going to reveal his identity to everyone, damn Bruce Wayne!"

"So join us, Jason."

The scarecrow opened his hands and made an invitation.

"One more question, how did you find out my identity?"


The Scarecrow patiently explained:

"Joker told us the truth in Arkham, he said you're not dead."

"And the Riddler guessed your identity, we agreed that you should join us, after all you also hate Batman, don't you?"

"Joker must not be telling you all the truth, is he?"

"What do you mean?" The Scarecrow suddenly felt something was wrong.

"It's ridiculous that you would believe Joker's words!"

Jason suddenly shot, the bullet pierced the scarecrow's lungs, and he fell on his back.

The Scarecrow stared at Jason with wide eyes, as if in disbelief that he would shoot him!

Jason walked two steps forward slowly, aiming the big gun between the scarecrow's eyebrows again.

"Do you think I won't kill you?"

Hearing this, the Scarecrow suddenly laughed:

"It seems that Joker is not a complete failure. He created a work like yours. Can you still call yourself Robin?"

"You think you've won by doing this?"

"Hahahahaha... My poisonous gas will become a nightmare for this city, hahahahaha!"


Jason blew the Scarecrow's head off with one snap.

He hurried to the central computer and found that the countdown to the bomb had already started, but luckily it was controlled by the computer.

Using the smart AI on the battle suit again, Jason hacked the computer and disarmed the bomb in a matter of minutes, but would it be that simple?

The scarecrow's last words lingered in his mind for a long time.

Jason couldn't figure out what the scarecrow meant, but Dane knew that Barbara was behind him.

When Batman was looking for the poisonous gas manufacturing factory and the scarecrow all over the city, the scarecrow had already sent a group of people to the clock tower base to capture Barbara in advance.

But the Scarecrow didn't know until his death that Dane had already buried a chess piece in the clock tower.

Barbara was unable to move, and when she realized that she was in danger, heavily armed mercenaries had already broken into the door.

Just when she was feeling desperate, Damian, dressed as a ninja, suddenly jumped out of the darkness.

He is like a shadow, when he jumps and dances, he can only see the two swords raised.

It was the flower of death, the dance of killing.

In less than five minutes, an elite squad of mercenaries was wiped out by Damian.


Barbara stepped back quietly and took out the small pistol hidden under the wheelchair.

"Who are you?"

"The person who saved you." Damian gasped as usual.

For some reason, Barbara always felt that this tone seemed familiar. "

"And she recognized that the dwarf in front of her is a child."

"How old are you?"

Damian's body froze, and then he was a little angry: "This is none of your business!"

He clicked the touch screen button on his arm and said:

"I've already saved the person, it's no longer safe here."

"Send her to Wayne's old house, there is no place safer than there."

"By the way, confiscating her communicator will make your dad think she's lost contact!"

"You're such a jerk, but I like the idea, but how do we get back? There's still a lot of soldiers on the street."

It didn't matter to him, but what about Barbara?

"Remember how you and Jason came to Gotham? You had that bracelet too."

Damian hurriedly checked upon hearing this, and soon, a bracelet-shaped device was assembled by Nano and put on his hand.

He complained: "It's very scientific, but it's not magic!"

Just kidding, although Damian has never seen it, his vision is not low, and he knows what it means to combine technology and magic.

He knew that there was a "sacred object" called "Lazarus Pool" in the League of Assassins, and one could obtain Regenerative Healing Factor by soaking it.

It is said that the leader of the Assassin League died in a duel with Batman, and he was resurrected by this pool.

But his grandfather, Lars al-Ghul, has owned this "sacred object" for hundreds of years, and has not yet fully understood its mysteries, let alone harnessed this power in a technological way.

So Damian didn't show it on the surface, but he was still very afraid of Dane in his heart.

He obeyed and confiscated Barbara's communication equipment, which made her very angry.

"Hey! You can't do that!"

Damian didn't care, he grabbed Barbara with one hand and activated the bracelet with the other.

With a sound of "whoosh", the two disappeared in place.