
DC: I am Venom (Hiatus)

It's your standard M.O, Someone screwed up causing the death of a young man so they offer him a gift and a chance at reincarnation as compensation. Will be using DCAMU abit altered

Yeager2001 · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs

Chapter 3: Awaken

Months go by and I began to question why I even stayed in this rotten hell constantly starving, surely I'd have had a better chance to survive if I had just ran away from Gotham but for some stupid reason I stayed.

The kids couldn't be the reason I stayed because I was never really close with any of them, Besides helping them on how to survive here and watching over them I didn't do much.

I just felt pity for them for living in the same cruel environment.

'Why do I stay?...'


October 9th 2010

New Jersey, Gotham


'Whats going on? Why does my body feel so strange?'

I suddenly wake up in a cold sweat.

Something was different I knew that but I wasn't sure what, I felt both hot and cold with some nausea perforating my head giving me a slight dizziness.

Rolling over I try fall asleep but I notice something is off with a strange lump under my pillow which shouldn't be there, lifting my pillow I find a strange small dark colored case but I couldn't fully make it out.

'What is this thing?'

Siliently crawling out of bed I move towards the window for some better lighting, when I finally manage to gaze at the box I was abit confused by its initials on it [S.R.C].

Opening the case I find a letter on the left with 5 differently colored vials on the right side, pulling out the strange letter I close the case and began to read it.

[Dear Dylan Black (Or James Moore)

Happy 10th Birthday we hope you are enjoying your new life so far, if not we do apologize but we are unable to interfere too much in the lives of another world after you are sent there.

Currently you possess an in-complete meta-gene in the form of your Human/Symbiote Physiology, apon using ONE of the vials given shall 'complete' your Meta-gene as well as the Super-spider's abilities.

Using a vial will grant you one of the five Spider-Heros ablilities, using multiple vials will grant extra ablilities as well as stengthen current.

Spider Heros:

Spider-Man/ Peter Parker

Spider-Man/ Miles Morales

Spider-Woman/ Jessica Drew

Scarlet Spider/ Kaine Parker (Peter's Clone)

Spider-Man 2099/ Miguel O'Hara



Reading the letter I was both amazed and shocked at what I recieved, amazed because I thought at most I'd only receive Peter Parker's or if I was lucky Miles Morales spider-venom not five different venoms.

I was shocked because I didn't even know it was my birthday which is easy to do when you barely know what day it is here, calming myself down I fold up the letter and place it back in the case before pulling out one of the vials.

Examining it I notice a small colored symbol that looks like Peter Parker's mask which immediately tells me everything I need to know, looking closer I notice writing on the otherside [Inject directly into vein, either arm, thigh or neck].

Following the instructions I nervously bring it to my right arm as I jab myself and watch the contents pump themselves inside of me, weirdly I didn't feel any difference so I quietly close up the case and place it in my 'Safe spot' where I hide my money.

Moving to my bed I go under and pull a loose rotting plank up and put the case inside before closing it, after I hid the case I made my way back into bed as I readied myself for another morning of hell.


"Dylan... come on Dylan, wake up or you'll get in trouble -Yea come on -Is he sick? he's sweeting quite a bit -Dylan quickly wake up, the supervisor man is coming up"

I could hear many voices around me but they were like loud screams in my head, I could hear everything from the slightest breath to the shuffling of feet around me.

'Ohh fuck, why wasn't this mentioned when you get Spider-powers... or was it and I forgot?'

Slowly I fluttered my eyes as I sat up with some of the younger kids around me, sitting up I lift myself off with the metal frame of my head board to the view of a small group of kids around me.

"What are you brats doing? quickly go line up before you get in trouble" I whispered as I shook my head free of my slight sleepiness, as the kids quickly walked off to the door I looked to my left and noticed were I grabbed on the headboard was bent inwards with finger marks.

'Oh crap'

Standing up I rubbed myself down noticing small incremental differences from the slight build of muscle in my arms and legs to the small toning of my stomach giving it the slight shape of a 'V', I felt amazing.

Standing up I quickly rushed to the back of the queue just in time as the leader of the stoog- *cough* guards opens the door with a gruff expression on his face as he quickly leads us down stairs.

Once I got my package to run I acted normal as possible till I found an alleyway and ran through jumping and swinging between the walls, it was so freeing like an escape from reality mixed with an adrenaline rush.

'I see why Spider-Man loved doing this now'

Even taking my time what normally would take me roughly an hour I managed to run in close to a two or three minutes by using just alleyways, it was spectacular what I did but I knew it was better I waited a bit so not to make it too suspicious before delivering the package.

After waiting awhile I eventually delivered the package and raced back to the orphanage but I didn't go through the front, instead I made my way to the back where a high barred up window was visible.

The only window not visible to the street, immediately I hoped what I was about to do would work as I jumped off the ground easily fifteen-feet before grabbing onto the wall with my palms and feet.

Thankfully I didn't fall on my butt in misery but a new problem arised, I wasn't able to pull my hands off the wall.

'How do I stop sticking??'

I keep pulling while trying to avoid ripping out the bricks but without any success, eventually I stop to take a breath and relax to think able it for a moment.

'Just relax... huh, now how do I le-'

'Oh shit!'

My hands finally stopped sticking but now I quickly began to fall back will my feet beginning to slip as well, immediately I try to imagine sticking again with my feet before I fell to the ground and hurt myself.

'Phew, come on idiot.. You got this'

I sorta had an idea what I was doing as I individually thought of 'sticking' and 'not sticking' with each hand or foot, very quickly I made it to the window with the bars where I could see mine and the children's beds.

'Ok no evidence'

Using whatever cloth I had left of my shirt I individually pulled the two middle bars apart as I gave myself enough room to fit, finally I dealt with the locked window which wouldn't budge till I gave it a good yank.


ding. ding ding...

The windows lock was now a bit broken with the bolt snapped and on the floor but otherwise fine, crawling through the window I silently ran to my bed and grabbed everything I hid underneath.

'Ok got my Venom and $7,885 in cash, now just need to steal my birth certificate and I'm outta here'

(A/N - Now to stop some of you asking, yes he's going to need it if he's going to have an I.D. He doesn't have the contacts or the knowledge how to get a fake one).

After closing up where I stored my stuff I quickly made my way back through the window and closed everything up and made it look like nothing happened, crawling myself down I made my way near the kitchen which was the closest to the office that should have my documents.

Using my hands I manage to quietly lift the window and climb through as I closed it behind me.

'Ok now where are the stooges so I can avoid them'

Making my way through the dining I quietly looked to the side not standing out too much and saw two of the stooges with one smoking, they started talking back and forth but I couldn't understand them and immediately a new problem came.

'Ah great! they speak Italian?!'

I couldn't understand but I listened anyway but I freaked when I heard two words mentioned 'Stefano Falcone', now I didn't know 'Stefano' but I know 'Falcone' and I was immediately worried.

'The Falcone Crime Family'

One of the biggest criminal organizations before all the 'Supers' started getting involved with the Gotham power structure, while they weren't as big as before they were still here and strong.

Taking a moment to understand this new information I quickly notice the third guard walking out of the office along with Miss Malile, I still couldn't understand the conversation but I knew this was my chance as I quickly ran around through the window to the office.

Once I was out at the front of the Orphanage I opened the office window and climbed in and immediately began searching for the folder with all the children's info, looking through all the shelves I couldn't find anything important till I checked the large shelve that was part of the wooden desk.

Ignoring it was locked I gave it a hard pull snapping the lock, looking through I instantly scrunched my face looking at files that appeared to be a list of clientele as well as the children taken with how much they paid.

I felt a sudden rage brew within my stomach like hot magma, I wanted to kill these people... to make them know pain... to know fear... to repent... Suffer.


Word Count: 1704
