
DC: I am the Monkey King

What happens when a young and sickly child inherits the will and legacy of the Monkey King in the world of DC? Will the Monkey King succumb to this world full of Aliens, Magicians, Immortals and beings with powers of gods? Or will he dominate with his godly abilities and truly become King? *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-**-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- This story will follow the Monkey King from the Journey to the West storyline. I know I have Mori Jin as the front cover but his Monkey King isn't the same as mine. No System and No Harem. The front cover isn't mine. The source is Pinterest. Also, join the discord!!! discord.gg/wfxxZv8j4B

_MYSTERY · アニメ·コミックス
46 Chs

Whatever The Hell I Want!

In the quiet night, multiple peculiar individuals could be seen standing over debris as they all stared at each other. Tensions rose as Isaac looked around the battlefield, his mind racing and his heart beating as he tried his best to quickly heal his body after he had fallen from a great height. 

"What the hell is going on? And what the hell is the Suicide Squad?" He questioned inwardly, noticing the beast put away the communication device. As everything went quiet, Isaac noticed Jay suddenly move as he pointed his sword toward Isaac.

In an instant, a blue beam shot out of the sword, zooming at great speeds as it approached Isaac. Jay smiled, assuming his attack had hit, however, to his surprise, Isaac swiftly dodged the beam with ease as he bolted toward the spiky-haired man. Isaac's eyes shone with a glint of amber as he leapt into the air, swinging a kick while Jay was left stunned at the difference in his foe.

"I've gotten stronger, asshole." Said Isaac as he prepared to land his attack on the man. However, before he could, he heard a distant bang as a searing pain shot through his body. He dropped to the ground and stared at his shoulder, blood flooding from the hole that was created. Isaac gritted his teeth, pain overwhelming his body.

"You've gotten a bit too big for your boots, haven't you?" Mocked Jay as he gripped his sword.

"Next one goes in your head. Surrender now." Commanded Waller, whose voice came from an unknown direction. 

"A sniper." Isaac deduced inwardly as he commanded his Qi to his new injury. Isaac slightly peeked in the direction the bullet came from with his enhanced eyes and noticed, in the distance, a man in a white mask, his left eye glowing red as he laid on his chest, peeking through a scope.

"This is your last chance, Mr Hale. I will not warn you again." Said the voice as Isaac looked down. However, in an instant, Isaac disappeared from his position as he bolted to a wall, hiding from the sniper's sight. 

"As you wish, Mr Hale." Said the female as her voice disappeared. Isaac sweated profusely as he tried his best to figure out how to deal with the sniper. He could find a way to fight these others, including the monster if he didn't have to worry about the sniper. He was currently using vast amounts of Qi on his heart, shoulder and eyes. He knew his shoulder couldn't heal in the time he was fighting these individuals, however as long as it didn't hinder him in battle, he could deal with it. He needed his eyes enhanced to keep an eye on the sniper, as well as keeping up with the bullets and beams being targeted toward him. As well as his heart which he needed stronger than ever.

Leaving his body's strength and speed in a low state. Barely enough to do what he needed to do. He concocted a plan as he stared at a few bricks on the floor. 

"Are you sure you don't wanna give up? I've acknowledged the fact that I'm insane, but killing a kid sounds gruesome even to me." Yelled the chipper female voice. Her words sounded somewhat compassionate, however, her tone oozed with insanity and mock.

Jay slowly made his way to Isaac as he held his sword in his hand, ready to slice his foe. As he turned the corner, he was met with a fiery punch he was barely able to block, his arms shivering at the weight and power behind the attack. Isaac leapt out at Jay as his injured arm fell to his side, clearly unusable.

Isaac unleashed a flurry of one-arm punches onto Jay as the spiky-haired man blocked every single one of them, his hands vibrating with every attack. As this all happened, Jay heard something in his ear.

"Harrison, get out of the way! I can't take a clear shot because you're blocking him." Yelled a voice, making Jay contort his face in anger and annoyance.

Jay took a step back as he sidestepped, attempting to expose Isaac, however, as he did, Isaac sidestepped with him and moved closer, putting them in the same blocked position. Jay raised an eyebrow in confusion as he once again tried to sidestep, only for Isaac to follow him and throw a kick, which was blocked with difficulty.

"Can he see me? No, that's impossible. I'm three blocks away." Thought the sniper as he stared at the fight.

Isaac continued with his onslaught as he noticed a pale-skinned female with blue and pink hair jump into the air and swing down her mallet at him, which he dodged with ease. However, the blue and pink-haired female smiled as she pointed her sneakily positioned black gun with a white handle and golden trimming at him, pulling the trigger.

"Peek-a-boo!" She yelled as the sound of a gunshot resonated in the area. However, to their surprise, Isaac casually tilted his head as the bullet zoomed past him, the heat and danger of it rubbing off on Isaac's face.

Isaac took this opportunity he had been waiting for with open arms as he stepped on the back of the bent-over female, jumping off her and stepping on Jay's face as he went. In the next instant, Isaac had zoomed countless feet into the air, staring straight at the sniper. He removed something from his back, revealing a brick and positioning himself to throw it.

"He can see me! Is this guy crazy, he's directly in my line of sight?! What's he planning to do with that brick?!" The sniper was starstruck as he stared at Isaac, unwilling to let this chance slip through his fingers. He shot his weapon and the bullet travelled at great speeds. Speeds Isaac had never seen in a firearm. However, this didn't stop him from dodging the bullet with ease, the speed of it being laughable through Isaac's enhanced eyes.

He twisted his body mid-air, dodging the bullet and throwing the brick at his foe. The brick travelled through the air at great speeds, similarly to the bullet that had just been fired as the sniper flinched slightly at the sudden speeding projectile. However, it didn't stop him from losing focus. He breathed slowly and took a shot, his experience and skill evident from his calm demeanour.

The bullet speeded at the brick as they collided with each other. The brick broke away into tiny pieces as the bullet passed right through it as if it were snow. The sniper tried his best to locate his adversary as he noticed Isaac drop back to the ground, a smile showing on his face.

"Why's he smiling…?" Before the sniper could finish his sentence, an object smashed into his face and a cracking noise reverberated in the air. The Sniper's eyes rolled back as blood seeped from his white mask, his face dropping to the ground as he fell unconscious. 

"What the hell! He got Deadshot!" Yelled the blue and pink-haired female as she stared into the distance where Isaac had thrown the brick.

"He threw the first brick as a distraction. While Deadshot was busy with that, he waited till he was closer to the ground, changing his angle, ensuring the second brick was destroyed by the bullet that had been shot." Said Jay internally as he watched the events unfold, his mouth left wide open as he sweated.

Isaac smiled at his achievement as he stared into the distance, slightly wincing after he had removed all his Qi from his legs and channelled them into his arm. His legs shivered at the high height he had fallen from, however, the return of Qi quickly subdued this pain. Because of this distraction, he almost failed to notice a familiar beast that had somehow snuck up behind him. Isaac whipped his head backwards, barely blocking the attack with his one-working arm.

However, he was still sent stumbling a few feet away as he tried to regain his footing. With his eyes, he noticed a blue beam in the corner of his eyes, threatening to create a hole in him. 

"Tempest: Galestep"

He quickly jumped over the danger, a slight burn left on him after barely dodging it. However, it didn't stop there. Countless bangs were heard as Isaac moved his body fluidly, dodging them all. The giant monster soon joined in as Isaac was now dodging a combination of bullets, beams and a crazed monster. Despite his incredible feat, he couldn't keep this up for long. Isaac waited for the perfect moment as he noticed a pause in the beams of Jay, noticing the constant attack had taken a toll on the man. As well as the female taking the time to reload her weapon. Isaac used this window of opportunity to try and change the tides of the battle.

"Tempest: Sky Crash."

Isaac raised his leg and performed a 180-degree sidekick, his leg reaching the sky as it carried an immense amount of power, striking the monster in his chin. Isaac grinned as he saw this, knowing that had done some damage. Yet, it shocked him to see the monster gritting his teeth, refusing to back down, stubbornness and endurance pushing him to whip his tail and aim to strike Isaac.

Isaac was given no time to recover from his attack, his leg still pointing to the sky. After no other choice, Isaac jumped in the air and brought his legs and arm to protect himself. The tail struck Isaac with immense strength as he was sent zooming through the air, crashing through a wall of an abandoned apartment complex.

Isaac groaned in pain as blood trickled down his mouth. He tried his best to move but the damage that had befallen him was too much. His Qi was too occupied to give him the proper boost in strength he needed to compete with that beast. 

"Damn it," Isaac mumbled as he turned over his body, struggling to stand as his body shook. He condemned his awful luck as he thought about how his apartment now lay in ruins. 

"Grandpa is going to kill me." He said with a raspy voice. He started to think of his Grandpa and where he could be right now. He thought about how much the old man would reprimand him for all of this. However, as he thought this, a feeling started to burn in his stomach. The feeling of regret. Perhaps it was the heat of battle that gave him this new sense of clarity, or perhaps he needed the sense to be knocked into him.

"Haha, no he wouldn't." Isaac started to remember the words his Grandpa always used to say. He tightened his fist knowing he was unknowingly ignoring the oath his family went by. He remembered how he reprimanded himself for his actions, after being reckless and not thinking of the consequences. He was giving himself all these tedious rules that betrayed the very thing he stood for. Rules he now knew he would later regret if he chose to follow them, and for that, he felt regret.

"Screw the consequences, screw being reckless. I'll punch my way through anything or anybody that gets in my way." Said Isaac as he walked out of the crumbling apartment complex. The female and Jay stared at Isaac after noticing something wasn't right. However, the monster clearly lacked the intelligence to read the room as he charged at Isaac, drool being carried by the wind.

The monster unleashed a powerful flurry of attacks on Isaac as the boy swiftly dodged with seemingly little effort. The female and Jay shook their heads as they thought they might have misunderstood the situation. They joined in the battle as the female shot her gun at Isaac, while Jay shot multiple beams, all while the monster unleashed a barrage of unrelenting power at the boy. Meanwhile, Isaac dodged all of this as he waited for the perfect moment, wounds and scratches crawling atop his body.


~2 weeks ago~

The scorching sun stood at its peak as an old man and a boy could be seen in the middle of a secluded forest.

"Tempest is an exceptional martial art. It's so much more than the basics you've learnt." An old grey-haired man with a bulky frame said as he stood before a giant tree.

"However, you'll soon come to learn that Tempest has one crucial weakness in your stage. Its offensive capabilities are slightly lacking. The martial art focuses on evasion and agility, so naturally, the offensive side might be a bit flawed." He told Isaac who sat on the grass, listening carefully.

"Therefore, I'm going to teach you a move that prevents the lack of offensive capability while still utilising the pros of Tempest." After saying this, Isaac's eyes glowed with excitement as he grinned widely.

"I'm ready, Master!" Isaac yelled enthusiastically while raising his arms in the air.

"Hell yeah! Alright, allow me to explain. To execute this move, the user must first harness and accumulate an immense amount of kinetic energy within their body. Through intense focus and concentration, they channel this energy into their limbs, particularly their palm. The process feels akin to gathering the raw power of a swirling cyclone within their core."

"Once the energy reaches its peak, the practitioner releases it in a single, explosive blow targeted at a specific direction. This strike is executed with precision, using the momentum generated by the accumulated kinetic energy to unleash a devastating force upon impact." Said the old man, demonstrating the movement on a nearby tree.

"Upon contact, the force of the attack reverberates through the target, be it a solid object or a living being. The sheer concussive power unleashed in that singular moment wreaks havoc on the insides, causing catastrophic damage. The intense force tears through flesh, bones, and organs, leaving devastation in its wake."

"The destructive energy unleashed by the attack is not limited to superficial damage. It penetrates deep within the target, shattering internal structures, rupturing vital organs, and causing severe trauma. The sheer intensity of the strike disrupts the delicate balance of the body, leaving those affected writhing in agony or incapacitated, depending on the severity of the blow."

"It is crucial to note that this skill requires precise control and mastery over one's own body and energy. Without proper training and discipline, attempting this technique can be perilous, as the accumulated kinetic energy needs to be carefully channelled and directed to avoid unintended consequences or harm to the practitioner." Isaac stared at his Grandpa with a confused face as he asked a question.

"With such a powerful ability, how can you say the martial art is lacking in offensive capabilities." Asked Isaac with a raised eyebrow.

"Well that's the thing, this isn't a Tempest skill. I created it myself. It just utilises the constant flipping and dodging of Tempest to easily gather kinetic energy and momentum." Said the old man, which made Isaac yell in surprise.

"What?! You created such a powerful skill yourself?! Is my Grandpa a genius?!" Exclaimed Isaac with excitement.

"Hahaha, indeed I am." Yelled the old man with a laugh.

"Alright, I wanna try now." Derek stared at Isaac with a look of sympathy.

"The truth is, Tempest's offensive capabilities are extremely powerful. However, most of the skills require Vitalis to protect one's body from the backlash. Without it, the user would simply explode. This skill is the only one that doesn't rely on Vitalis. Despite Vitalis strengthening its ability and increasing its power, it's not dependent on it. Nevertheless, without Vitalis, the ability's power will decrease, as well as the backlash and side effects being greater. To be honest, I don't fully know the result myself." He said internally as he stared at Isaac. However, after a few seconds, he smiled.

"But if there's anyone who can do it, it's Isaac." As he thought this, Isaac turned around and looked at him.

"By the way, Grandpa, what's the name of this move?" Asked Isaac.

"Ah, it's called…"


~Present Day~

The battlefield was charged with tension as the monstrous creature loomed over Isaac, its immense form casting a shadow that seemed to devour the light. The monster swung its massive clawed arm at Isaac who had just landed after performing a flip, ready to end the boy's life.

However, despite the previous evasions, this time, Isaac refused to back down. All time seemed to slow as an amber glint of determination shined in Isaac's eyes. Without hesitation, he stepped forward, seamlessly ducking and dodging the monster's subsequent attacks. With each nimble movement, he closed the distance, his focus unwavering.

With his eyes, Isaac saw the gap in the monster's defences, the vulnerable area he wanted. In a daring move, he extended his open palm, his hand vibrating with power. Time seemed to stand still as he pressed his palm onto the monster's vulnerable chest, his touch connecting with its very core.

Silence descended upon the battlefield, a momentary pause that held the breath of all onlookers. The air crackled with anticipation, as if the world itself held its breath, waiting for the impending release of power.

"Tempest - Lion's Origin: Devastation."

Then, in an explosion of raw force, a thunderous boom shattered the stillness. The sound echoed through the battlefield, reverberating in the hearts of those who witnessed the spectacle. A torrent of blood erupted from the monster's mouth, its eyes rolling back in agony and defeat. The ground quaked beneath its colossal form as it slowly crumpled to the earth, defeated and lifeless.

"Wh-what did he do?!" Yelled the female after dropping her weapons in surprise. Meanwhile, Jay stood with a wide mouth, lost for words. Isaac, both his arms completely bloodied and limp, stood atop his foe as he gritted his teeth and yelled.

"I am Isaac Hale! I am the Monkey King! And I…"

Only now did Isaac truly understand what the words he devoted to himself meant. He had always repeated it to himself, yet lacked the true wisdom of it. However, now he understood.

It was freedom. Freedom to not be shackled by society or the world around him. Freedom to never feel as if what he knew to be right was wrong. Freedom to…



In this case, you don't have the luxury to do whatever the hell you want. Gimme the powerstones!

Also, what are you waiting for? Join the discord!!
