
DC: I am Venom (Hiatus)

It's your standard M.O, Someone screwed up causing the death of a young man so they offer him a gift and a chance at reincarnation as compensation. Will be using DCAMU abit altered

Yeager2001 · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs


Hey Readers I have just released the first three chapters of my FF novel, please tell me what you think and point out any typos if you spot any.

I will release more within the coming weeks on a planned schedule for a bit once I have organized enough.

I do try quadruple check my work but auto-correct can be a b*tch and a half sometimes, If you think you know where I can improve do leave a comment so I can make sure you enjoy my stories even more.

As some of you figured this is a Marvel character/ Dc universe cross over I am also thinking on bringing arch-enemy(ies) into the story so do leave recommendations, but I will try go for the most suitable that I can put into the universe without making it too mixed up.

Eg. For my 'Justice League: Ultimate Hulk' I will either add Abomination, Red hulk or The Leader etc. in some way as they are a direct result of the Hulk's influence.