
DC: Dimensional Luck

In a world where aliens and gods wield unimaginable powers, Anthony finds himself in a new reality with powers known as Gacha and Dimensional Chat. He discovers friends, enemies, and unforeseen challenges that will test his understanding of power and destiny. [You have been chosen as the administrator of the Dimensional Group Chat] [Searching for participants started... 10%... 34%... 69%... 100%"] The participant has been added to Chat: "MissKnowItAll" The participant has been added to Chat: "Exhibitionist" The participant has been added to Chat: "AmbitionlessShinoa" The participant has been added to Chat: "God's Tongue" An administrator has been added to Chat: "BrotherOfSupervillainGenius" ------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the fanfic i was merely translating this. Cover image is AI generated. ---This is a Translation--- Original Author: Larchout

Sothisq · アニメ·コミックス
193 Chs

Chapter 34: Knowledge

The knowledge of how the multiverse works, how forces operate it, and those who can represent a spectrum of certain energies is very important.

At least in the world where I live. That's why I decided to buy the available knowledge immediately.

Sorcerer Supreme Arion's Book (S) — 4000 CP

Book of Thoth (S) — 4000 CP

Book of Zatara (A) — 1500 CP

The information in all three books was very important to me.

I learned that a lot of modern magicians come from ancient Atlantis same to the Homo Magi. The Homo Magi finally left Atlantis and blended with humans.

Supreme Sorcerer Arion was a sorcerer of Atlantis and literally had godlike power and vast knowledge which are contained in this book.

He was once one of the Lords of Order, so there is indeed a lot of knowledge there not only from this universe as he had some knowledge of others particularly the dark ones.

The Book of Thoth contains all the lost knowledge after the flooding of Atlantis.

When the "Dead King" submerged Atlantis, a lot of knowledge was lost.

This knowledge includes the development of a race that could rival the smartest in the universe, if not for their fall caused by their king who was betrayed by his own brother and killed his family...

Their main conflict was usually over the throne.

The Book of Zatara has the knowledge of Giovanni Zatara, a powerful magician with a huge reputation among all other magicians.

If we don't count the Lords of Order, then he can be considered the strongest magician at the moment... unless something happened to him.

I was also lucky that their price was low despite being of S rank.

After all, this is dry knowledge without additional abilities, but that's enough for me.

Right now, I need to know a lot about magicians to understand how everything in this world works.

Now my Chat Points balance is as follows:

Chat Points: 7203

"It's clear that I'll have to read a lot."

I sighed while looking at the three huge books, all of which are also enchanted so there are even more pages there.

I got really into Arion's book by evening, and at least it became clearer what the most powerful sorcerers in this multiverse can do.

I'm not sure I have any chance against someone that powerful, but I have no chance if that person uses all of their power immediately.

However, their bodies are still their weakness but not always.

After all, Arion was an Atlantean, and they are several times stronger than an ordinary human.

The book also discussed a large number of different spells and schools of magic as well as ways to get energy directly from the source.

However, very few people have been able to do this because it gives them almost complete omnipotence.

According to comics, the New Gods are so powerful precisely because of their proximity to the Source.


"Master Luthor, your sister is calling."

Cortana's voice brought me out of my trance.

"Hmm? Yes, put her through."

I nodded while checking the time...

It turns out I've been here all night with the book and still haven't finished it, but that was to be expected.

"Tony, I couldn't find you at the apartment. Where are you?"

Luna's voice came through the line even though I hadn't seen her for almost three days, but only about fifteen hours had passed for her.

"I'm already at the lab and working on the arc reactor."

I replied and stood up from the table.

I didn't feel particularly exhausted. It's hard to call myself an ordinary person, and a day without sleep isn't important to me.

"...Did you even come back at all?"

"Hmm, maybe?"

 I answered and walked down the corridor towards where I was building the reactor. Actually, I can create it in a fairly short amount of time now.

"Never mind; just don't forget to rest. We've been invited to a dinner at Wayne Manor in Gotham, and this is a very high-profile party, so I think we should come."

"Gotham? Is that where some guy jumps around the city in a bat suit scaring thugs?"

A hint of skepticism could not help but creep into my voice.

"Yes, and we also have a guy flying around the city at great speed even evading the military so our cities are even. The dinner is planned for next week so be ready."

"Alright. I'll bring lunch from that same chef..."

I said it with a smile, and...

"WHAT? Um, I mean... alright, Tony, then I'll wait for you. Don't be late, little brother."

She seemed clearly flustered. After ending the call, I sighed deeply and ran my hand through my hair.

"Cortana, were you able to find out anything about the Dust?"

I glanced towards the holographic projector where Cortana's avatar appeared.

"These are highly energy-saturated energy crystals with a connection that is very unusual for such material... even with Kryptonian technology, it's difficult to give an accurate analysis. We need more data or more complete Kryptonian technologies."

Cortana replied.

"Hmm, Cortana, how do you feel?"

My question made Cortana's avatar tilt her head slightly to the side, very human-like.

"I can say that there are no problems with my functionality. Now that I have access to such advanced technologies and your brilliance, which combined human and Kryptonian technologies to create servers for me, I could get all of the nuclear code in a day."

Cortana said it as if she were trying to justify her existence.

"I know there are no technical issues. You're perfect. I'm talking about something else."

I stood up and walked over to the full-sized avatar that stood at about five feet eight inches.

"Even in the world I knew, you were... more than human, and the realization that you were literally created from a woman's personality matrix... makes you even more human no matter what anyone says. That's why I'm asking, How do you feel?"

It was an important question.

Cortana was the first sentient being summoned through the system, and even though it was stated in the description that she would be loyal...

But there was nothing mentioned about the complete and fulfill submission.

Cortana could go crazy due to many factors, but the probability of that happening here wasn't zero.

"I... I don't understand your question."

I received her response, and her face displayed her usual smile but... something was off.

If I hadn't fully assimilated with Albedo and unlocked my Aura as well as gained knowledge, then... I might not have noticed one detail.

I could sense Cortana's soul which resided mainly in the holographic projector connected to LexCorp servers.

"I see. You're currently very close to being a sentient being to me as you know a lot about me and have experienced a lot with me. You have a soul, Cortana. I can feel it."

After my words, Cortana's expression changed to... uncertain.

"I'm afraid... and I don't know what to do."

Cortana finally mustered the courage to say.

"When I was there with them, I never felt anything like what I feel with you. It was simple; I was given a task and carried it out. There was an emulation of emotions, but here everything has turned upside down, and I started... started noticing something wrong. I don't know how to describe it. I'm a machine, I'm an AI just an imitation of life..."


I interrupted her and reached out to run the back of my hand along her cheek causing slight interference in the avatar but still just a projection.

 "I feel your soul. Do you understand?"

I gave her some time.

"With your computational power, you could have considered billions of scenarios and prepared for each one in these seconds, but..."


Cortana placed her hand over where a human's heart would be.

"Exactly. Now you know, I need a very good and reliable assistant. A living, breathing, and capable of hacking even the most difficult systems."

I smiled.

After all, I regarded her as my personal assistant, a tool, but... let's not deny it, I've become attached to her.


Cortana looked down at her hands.

"What's it like?..."

"You'll find out. It's not as difficult as you think. You'll still be able to connect to the network. I already have an idea of how to give you a full body capable of everything you can do now, but I need time for calculations. I can create an ordinary living body right now, but I also need to transfer your soul and consciousness. These books will be more than useful for that."

I gestured towards the very valuable books and tapped my finger on them.

"So don't think you'll always be in this state."

I added a parting note and then headed towards the arc reactor.

I spent several hours assembling it, and during the process, I came up with ideas on how to improve the reactor even though I didn't need it yet.

This reactor will provide energy to the Luthor Engineering building and the entire city if everything goes as planned.

"Hmm, someone is playing with magic?"

I whispered while sensing a reality shift through magic.

It was about a mile and a half away from my location, and I could sense it. However, the magic was corrupted.

"Cortana, I'll be coming back soon."

I said this while making dark clothing and a mask using alchemy.

Then, a magical circle appeared beneath me, and I teleported just above where I felt the reality shift.


"... make the deal, and everything will be fine."

A demon growled standing in front of a young brunette dressed rather frivolously in a black hat.

They were both in a dark alley.

"I already know that making a deal won't lead to anything good. Leave,"

The brunette said she was attempting to banish him, but the demon just laughed and lunged at her.


 She exclaimed as he hit the magical barrier that appeared.

"mih ezeerf!"

"Belial won't let this go easily..."

The demon roared, was covered in frost, and then spewed flames from his mouth.

The sorceress easily defended herself against it, but before she needed to do anything else, I jumped on the demon from above and pierced his head with my Cinnabar Spindle.

It worked.

"Getting involved with demons is the last thing you should do,"

I said this while looking at the girl who had picked up her black hat from the ground and was emanating magic from it.

"As if I didn't know that already, with or without you."

The girl said it irritably while shaking the dirt off her hat and casting a spell on it.

"Someone must have put him up to this... by any chance, was it you?"

She glared at me.

"I actually helped you."

I reminded her.

"And this is my first encounter with demons... nothing serious yet."

"I thought the same thing when I wanted to make a deal... Never mind."

She waved her hand.

"It would sound more informative coming from someone not dressed as a stripper."

I remarked.

"Hey, that's my stage persona!"

She stomped her foot, and her irritation was evident in her voice.

"Do you want me to turn you into a toad or what?"

"I thought my help might be needed in case someone did something stupid... like trying to make a deal with someone from Hell. You're Zatara's daughter, right? If I'm not mistaken?"

"No, you're not mistaken. I haven't seen you before, and your magic with this emblem is strange..."

"Fine, if you don't need help, then I'll be on my way."

A magical seal appeared beneath my feet and just as quickly disappeared due to Zatanna's magic.

"How rude."

I shook my head and simply flew upwards abruptly then teleported back home.

After a remark, I heard some unkind words directed at me from behind... I hope it wasn't a curse, and I would have sensed it.

It was stupid of me to react so abruptly to such an event.

The real disaster should begin with Darkseid's invasion when the Justice League will be created.

But still, this isn't comics, and various cases need to be checked.

I need to get stronger if I want to live in peace in this world. That won't be easy since there are dangers from other universes as well.

That demon wasn't a very tough opponent, and I don't know what he was doing inside the city, but I hope Zatanna will deal with it.

From what I understand, she was trying to make a deal.

It's possible that the deal was meant to eliminate the evil sorceress's curse on her father, but I don't want to know for now.

I need to read the books I bought more carefully and also...

Homo Magus Bloodline (B) - 1200

I bought the bloodline for myself and immediately felt some change as if breathing had become a bit easier.

"Ti nrub."

I said this while looking at the clothes I had cleared that I had created with alchemy before heading out to see what was happening.

I used mnemonic spells and magic to simply alter reality, but that's what magic usually allows you to do.

I wasn't surprised when these clothes suddenly caught fire and disappeared. The flames were so hot that they burned off in seconds.

I like this kind of magic too.



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