
Dc: Doctor Voodoo

[New Orleans The modern Louisiana city filled with traditional southern values! Come on down for its round-the-clock nightlife, vibrant live-music scene and spicy, singular cuisine reflecting its history as a melting pot of French, African and American cultures. Embodying its festive spirit is Mardi Gras, the late-winter carnival famed for raucous costumed parades and street parties. How about visiting the French Quarter, the city’s historic heart, famous for its vibrant nightlife and colorful buildings with cast-iron balconies. Crowd-pleasing Bourbon Street features jazz clubs, Cajun eateries and raucous bars serving potent cocktails. Quieter streets lead to the French Market, with gourmet food and local crafts, and to Jackson Square where street performers entertain in front of soaring St. Louis Cathedral! No? Not your thing? Then hop on a boat and witness the bayou and its natural splendor!] A click of the remote instantly shuts off the projection. “Whats so special about New Orleans?” The Flash asks sloppily as he gulfs down a bag of taki’s. Batman guessed the collective group of heroes had the same question. “Thats where Constantine’s man is, the person who can help us. Somewhere deep in New Orleans as apparently he’s in control of the entire city. How? I don’t know but I will find out.” “Name?” Canary asks as she intends to be one of the heroes that travel to speak to this person. “Jericho. Jericho Drumm, aka: Doctor Voodoo”

Jaquaviontavious · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs

Witching Hour Vl

He popped up quickly.

He needed to gain distance from the demon as its strength surpassed his by astronomical proportions. He created a distraction using a flock of shadow constructs as birds swarming around him. They were quickly slaughtered by sharp claws but it did the job.

"How about we give this up? Huh, demon?" He spoke clearly as he armed spells of nether.

"Dont you realize, mortal. After I eventually defeat you, Ill drag you to hell to play with your soul in ways you can't imagine. Ill violate you in EVERY way-"

He was interrupted by a shadow blade screeching against his face.

'So much for negotiation.' Heart slamming his ribs, he drew a breath, finding air hard to come by. The witch didn't let him forget her.

She gave up the distance game, choosing to engage the enemy close and personal. "COME HERE!" He braced himself, determined to hold out as long as stamina and blood allowed.

The sorceress launched forward. Prepared for her rush, he skip-phased to the right. In the instant of resyncing he saw that he'd jumped into her path. The witch had used his own time-shadow trick on him. Voodoo caught a flash of something in his peripheral. A figure crashing and lashing out. "NO!" The witch cried out as Jericho was launched out of her pierce by a punch from the demon.

"Be quiet!" It ordered before launching to his prey. What he found was a decoy, "A FAKE?!?"

"Yep." With a pop at the 'p', Doctor Voodoo slammed a object into the demon's scaly back.


A flash of light and the sound of wailing, fleeing screams came out of the object, scorching the back of the demon with the pure innocence of hundreds of souls trapped. "AHHHHHHH!" It screamed in agony. "YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT!" It spoke in anger as it looked up to the smirking human.

Jericho held up a mask with horns. "This is a death mask. Almost anything and everything can be trapped inside them." He said as he slammed in into the demon's face again, unleashing more light, tortured screams and a pained release of air. "Im gonna beat some respect into you."

The witch watched with a morbid expression as her contracted demon was beaten with weaponized innocence, to shocked to intervene, not that she even wanted to. "S-s-sorry. Please, im sorry….please-" the demon repeated through numerous slams of the mask.

"If you make a deal." The witch became alarmed, she immediately tried to form more spells but.

"STOP YOU INSUFFERABLE WHORE!!!" The demon yelled as its fear of another attack from the mask overrided its mind. "STOP BEFORE I FLAY YOUR-"

"Listen-" Brother Voodoo said calmly. "Hellfire, I want it-" he pulled out a mask with blank features. "Put it in here. Then take yourself to Hell and never come back, in return, I never hit you with this mask ever again, you understand?" He held out his hand.

The demon didn't even think. His clawed digits clasped the human's hand in acceptance. "Hehehe, a deal has been struck." An invisible force enveloped them, barely undetected but present all the same. Hellfire immediately flowed into the blank mask, the features changed into a mask with a wide, sharp teeth shining grin with glowing purple eyes. "Go away." He shooed the demon away as it sunk into the ground in a plume of smoke.


Enchantress flicked a few more gates at him which he closed.

"Tch," she made a disgusted sound. She stretched her neck side-to-side, then laced her fingers and gave them a crack. "Ah well, breaking your neck by myself will be more satisfying."

"You are dumb." He declared. "You can't see past yourself to see how much trouble you're in right now."

"Dumb?" The woman spat. "You filth. Defy me. I'll drink your blood." Her magic sunk into the ground, looking animate the dead but found nothing. "What?" She muttered to herself.

"Biggest cemetery in the world, I'm surprised you didn't try this earlier in our fight." He held up his newly formed mask. "I dont want to kill the girl inside of you. If you refuse, ill burn you along with her, do you understand?" He spoke to her like he spoke to demon, like she was beneath him.

Did he not see the nether breaking the world? She looked up to witness her art and saw something harrowing. "Why isn't the sky gone? The nether should have destroyed fabric of reality by now."

Drumm's face gained an even bigger smirk. He didn't owe her an answer, and he wasn't going to give one. "I wont ask again."

"Refrain from such disrespect heathen. I will flay you body while you're still conscious, DO YOU UNDER-"

Her villain monologue was interrupted by a blast of amethyst flames that croaked at her black soul, torching it in searing fire, scattering the embers into nothing along with the mostly light soul along with it, eradicating The Enchantress and June Moone.

"Sorry June, you heard me, right? I tried to safe your soul-" he shrugged, uncaring if she heard or not. He did his job, stopping his enemy no matter the cost. Jericho was always a believer of ends justify the means. "Atleast you wont go to hell….well that means no Heaven too. Just...…..nothingness."

He took a moment to look around. He sighed at the damage done to this 'place'. "Im done!" He yelled to seemingly no one. Cracks appeared in the very air around him before shattering, revealing the same place he was, a destroyed cemetery with no emerald energy destroying everything.

"You're finally back." Jericho turned to see the gathered Justice League looking at him with smiles of relief. "Its been days." Canary said as she looked him up and down, taking in his disheveled appearance. "Hard fight?"

"Nah." Was all he said before "Seeing as we're all not dead, I guess you succeeded?"

Batman walked up to him, eyes narrowed "How did you know?"


"You knew exactly what, where, when, and how to fix this. You teleported us without filling us in first and only did that after we were teleported away. I want to know what happened and how you knew exactly what to do." Batman explained. "How did you create a pocket dimension so quick without anyone noticing, not even the supposed 'demon'? Things aren't adding up."

"Something ill have to pay for." Was all Jericho replied with but Batman wanted more.

What he got from the response was 'It came at a great cost, perhaps pertaining to his patron god.' A hand landed on Batman's shoulder.

"Lets calm down, Batman.-" Superman came in, stained in nether. His suit was destroyed partially. "Where is the demon or June?" He asked, refusing yo call the the girl by her alter ego.

"When I defeated the demon, in a effort to hurt me emotionally, he decided to drag the girl to Hell. Apparently she was already long dead and that was why Enchantress was on a crazy rampage.-" Their eyes widened in horror at what he said.

"So….you couldn't save her?" Diana asked with hidden sorrow.

"….I managed to give her blessed funeral rights. Her soul passed on to a better place." Although saddened at the innocent girl's death, they gave out a sigh of relief that she wasn't damned to a fate of eternal suffering. Everyone wasn't convinced.

Canary and Batman narrowed their eyes in suspicion but decided to voice them.

(Yes, the only thing the Baron did was just make a place for them to fight, that was all.)