
DC: Son of Themyscira

The amazons celebrate the first child born of Queen Hippolyta, however, when the day finally arrives things are not as expected.

TrapcardD · アニメ·コミックス
24 Chs


" Who are you to say you are the brother of a god? Even one such as Ares." Diana asked the man. She was completely offended. She was a devout believer in the gods of Olympus, and even though Ares was a vile man in her eyes, he was still a part of the greater order of beings from Greece.

" I know, it's weird. But ever since my fight in the arena with Orion, I've had a pretty good idea. And then when I fought with Ares, he confirmed it himself. You seem to care about this a great deal." Markus spoke.

" I am an amazon; we serve the will of the gods themselves. To call yourself a god... There is no greater insult to my people." Diana told the man.

" I understand it's a crazy subject. But you would think, the idea of a race of immortal warriors, or a man that can fly faster than sound, would be impossible. And yet, here we are." Markus explained.

Diana was quiet for a just a moment. That was a fair point. In all her years of life, was there truly anything that was impossible anymore?

" I have one favor to ask." Diana muttered.

" What is it?" Markus asked the woman.

" If you are, who you say you are, then allow me to give you a test. With this." She said, reaching down to her hip. She pulled up the golden lasso she had tied to her waist and raised it to Markus. " Allow me to use the lasso of truth. This was blessed by the goddess Hestia herself. It will force you to admit the truth." Diana explained to the man.

" Fine, but in return, I want you to do me a favor." Markus told the woman.

" You do this, and I will consider it." Diana replied.

" Very well." Markus sighed. He held out his hand and grabbed hold of one end of the rope.

" Who are you? The Lasso commands you to speak." Diana spoke.

The golden rope started glowing even brighter.

" My name is Markus; I have no last name. I was born to Queen Hippolyta of the amazons, and Zeus, king of the gods. I am the current ruler of a planet known as Valdr; there my people know me by the name Vulcan." Markus was compelled to speak his name and history by the Lasso of truth. So, when the words left his mouth that he was the son of Hippolyta.

Superman turned to Diana with a look of concern on his face. He could tell from the look of shock on Diana's face that she had never heard of such a thing as having a brother in her life.

" That's... That's not possible." Diana muttered. She withdrew the lasso, and then in a fit of rage she burst into the sky.

" DIANA!" Superman bellowed. He exploded into the air after the woman leaving Markus and Cir-El behind.

" We should follow them." Markus muttered.

" Why?" Cir-El asked the man.

" Because she's the only lead I have on Ares." Markus told the woman, Markus raced after Superman and Diana, following right behind them as they traveled. Where he did not know, but he still needed this woman's help.


She was confused, and understandably so. Her entire life, Diana believed she had been an only child. But the Lasso does not lie. This man was speaking truth. But she still needed to hear it from her mother herself. There has to be a reason, Diana never knew of a brother.

" Diana, slow down." Clark shouted out at the woman. He caught Diana in no time. Even as fast as she was, he was ten times faster. " Diana, where are you going?" He asked the woman.

" Home. I need to see my mother. Clark, I can't believe it. I have a brother." Diana muttered.

" There has to be some reason, your mother never told you." Clark stated.

" I'm about to find out." Diana replied.

At the speed they were going it was a matter of minutes, before Diana and Clark reached Themyscira. When they landed, Diana went straight for the great hall.


For Markus and Cir-El however, as the two of them hovered over the island, a sense of nostalgia washed over him.

" This island.... I can feel it, Cir-El. This is where I was born. This is my home." Markus muttered.

The look of nostalgia on the man's face, brought a strange serenity to Cir-El's heart.

" Come, we don't want to lose, Diana." Markus told the woman.


Diana erupted into the great hall with Clark at her side, and the moment the amazons spotted her, a loud round of cheers welcomed the princess of Themyscira.

" Princess Diana, welcome home." Philippus stood up and greeted Diana whole heartedly, hugging the woman as if she were family.

" Philippus, I have no time for greetings. Where is my mother?" Diana asked the woman.

" Queen Hippolyta is busy at the moment. She could be a while. Maybe you should come back another day." Philippus told Diana.

" No, it is fine. Where is she. This is important, Philippus." Diana responded.

As if the universe itself had heard her call, Hippolyta and her sister Antiope walked into the great hall, and to their surprise, Diana was there, waiting for her.

" Diana!" Hippolyta exclaimed. " Daughter, what brings you home?" Hippolyta asked the woman.

" Mother! Aunty! I need to talk to you in private." Diana told the two women. Her tone was far angrier than either Antiope or Hippolyta were used to.

" What is it, Diana?" Antiope asked Diana.

" I need to speak with the both of you alone. Now!" Diana demanded. She wanted to speak, but not in a place so open that all of Themyscira could hear it.

" Diana, what is it that angers you so? What could have possibly made you so angry?" Hippolyta asked the woman.

" I believe, it has something to do with me."

All eyes in the room turned towards these new visitors, specifically to the man. And in an instant, every amazon in the room drew upon him with their swords and spears.

Being the General, Antiope was the first to speak.

" How did you find this island?! Identify yourself!" Antiope raised her sword up towards this intruder's chest. He was a large man, larger than any she's seen in quite some time. But something about this person, just itched its way into her mind.

And to further her surprise, as she approached the man, he smiled down at her.

" I understand, the others. But it's hard to imagine, the woman who raised me would forget my face. Even if it has been thousands of years." The man muttered.

The familiarity of which he spoke, his features, that mop of black hair, and those blue eyes.

" Markus?" Antiope spoke his name at just barely above a whisper, but loud just enough for Markus to smile upon hearing his name.

" Hey Aunty." Markus spoke. He knelt down until he was face to face with Antiope, and Antiope leaped into the man's arms, Smiling.

" I can't believe it! Look at you! You've grown so big!" Antiope exclaimed. " Look sister." Antiope exclaimed.

She turned back to Hippolyta, and the look of dread on the woman's face, spoke words she never even imagined.

With a snap of her fingers and one loud shout.

" Everybody out!" The entire hall filled with amazons quickly became as empty as an abandoned house. The amazons followed the orders of their Queen to the letter, despite the fact, they were astonished by a man claiming to be family to their greatest general.

When the hall was emptied out, only Superman, Diana, Hippolyta, Antiope, and Markus and Cir-El remained.

" Mother, is what he says true? Is this... My brother?" Diana asked the woman.

" Wait? Mother?" Markus muttered. " So... You're Queen Hippolyta. It's nice to see you again, Mother. It's been so long, I... I had forgotten what your face looked like." Markus told the woman.

" Why are you here?" Hippolyta asked the man.

" Ah, not a hello? No, how are you son? Not even a... Where have you been all this time?" Markus asked the woman. " Why are you here.... Why am I here? You know it's funny, on my way here I just imagined what I would feel when I saw you. Would I be angry? I thought I would. And I thought I would be right for feeling that way. But as I'm standing here now, I feel neither sadness, nor anger. It's weird, if that makes sense." Markus muttered. Hippolyta stood quiet and after waiting a few minutes Markus, sighed. " A few reasons, actually." Markus stated. " I wanted to see my home, after so many years. To see, my aunty, if she were still alive, and.... Hopefully to see you. You know for so long; I questioned why I was born. No. I questioned why you hated me so much. You know I've been gone a long time. Lots happened. Got stuck in a lightning bolt. Crash landed on another planet. I was sold into slavery, became a gladiator, I was forced to fight in an arena, against monsters, and Gods. It was crazy, I led a rebellion against the corrupt king and after some time, we finally managed to depose him. I'm uh... I'm the king now. And this is my wife, Cir-El." Markus spoke. He started listing off his accomplishments one after another.

Perhaps he was seeking some form of validation?

Antiope gave a slight wave to the woman hiding behind Markus' giant shadow, and Cir-El responded with a respectful wave of her own. She was happy to hear, Markus had managed to live such an eventful life.

Hippolyta on the other hand, remained stone faced.

" Markus, why did you come back?" Hippolyta asked once again.

" Right." Markus muttered. " I forgot. I don't know what I was expecting. Guess it doesn't matter, anymore anyways." Markus took a deep breath and then exhaled. " Okay then! To business. The amazons respected the Greek gods more than any of people on this planet, that I am aware of. Almost a year ago, my home was attacked by someone calling himself, my brother, Ares. He challenged me to come to earth to find him. Well, I'm here now. So, how do I find him?" Markus asked the woman.

" If it is Ares, you seek, then look no further, for if he was the one who came looking for you, my son, then he most certainly will find you. In his own time." Hippolyta told the man. " Simply speak his name, if you wish to draw his attention. But I must warn you, challenging a god has consequences." Hippolyta told the man.

Markus smiled and lightning began flowing out of his eyes. His hands began to shine, like lightning and the sound of thunder clapping could be heard outside of the great hall.

" I'm counting on it, mother." Markus told the woman.

Diana and Superman were both impressed by the power coming from Markus.

Hippolyta and Antiope were both amazed in their own ways.

" Well, then. I guess, I better be going. I wouldn't want to bring trouble to your home. Come, Cir-El." Markus spoke, he turned on heel and started walking towards the doors to the great hall.

" Wait a minute!" Diana exclaimed. " Mother, why did you never tell me I had a brother?" Diana asked once more.

" Diana, I am the Queen of Themyscira, for a queen to give birth to a male child and to keep it alive. It was unheard of. And more on that, I believed him to be dead, before you were ever born." Hippolyta told the woman. " I see, I was simply wrong. As here he stands now. Unwelcomed."

" Sister!" Antiope exclaimed.

" Begone, Diana, and take your brother with you." Hippolyta told the woman. She walked away from Diana with saying another word or even bothering to look at Markus once more.

" You are one spiteful bitch!" This time to speak, was Cir-El. " With all due, respect your majesty, your son, has traveled quite a long distance, he has overcome obstacles that I have seen no other man survive. He has moved the will of an entire planet and saved a species from destruction. He is a hero to his people, and a good king. And all he wanted from you, you cold hearted witch... Is to hear you just one time say you were proud of him."

Markus felt a sense of warmth and joy wrap around his very being. Yes, they'd known each other for only so long, and yet, she supported him in ways so very few ever had.

" Is that all?" Hippolyta asked the woman.

Cir-El was infuriated by the gaul of this woman.

" Yeah, that's it." Markus spoke up. He patted Cir-El on her shoulder and then nodded. " It was nice to see you again, Aunty. I've missed you greatly. If you'd allow it, I'd love to have the chance to catch up." Markus asked the woman.

" Of course, Markus." Antiope replied.

" And you, Diana. Sister. Hmph! Next time, I won't get knocked down so easily. Take care of yourself sister." Markus told the woman.

" Wait, Markus. Where are you going now?" Diana asked the man.

" Mount Olympus. Or as close to it as I can get. I came here with a clear purpose. And I do not have long, until I must return home." Markus explained.

" Then, let me show you the way to Olympus. There is... So much I want to ask you." Diana told the man.

It seemed like a nice sentiment. But Markus wasn't in town to get reacquainted with family, so he was going to reject Diana's offer. But then it dawned on him. He had no idea where Olympus was or how to get there.

" You don't know how to get there at all do you?" Antiope asked the man.

" Not a clue." Markus replied without hesitation. He burst into a fit of laughter and started rubbing his head.

He was weird.

Neither Diana, Nor Clark could get a read on this man. He was just weird.

" If you are leaving, then leave." Hippolyta muttered.

Markus stopped laughing and immediately sighed.

" Alright. It was nice to meet you mother. I don't know what it is that has made you so bitter towards me. But I hope you've been well. I won't be in your hair much longer." Markus told the woman. " Come on you two!" Markus yelled to Diana and Clark. " There's no point in wasting more time." And with that said, Markus walked out of the great hall. His back turned towards his mother.


Meanwhile, in the halls of Olympus, quite the murmur of news ran spread throughout the glorified land. From the hands of the Messenger god himself, ran news of the arrival of an old god. A demi-god. Yes, Swift Hermes spread new throughout all of Olympus that Vulcan! The Great God of Thunder, Lightning, and Dance was coming to Olympus, just as Ares had planned.

" So, my brother has come after all? Well, Father. What game will you have us play?" Ares wondered. He chuckled in amusement. " Things on this mountain have become dull and boring. Time to cause a little Mayhem!"