
Chapter 6

"Is it healthy to eat pizza only all the time, sir?" Tommy asked me while seeing the stack of Pizza we had eaten. He had to buy all the pizzas since he was now working for me,

"Well... the last time I checked, you couldn't cook, I couldn't cook, and Pizza is like 15 dollars. I'm not complaining." I said with a shrug, to which Tommy frowned.

"But I can cook," Tommy said, to which I raised an eyebrow. This kid was about 7 years old. What business did he have being a more skilled cook than I, the legendary Saiyan? 

Tommy seeing my look couldn't help but grow prideful a little. I gave him some cash and had him go buy something to cook with, and Tommy wasted no time, running off, and after a few hours came back with the ingredients needed to cook spaghetti. I let the kid do his own thing, while I watched Dragon Ball, following the MC, who was called Goku, journey to finding the Dragon Ball with someone called Bulma.

It was a good anime, but its animation was too old. I had to endure it, focusing more on the plot. Since I didn't need sleep, and every episode was about 24 minutes long. I could finish Dragon Ball in about 3 days after I would watch Dragon Ball Z, then Dragon Ball GT.

"Don't watch the TV while cooking, the seems dangerous." I didn't need to look back to see Tommy who was trying to watch the anime... oh, he enjoyed watching this with me, looks like he had never seen cartoons before... wait, this was called Anime.

"I don't want to miss anything." Tommy cried, to which I rolled my eyes while turning on the PS3, and went on to start playing a game while waiting for him to finish cooking... and that didn't take long. Before long, we sat at the table, eating the good he cooked... and I had to admit, he was a good cook, at least better than my wife cooking.

"Oh, I almost forgot," Tommy said while digging into his pocket and pulling out the remaining money. I waved at him to keep it, causing his eyes to brighten for a moment, but he shook his head while putting it on the table.

"I will wait for my pay at the end of the week. I don't want to take advantage of you." He said to which I shrugged while taking the money. I considered that stupid, why would you refuse free money? But Tommy had a good character for someone for his age, and for that, he had my respect.

Time passed, and every day as soon as it was morning, Tommy was at my place ready to do his job around the place. He even began working out with me... Well, I bought weights for the kid, and he began working out with me while we watched Dragon Ball together. The reason for this was that the kid was almost robbed when he went out shopping, forcing me to make a move. He was also almost robbed on his way home, forcing me once more to make a move and walk him home...

{A/N: I had MC contradict himself on purpose. He is taking on responsibility while lying to himself, this would not last long}

I began seeing this kid as my son, I always wanted to be a father but I didn't have the money for such a thing... I wonder if Tommy would have been the son I would have... but the concept of holding on to such a responsibility almost made me throw Tommy out of the window a few times, I wanted to see the kid as nothing more than my servant.

Before I knew it, it had been a week since Tommy began to be my servant. As of now, we sat before the TV, playing a Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

"Yes! I win!" Tommy exclaimed with joy after defeating me for the fifth time in a row. I frowned; competing fairly against a kid was harder than I had expected. I realized that I needed to adapt and improve my skills in this game instead of relying solely on what I was learning as I played. As the saying goes, it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks.

"You got lucky," I said playfully. I was slowly improving, and soon I hoped to defeat Tommy, leaving him feeling hopeless and helpless in the face of my unmatched gaming skills.

"Here," I said while pulling out 600 dollars, something which shocked Tommy since he was only expecting 500 dollars... well, a part of him was also getting ready for the fact he might walk away with nothing.

"you got an extra 100 as a bonus," I said to which Tommy gratefully took the money. I waved him off, sending him home so I could be alone. Tommy wasted no time, putting the money away. My face twisted in disgust seeing him putting it in his underwear before he ran off.

I shook my head and went on to look at Marvel... yes, Marvel comic was a thing in this world. A part of me wondered if Rob sent me into a universe that had all of this stuff so I could see what I missed out on in my past life.

'I wonder why I haven't shown anything about me being lucky.' I thought while looking at the screen before me which showed a list of mutants from the Marvel universe. Amongst the Mutants was someone called Domino... well, I will read out what the wiki says about her abilities. It's not because I'm lazy or something, I'm just reading it.

Psychic Probability Manipulation: Domino is a mutant with the ability to subliminally and psionically initiate random kinetic phenomena that affect probability in her favor by making improbable (but not impossible) things to occur within her line of sight, thus causing her to have "good luck" and her opponents to have "bad luck." This phenomenon can be anything from an enemy's equipment failure to hitting just the right switch with a stray shot to shut down an overloading nuclear reactor. The full extent of her powers is still unknown.

This subconsciously controlled talent is triggered when she is in a stressful situation (such as fighting or escaping). This effect constantly emanates from her body at all times and is completely subconscious. However, it is also largely participatory - in order for the luck to take effect, Domino herself must engage in an action whose chance she can affect. For example, if Domino were to stand before a hail of bullets, she would be shot. Instead, she must take action; in attempting to avoid the gunfire, she will miraculously bob and weave just right to avoid every single shot.

Normally, Domino cannot consciously control her ability and the only way to activate it is to put herself in a position in which she could be harmed. She had practiced cognitive control over her ability for years and recently had shown a result of this training when she caused a lightning bolt to hit two Sentinels.

This ability had grown thanks to my adapting and my power level increasing, after a week, my power level was 50 billion. As for how I knew, I learned the skill. After seeing Dragon Ball Z, and something called a scouter that could read the power level of others, I tried to do such a thing, and I was able to do it to my joy.

I learned that normal people had a power level of around 5 to 10. Superman, if going all out had a power level of 10 billion. With that level of power, Superman could destroy the Galaxy over time. The guy is powerful, he just limits his strength by way too much. Years worth of absorbing solar energy on Earth pretty much gave him the power of a god. But Super Man Strength wasn't his strongest power, more like his unmatched Speed. Superman if going all out was faster than the Flash... Then again, Flash has the potential to be the fastest, The flash seems to draw power from what gives the multiverse kinetic energy.


Tommy ran all the way home, Gothom wasn't a safe place to be, but he knew the places to go to maximize his chances of reaching home alive. He soon arrived home, which was a dirty run-down place, the whole neighborhood was like this. He entered his house, ignoring the stink, he rushed to his room where he went on to try and hide the money.

"What are you hiding?" Entering his room, a skinny woman asked. She sniffed a little, clearly she just finished doing drugs when she noticed her son running inside.

"N-nothing!" Tommy grew uneasy, but his mother stepped forward, forcefully taking the sock he was trying to use to hide something. She looked inside, and her eyes brightened seeing 600 dollars inside.

She turned, ignoring Tommy, and ran off, her eyes racing with the high this money would bring her. But Tommy grabbed the money, unwilling to let his earned money be wasted on drugs.

"I worked hard for that money! Please!" Tommy cried just for him to be kicked hard in the stomach. He fell back, slamming against the wall, unable to even scream thanks to the lack of air he felt at the moment. But he had held tightly onto the money, leading to it ripping. 

"What's going on?" Tommy's Father entered the room and instantly saw his wife's enraged look.

"After all we do for you, and you try to hide money from us? This waste even ripped it!" She said angrily while showing him the money, enraging him. He quickly walked over to Tommy to take the money, but Tommy was unwilling to hand it over, rolling up into a ball to hide it.

His father tried to take it by force, and seeing as that was meaningless, he began kicking Tommy. His wife quickly joined him, the two kicks not stopping until Tommy finally showed weakness, allowing them to take the money and quickly run off to try and put it together so they could use it.

As for Tommy? His blood slowly covered the floor, their kicks were not light, with internal bleeding, and many blows to the head... well, even if he survived today, he would be a fool thanks to the damage his brain suffered.