[Gotham City | 1 week after Price wakes up]
The Batcave was a collection of Batman's trophies. The once empty and desolate cave became decorated as the Batman's portfolio increased. It became more dangerous as new technology was added but at the same time, it became more homely. As one passed by the assortment of tools, they could see an area comprised of history.
The first suits. The first car models. The first crime encounters. Each place was decorated with both history and value. One could stay there for hours and ask about each memory. It was the tangible victories the Bat-family could visit from time to time. The memories that sculpted Batman's career.
If one goes further and gets closer to the more operational side of the cave, they could see the newer cars and gadgets. One particular area was made solely to house the Batwave, the highly advanced supercomputer system that helps Batman out with the technicalities.
The usual traits that were attributed to the Batcave like being devoid of life changed on this day. Besides the usual residents, there was three new additions. The devoted and justice driven Dr. Fate, the alcoholic occult detective John Constantine, and the crime-fighting magician Zatara.
They stood behind a Batman typing furiously into the Batwave.
Although their new and colorful addition to the group was vibrant, the Batcave still remained silent. They were discussing the topic of what exactly changed in Gotham just a month ago. The usual capital of petty-crimes became a cesspool of mystical dangers.
This was out of Batman's expertise and he knew it. He contacted members in the League that could figure out the source of the problem. Dr. Fate, his go-to for mystical problems was already interested in the situation. The occult Detective was already knocking on his door before he could make the call. The only one he had to reach out to was Zatara who was touring the states with his magic show.
"The minor clashes between magical beings has blown itself out of proportions." Batman said identifying his problem with the situation, "Just an hour ago we found traces of an immortal demon causing mayhem in Gotham."
When Batman said that, the faces of the heroes turned grim. Although they found traces, that was it. Killing said immortal demon would not be difficult for the likes of Dr. Fate. In fact, he had done so numerous times. This time however, the demon took a more careful approach that made it difficult for Dr. Fate to find him.
'What is so special about the source that the flamboyant immortal took the time to lower his presence for?' That question remained in their heads.
"If he shows his presence Batman, I would have little trouble defeating him once more." Dr. Fate chimed in.
The other heroes nodded quietly.
Although Batman didn't show it, he was comforted by that thought. But then his mind went towards the first instance of the problem. The injured orphans that had nothing to do magic. Their body parts were frozen in places technology couldn't fix. The dead flesh already ate through their brains.
"But after how many get injured?" He reminded them.
This was the grim truth about crime-fighting. No matter how hard you work, no matter how much you do, someone's always going to get hurt. Most of the time, it's innocents that suffer.
"You blokes mope around too much." John Constantine remarked, "So...we know nothing about the source of this entire thing. I've checked out the orphanage myself and I couldn't find the source."
Batman's face frowned even more. The places and events John Constantine has been in was impressive to even the strongest people he knew. The amount of times that Constantine went to hell or even intangible dimensions was beyond him. His knowledge on the arcane rivaled even ancient entities like the Lords of Order. Yet that man said that he had seen it before.
"What have you been able to observe?" Batman asked not expecting much.
John Constantine took out a flask from his trench-coat and gave it a good swig.
"Death and corruption." He answered while wiping the dripping liquid from his chin.
"Not Ice?" Batman asked thoughtfully.
'The cases showed the hypothermia was caused by extreme cold. Yet with every attempt the doctors made using modern medicine, the illness spread throughout the body? Was it the corruption they're talking about?' Batman thought.
Both John Constantine and Dr. Fate looked at each other but did not know how to describe their thoughts. The science of Earth hadn't caught up to the level of magic they were at. The didn't even know if there were terminology to describe the ideas they wanted to convey.
"If I may," Zatara interrupted, "the closest thing I've seen to this level of corruption was from the Ancient Lords of Death. I chanced upon an encounter with the Green Lantern. A villain known as Black Hand had an artifact with a similar aura."
"Black hand..." John Constantine whispered as if remembering something. Then he did a series of hand signs as his eyes glowed yellow.
"That fellow's related to Nekron!" Constantine said with a frown but continued without anyone asking. "He's - and I quote - a physical manifestation of the concept of death as a cosmic certainty and the ultimate opponent of all life."
'Manifestation of death...could be worse.' Batman thought with his eyes glinting.
"And you saw the source of corruption there?" Dr. Fate asked Zatara.
"It was similar but..." Zatara had trouble forming the words he wanted to say.
"Nekron's magic has a more sulfuric after-taste though." Constantine answered with a weird expression.
Batman rose a brow at the comment but knew better than asking. "That gives us a place to start."
[John Wallace has been Assassinated | +200¤]
[After Services: Guaranteed no interference for 10:00]
[Disposable Evidence: Corpse(E), Burnt Clothing(D)]
[Witnesses: None]
[Body Condition: Healthy]
[Mental Condition: Barely Stable]
「Eternal Remembrance is storing the Soul | Death-Force Capacity - 33」
In a dark alleyway, something common in Gotham, a short youth stood before a corpse. Blood was blasted everywhere and its left arm was blown away. The youths hair flew wildly in the breeze and his expression was hidden behind a smiling mask.
[Magic Missile - 125 Left]
Price looked at the cards left in his hand. His stash of pre-casted Magic Missiles dwindled down to 125. He quickly did the math in his head.
'One Magic Missile card is worth ten credits. I used four cards. That gives me one-hundred and sixty credit profit.'
Price decided to use his profits to pay back a portion of his debt. Ever since he started his crusade a week ago, he competed an unprecedented amount of bounties. This hit would make the number thirty-three bounties just this week.
The events happening in Gotham didn't manage to slip his mind either. There was a massive congregation of bounties that surged during recent times. These men and women made Gotham more dangerous for the likes of him.
Price still didn't manage to find out why those enlightened in the Mystical Arts were rushing to Gotham but had a feeling that the orphanage incident had something to do with it. Therefore, he had not activated the core since last week.
'With the core went the voice.' Price said as he frowned. The being's very existence almost made him lose control of himself. For a moment, he thought nothing of using innocent people as covers for his actions. That's not who Price is. He could take the loss of life due to accidents but purposefully putting the lives of others at risk was not his thing.
But the words the core used interested Price. It not only knew why Price was dropped into the world, it also used words like warfare and young one.
'It's probably the soul of the Lich King.' Price thought remembering the system's description.
Price took one more look at the dead corpse before turning his Invisibility on.
『Initializing Invisibility - You're invisible. Stains, casting spells, kicking and taking damage removes the effect temporarily』
Price walked aimlessly through Gotham. Every since last week, he abandoned his identity. He no longer stayed at the hospital and didn't go to school. When he wasn't accepting bounties, he was touring cities. Price looked at the sky wondering whether he should go to Washington D.C. or New Jersey.