
Chapter 24

"Come on my boy, it's just a little further." The man in green rags said as he dragged the child, who was wearing a similar attire, from his arm; sometimes taking a moment to look around him with apprehension.

"You don't have to worry, daddy will protect you." He said as he scooped the boy in his arms and kept running, uncaring of the piles of dead bodies around him other than pulling the boy's face deeper into his chest.

They kept moving like that for hours before something got the father's attention, sound of something moving among the rubble.


"It's okay. Don't worry, it's okay." The father said with a hand on the boy's head, looking around with a hard look in his eyes before they widened with fear as he saw something.

"Son, we need to get out of here; now!" The father said with urgency in his voice as he latched onto the boy's arm and started to run away but before they could move far, the rubble around them flew away with each piece going through a building and creating more destruction; with a crouching figure standing where the rubble once stood.

"Don't look!" The man cried out as he embraced the boy close to his chest, hoping to shield him from the horrific sight of the woman with black leather clothes and red hair glaring at them with eyes glowing a bright red color. But it was too late.




"Fuck!" I yelled as I sat up in my bed with my body covered in cold sweat. Then as I realized that I was still in the Ravenclaw dorm, I put my hand over my eyes and chuckled.

"Heh, now that's nostalgic." How long had it been since I actually dreamed about the life of the original Jonathan Reed Richards? It definitely had been over a year by now.

Honestly, I was just happy that I never caused destruction with my powers during these dreams. I still remembered the first time I had such a dream; I had been quite scared of the possibility that this was some sort of method for the original Hyperstorm to take over my body and then use it to take over the world. In the end I put such worries at ease due to the fat that the dreams were infrequent and that I never ended up with a desire to do supervillain shit after having them.

No, I only found myself hating people like Reed Richards and better understanding who Hyperstorm had been. For all of his blustering about conquest and his superiority over others, Hyperstorm had been scarily similar to Batman. At his core, he had never stopped being that small kid who was too afraid to ever let go of control.

At least his issues came from the fact that he spent most of his life in a dystopian future where humanity wanted him dead simply for existing and abandonment issues due to his mother's trip to the past, instead of some punk with a gun.

Well, now that I had my mandatory philosophical thought; I had to decide what to do. Cause I sure was not going back to sleep anytime soon. Still, I did not exactly want to move out of the bed either.

"Might as well do this then." I muttered to myself as I closed my eyes and concentrated on my own consciousness and the world around me. Then I concentrated some more, and more, and more before finally; I was out!

"This never stops being weird." I said as I wiggled my fingers in front of my face before looking down at my body. Astral projection, one of the few practices telepathy and magic had in common. Though I am guessing both of those would be rather appealed by the fact that I was using it merely to pass time without getting out my bed.

"Now then, I wonder what's happening tonight." I said with a smile as I phased through the walls and got out of Hogwarts, looking down at the Forbidden Forest that was illuminated solely by the moonlight and stars.

"The forest is forbidden to enter, but I'm still in my bed." I took a moment for myself in order to snicker before flying into the dark and dangerous forest.


I have to say, for a place called 'Forbidden Forest', this place was something of a disappointment.

Sure, there were a few creatures that looked interesting. There were also few that looked like the deformed child between Donald Trump's wig and a alligator but that's something that I am simply throwing away from my mind as an experiment of Hagrid.

Other than those things, the only sight that was moderately interesting was a small herd of Thestrals. For skeletal horses with wings, they had a rather unique beauty to them; something that had captivated me for a few moments.

I also had a rough idea about the location of the nesting ground for Acromantula colony, that Hagrid ended up creating due to being far too soft on dangerous animals, but I obviously did not go anywhere close to it; cause fuck spiders.

"Well, this was a huge waste of my time." I said with a sigh, no longer even considering the mechanics behind a thought projection like me being able to sigh without lungs, and decided to just go back to my body; but then I heard something.

Some sort of scream, not from anything human though. It felt like the death cries of some sort of creature. So I followed the sound, navigating through the trees in a very literal manner as I took the shortest route and came to a rather nasty sight. A nasty sight that I knew of.

My dear stuttering defense professor Quirrel, with a very bloody knife in his hand and his mouth on the neck of a glowing white unicorn; whose glow was dimming by each second.

I... I honestly had no idea how to react to what was happening. Sure, I knew that Quirrel supposedly did kill several unicorns in the canon Harry Potter but I hadn't been sure if that would still happen; mostly due to a certain DC universe's version of unicorns.

Still, with a rather disgusting sight like this in front of me; I was momentarily shocked into not doing anything. Yet that state did not last long as I thought about the things this man intended to do, like releasing a troll in a school full of children and helping the closest thing wizard world had to Hitler come back to life.

As those thoughts, and several other possible scenarios where this man could get his hands on Violet, ran through my head; I couldn't help but wish I could use gravity powers as an astral projection and just pop him like a ballon. But I was an astral projection, so that was impossible to do so.

But then I realized, there were other options too. And then I flew at the bastard sucking on unicorn blood and entered his head!


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