
DC/Abnormal Memories

In the DC multiverse, an unusual event has left an indelible mark on the timeline. After countless reboots and alternate realities, one singular individual witnesses every pivotal moment in the history of the world's mightiest heroes. A witness to tragedies, triumphs and heartbreaking mistakes that have been unleashed at different points in time.

Victor_AS · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs

chapter 2

At the Atalaya, the heroes gathered to discuss the situation in their respective cities. The reports were varied.

Each reported on the affairs of their respective cities in brief reports, some heroes mentioning that they had managed to stop certain villains in their cities.

While the Justice League continued discussing strategies in the Watchtower, elsewhere, Ivan, the man who had witnessed multiple realities and undergone a transformation, was in his modest room. The room was illuminated by the soft moonlight that filtered through the window.

Ivan was sitting at his desk, his head full of thoughts. The experience on the streets of Central City, the vision of Superman, and the fragmentation of his mind had given him a new perspective and renewed purpose. He was determined to take an active role.

He opened a notebook and began to write down his thoughts. He knew that he couldn't do it alone and that he would have to find a way. While he wrote down plans and strategies in his notebook, Iván reflected.

As Ivan drew up plans and strategies in his notebook, his mind began to remember the moment in which he had experienced a profound change. There was a time when, in the midst of his fear and confusion.

He doesn't know how it was, he can't describe it or give an explanation to this change, but something he can't deny is this feeling of power. It felt good after living through so many endings where he could only see how he lost everything when that thread of fear and reservation left he felt free for the first time

Despite the darkness that surrounded him, Ivan couldn't deny that he felt good. The feeling of power, liberation and the absence of fear offered him a completely new experience. For so long, he had been a silent witness, a helpless spectator of the tragedies that unfolded again and again in multiple realities. But now something had changed.

While those thoughts passed through his mind Ivan closed his eyes and focused on that feeling of liberation and power. He knew that something new had been born inside of him, and he was determined to use it.

After his personal revelation and his inner change, Ivan understood that, to achieve his goal.

Ivan decided that an effective way to do it would be to seek alliances with other villains, the idea in itself was already crazy, although he knew of some things that he saw in the different realities, he did not know how to find a point in common with each of them. . They motivate different things.

After thinking about it for a while, they decided to go to Gotham. Maybe it sounds desperate, but the reality is that she is not powerful enough to defeat Superman, she has to go to a place where she can get away from him.


Ivan entered the shadows of Gotham City and decided to continue on his way. He walked through the streets, observing the graffiti and the dark alleys where crime and corruption seemed to be commonplace. Although he had no allies at the moment he would soon acquire some.

For now he should look for Bane right now as it would be the best option he could use if he goes against Batman to start.

While he advances through the dark places of Gotham he found Bane surrounded by several men lying on the ground, it seems that they were unlucky in finding Bane.

Ivan cautiously approached Bane, although he knew that his proposal could be risky, he had no choice but to try it.

[Ivan]: "Hello, could you give me a little of your time."

[Bane]: "And who are you?

Ivan decided to approach the topic with caution, knowing that he had to choose his words carefully.

[Ivan]: "I'm Ivan, and I've been watching Batman. I've noticed that he's always been an obstacle for you. I can give you the opportunity to do a lot of damage to him."

Bane frowned, but did not interrupt him.

[Ivan]: "What I propose is that, if we work together, we could use his own anger and obsession against him. We could create a situation that makes him fall into our hands, weakening his morale and his determination."

In a surprising move, Bane grabbed Ivan by the neck with a powerful hand and lifted him into the air, with menacing pressure.

[Bane]: "I could break your neck with a single squeeze, Ivan. Do you really want to tempt me?"

Ivan, gasping for breath, looked at Bane with determination in his eyes.

[Ivan]: "You could do it, Bane. But don't you want to try? Think about what we could achieve together. Think about how we could defeat Batman and change the fate of Gotham City, tell me you don't want to try until now forever." who tried only failed"

Bane kept his grip on Ivan's neck, but his expression began to show signs of doubt.

Ivan seeing Bane's doubt could not miss this opportunity

[Ivan]: "Tell me what you can lose if you fail, are you so afraid of Batman?"

Bane finally let go of Ivan, who fell to the ground, coughing and catching his breath. Bane took a few steps away, deeply immersed in his thoughts.

[Bane]: "I'm not afraid, Ivan. But I admit that your proposal has a certain appeal."

Ivan, with a mixture of relief and triumph, rose from the ground.

[Ivan]: "Exactly, Bane. Working together, we could create a series of events that challenge him in ways he has never experienced. We will make him question his own morals and his determination. Gotham City will never be the same. "

[Bane]: "I am willing to try. But please know that if at any time I believe that your plan will lead to failure, I will not hesitate to end this alliance and your life."

Ivan understood the gravity of Bane's warning.

[Ivan]: "Understood, Bane, don't worry too much, my actions will show you that we will not fail."

[Ivan]: "The next step is for you to take action, Bane. Start unleashing a series of events that will draw Batman's attention."

[Bane]: "I will, but make sure you are ready to act when the time comes"

[Ivan]: "Don't worry, Bane. I'll be ready. I'll contact you in a few days, when everything starts to take shape. That's when we'll take the next step."

The alliance between Ivan and Bane was underway, and both were willing to take on Batman and the heroes in their quest for power and domination in Gotham.

Night fell on the city, as Ivan walked away, his next target would be Batman, the Dark Knight, Gotham City's vigilante who had maintained order and justice in his city for years. Despite not having superpowers like most heroes, Ivan considered Batman to be one of the most dangerous adversaries he would face.

Ivan walked through the dark streets of Gotham with a twisted smile on his face as Ivan walked through the dark streets of Gotham, his determination and twisted smile intensifying. He knew that challenging Batman would not be an easy task, but he was determined to carry out his plan, regardless of the risks he would face along the way.

enveloping the streets in a blanket of darkness. His figure faded into the shadows of the alleys, and as he advanced, the light from the city's streetlights projected his silhouette on the walls.

However, as he advanced through the streets, as his grotesque shadow followed him through the streets of Gotham, Ivan continued to advance towards his destiny. The city was full of secrets and dangers, and he was willing to face them all. The night was full of promises and challenges, and Ivan was ready to face whatever it took to achieve his goal.

As the night wore on, Ivan's grotesque shadow continued to cast itself on the city walls, a twisted representation of his determination and ambition. Light and darkness intertwined in a sinister dance.

As his silhouette faded into the night, Ivan's grotesque shadow merged with the darkness of Gotham City, preparing for the confrontation that would change the fate of everyone involved.

The night continued its march, and Ivan's transformation was in full swing, ready to face the game of power and domination that lay ahead on the shadowy streets of Gotham.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Victor_AScreators' thoughts