
Dc : Black Knight of justice

Bad at synopsis But disclaimer : I don't own any character other than mine ones neither do I owe the picture

Edgelord666 · テレビ
4 Chs

Chapter 2

It was a good summer day. Sun was shining above Gotham. There was no dark cloud today in the sky which can obstruct the sun rays. It was a rather cheerful day compare to other days in Gotham.

On this good day Gotham's destiny was going to change. Destiny was once again going to bless Gotham. Its bad days were going to disappear.

It has been 11 years since Batman's debut in vigilantism. And many things have been changed since then.

Gotham's criminals have become smart and deadly. Now every street thug carries a gun with him because of the fear of Batman. Villains have created super high-tech weapons like freeze guns.

With Gotham's hero comes its villain like Joker and Bane. And these villains have no qualms about killing and they enjoy killing in more painful ways. yesterday joker slaughter an entire orphanage with his laughing gas. And what did police and Batman do, they put that monster in Arkham asylum from which he will run again like other times.

In reality Batman's arrival has made things far worse than they already were. The criminal gangs are becoming crueller to scare people because their business run on fear. The same gangs are wasting money on weapons in large quantity to have a chance against Batman.

And there is constant need of money for all of these things. More money means more crime. Batman can only be at one place so he overlooks some crimes like normal theft. But this normal theft is a middle-class family's life time saving and even if Batman catches these offenders, he just beats them and hand them over to the corrupt police and after some days all of the offenders are free doing crime again.

This is the cities current situation.

But yesterday something quite interesting happens.

Yesterday the bat family catches at least 20 billion worth of drug consignment and now all the underworld of Gotham is losing their mind as this was the biggest drug raid in the history of America and the government have to interfere now to maintain their public image.

And it is certainly bad news as they can easily deal with the Gotham's city council but can they deal with thegovernment.

Deals under the table are being made, politicians are being blackmailed, large sum of money is transferring from one anonymous account to another anonymous account.

Now in an abandoned ware house in a dark corner of Gotham there is a meeting going between top heads of their respective gangs and mafia families.

There are at least 30 to 40 people here.

Some notable mentions are Maroni, traid head Ekin Tzu (name might change), back mask, penguin (cobblepot), Mexican cartel head Penitente, ManuelEscobedo and many more.

Now apart from all these honorary (spit) people they are 2 more people who are not with any gang, they are Deadshot and Deathstroke. They are here for protection.

"I will cut the chase. We have lost and that too big. If we did not do anything early, we all are finished, so I am all ears for any idea even the stupidest one in your heads." Maroni said in an urgent voice.

Maroni was scared of the current situation and was pissed at the Batman.

Everyone was looking at one anthers face and after a minute penguin (cobblepot) speaks

Penguin (cobblepot): "well we are in a tight situation and we have to use quite the sum of money. Which is not big of a problem for us? But the problem is that the government have to show their power to appease the masses. Even if they don't harm us in any way but they have to create an illusion of harming us and taking good care of Gotham."

Maroni: "I already know this, what I don't know is the solution of this problem."

Penguin (cobblepot): "If you let me finish then you will know. Look I have talked with my white-collar friends and they said that they can solve our problem but it will cost us at least 10 to 15 billion."

Pin drop silence in the room.

This silence was break by black mask.

Black mask: "RIDICULOUS are they out of their minds?"

Maroni: "shut up, if you have any better idea then tell me."

Black mask fell silent at that.

Penguin (cobblepot): I know it is a very big sum of money for a single organisation. But if we all come together, we can easily afford it. It will be like taking a bucket from the ocean Afterall Gotham's underworld turnover is at least 3 to 4 trillion per year. (completely made by me. The reason I think that the earn so much is because in 90's Pablo Escobar was earning around 70 to 100 million a day and that too by only Miami and we are talking about Gotham here.)

Ekin tzu the triad head speaks for the first time in meeting at this point

Ekin tzu: "penguin (cobblepot) is right, it's not a big deal to raise this much money for all of us combine. But do tell me cobblepot how are they planning to do this.

Cobblepot (penguin): "well they are planning to shift all the blame on Gotham police and demoting some officers."

None of them was surprised at this. Because that's what government do, they shift the blame on some one else and generally this someone is police.

By blaming police, they shift public attention from demanding better policy and safety to hating the police, and people too love it.

"Now then this matter is solved. Let's talk about another important matter, what we should do about that Damn bat." Falcone said with uncontainable anger in his voice.

Black mask: "what can we do, we have tried everything. We have wasted billions of dollars on trying to kill Batman. The result we all know. We have given contract to innumerable assassin organisations and all fail. Deathstroke and Deadshot both of them fail.

Let's put Batman aside we are not even able to harm his little protégé's. And even if one of them died other one piped up.

And those dead protégé's also come from dead and they bloody kill or are you guys forgetting about that Red Robin.

And just put these aside, we can't even control Jim Gordon. We can't touch him, can't threaten him expect joker.

SO, TELL ME DAMN IT WHAT CAN WE DO." Said black mask angrily and slamming his hands on the table.

Cobblepot: "well you don't have to worry about Gordon."

Everyone turned toward cobble pot.

Maroni: what do you mean.

Cobblepot: "Well the Government is planning to demote him. And transferring a new commissioner to Gotham."

Falcone: "how is it not a problem?"

Cobblepot: "Well I may or may not have pulled some strings for transfer of someone special."

Maroni: "is your man trustworthy."

Cobblepot: "no, he is not. He is a dog, so whoever will throw a tastier bone will have his service. He is corrupt to the very soul."

Black mask: "who is this person that you are speaking so highly of."

Cobblepot: "Elijah Muller."

Falcone: "that New York guy."

Cobblepot: "the very same."

Now many of them know who this Elijah from New York is. He is New York's deputy chief and the most corrupt police officer in New York. He is the Bitch of anyone who offers him money. Many of their connections know about him.

A soft chuckle escape from Maroni's mouth and he said "good job with this one cobble pot he is all we need for a commissioner of police."

Everyone laughs.

They don't know that they themselves have signed their own death sentences.

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