
DC: Path of Technology

In the bustling metropolis of Gotham City, a mysterious occurrence takes place, setting the stage for an extraordinary journey. A talented and brilliant young technopath named Evan Taylor finds himself ripped from his mundane life and thrust into a world of superheroes, supervillains, and covert operations. Reborn in the universe of Young Justice, Evan must navigate the challenges of his existence while harnessing his remarkable abilities.

TheNeutralEvil · アニメ·コミックス
11 Chs

Chapter 9


As she and the team were spread around the school building to protect Dr Roquette, she felt a twinge of sadness in her heart.

It'd been a week with Evan gone and she missed him. She was obviously glad that her mother was back but Evan had become a part of her daily life and his absence was a very glaring change to her.

They still texted each other but it just wasn't the same as seeing him in person.

His lazy yet playful demeanor that amused and entertained her to no end. She really missed him.

'Artemis, are you alright?' M'gann asked through the mental link, snapping her out of her trance.

'Yeah, why wouldn't I be?' She countered, focusing on her surroundings like she was supposed to be doing.

She and M'gann were standing guard just outside the school.

'Don't worry, the others can't hear us. You just seemed so…sad. I didn't mean to pry or anything!' M'gann added the last part hurriedly to assuage her worries.

'It's nothing. It's just...' She considered telling the resident martian how she was feeling for a moment. She couldn't talk about it to one of the guys and she didn't want her mom finding out she was feeling like this.

'A friend of mine traveled for a while and I miss hi- her! I really miss her.' She said, attempting to cover her slip up.

Whether M'gann noticed it or not, she didn't call her out. "Well, you could take the zeta tubes and go visit your friend. I'm sure she'd be happy to see you." M'gann offered helpfully.

'That would make things complicated since he- I mean, she doesn't doesn't know about this part of me. How would I even explain how I wound up in another city so fast?' From what she was aware of, M'gann was still adjusting to earth customs so it wasn't surprising that she was partially oblivious to the whole secret identity thing.

The look of realization on the Martian's face when she said that proved her obliviousness. 'Sorry. I forgot about that.'

'It's fine, really. Just forget I said anything.' She said.

He said he'd only be gone for around a week, that meant that he would soon be on his way back.


"I didn't know the Justice league had a kids squad." Felicity said as they worked on the virus.

"Well now you're aware of it. The big guys are too public to handle this kind of thing, though I don't see how this is any less important than the villains they usually fight." Evan said, tossing a chip in his mouth.

He just didn't see the logic in it.

"Well they might want to take the night off." Felicity suggested, gaining a dry look from the boy.

"Batman literally works at night and I don't exactly see the blue Boy Scout just dropping his work on others." Evan said as they finished up the virus.

A sigh was heard from the couch in the lounge. "Are you guys done yet? I'm bored!" Lucas complained.

Felicity let out an exasperated groan. "It's barely been an hour. Turn on the TV and find something to watch." She retorted.

The two ignored Lucas' groan as they continued working. They had finished the virus with a little addition of their own and it was now ready to deploy.

"Okay, she's trying to track their location." Felicity noted.

Evan smirked at that. "Let her. They can track her as well but it takes any attention off us. They can take care of themselves." He said as he got to his feet, grabbing Felicity's and Lucas' attention.

"And where are you going?" The lone female of the group asked.

"The main object is to grab the fog from whoever has it. The virus is a backup just in case I'm not able to do it." He said.

Felicity took a pause. "Wait a minute. All this time, we were working on a backup?!" She questioned.

"Yep. You don't really think I'd want to destroy that kind of tech if I could study it instead, do you?" Evan said, his smile not leaving his face, causing her to groan.

"That's Evan for you!" Lucas said from his position on the couch.

"Even if you wanted to grab it, it's all the way in Philadelphia and two of the kiddie squad just went after it in a flying ship. How are you even going to get there before them?" Felicity asked, rubbing her forehead.

Walking to the elevator, Evan fiddled with his watch. "That's the easy part. I'm going to run." He said, entering the elevator.

Felicity turned to Lucas in confusion, but the boy had a knowing smirk on his face. "He's fast." He said, unhelpfully.

As the elevator closed before him and began rising, Evan reached a particular function on the watch as a holographic light washed over him, rendering him invisible.

As the elevator opened back up in Felicity's office, he activated his implant as well as the velocity belt.

He'd been tinkering with the belt a bit, limiting the visibility of the purple aura while still having his protection.

With his perception slowed down and the belt active, he ran.


Looking at the icon on the digital map that represented Evan, she screamed in shock seeing it suddenly zoom across the map. "Holy shit! He's a speedster?!"

Lucas on the other hand had stood up from the couch, now watching the map as well as he let out a whistle. "I can't get over it no matter how many times I see it."

This was too much. How was he a speedster? How did he get his powers? How did they never mention it until now?

Her head snapped towards Lucas, demanding an explanation.

"Felicity, I'm going to need you to guide me here. Where's the fog?" Evan's voice came from the computer, snapping her out of it.


He didn't know how long it would take Robin and Superboy to get here so he had to be quick. He obviously got here first but he didn't want to take any chances.

"You're close. It's leaving the airport in a grey van." Felicity's voice came from the earpiece in his ear.

Immediately speeding off, he kept his eyes open for a van while following Felicity's directions. It didn't take more than a minute for him to find the van.

Despite the speed the vehicle was driving at, it was moving in slow motion from his point of view. His eyes caught rock on the side of the road, quickly picking it up and smashing the window open.

Unlocking the front passenger door through the now opened window, he saw a man with a high tech helmet on his head driving the van. It only took a mental command to short it out.

Getting in, he didn't give the man time to react as he pulled a gun from the back of his pants. Taking aim, he fired, a green blast hitting the man, immediately knocking him out.

He wasn't a murderer so he put together a blaster that delivered a strong enough charge to knock out a full grown man. He wasn't a murderer didn't mean he was nice either.

He deactivated the belt and allowed his perception to return to normal, pushing the man out of the seat and taking control of the vehicle.

Taking a glance at the back of the van, he saw the container holding the fog nanobots there, as well as a laptop.

He immediately realized that he could sense the fog, a smirk forming on his face as he wormed his way into its inner workings. He quickly deactivated the tracker, placing it on the laptop instead.

Parking the van somewhere secluded, he moved to the back of the van, plugging a thumb drive into the laptop and copying its content onto it.

It didn't take much longer for it to be done. Getting an idea, he sped out of the vehicle, coming back a few seconds later with some rope and a bag of spray cans.


The bioship landed in front of a construction site, opening up as Superboy and Robin rushed out.

"What would the league of shadows be looking for here?" Superboy asked as Robin pulled up his holographic wrist computer.

"I don't know but we have to stop them." The boy wonder said as they rushed onto the site only to stop in confusion as they were met with the sight of a man who Robin recognized as Professor Ojo knocked out and tied up to a wall.

A van was parked close by but that wasn't what caught Robin's attention. It was the graffiti spray painted on the wall the villain was tied to.


Touching the communicator in his ear, it sparked to life. "Aqualad, we might have a problem."