
Dc's mysterious assassin

When Drystan finds himself dead and full of regrets, a powerful yet mysterious being grants him a new life in a world he barely has any knowledge of along with a few gifts. Why did he get this chance... because i said so. Deal with it. (This is my first experiance writing so dont expect flawless work. I accept critism and appreciate any and all forms of advice, suggestions , corrections, etc.) Thank you for reading : )

Lucius_Frey · アニメ·コミックス
38 Chs


When Drystan got back home after he finished his first class two days ago, he immediately ran in-depth background checks on all of his students and colleagues.

What he learned from his search shocked him as he was searching for one person and Gotham university had several people that were flagged by his system.

I guess he learned that he shouldn't make assumptions and that he needs to remember that Gotham is a nest of vipers and even the nicest person here could be a criminal behind the scenes..

The first thing he learned is that his assistant Barbara Gordon, was the daughter of police commissioner James Gordon.

Drystan hardly knew anything about the Dc universe but he knew about James Gordon and his connections with Batman.

He also learned that the reason that the Joker shot and paralyzed Barbara was that he was attempting to drive commissioner Gordon to insanity.

The incident had only happened a few months back and according to the report he got, she wasn't going to the therapy sessions that she was asked to attend.

The Joker is really a sick bastard so having him appear at your home would be terrifying for almost anybody especially such a young girl.

He decided that if someone was willing to pay the right price, Drystan thought he would happily take on on the job of killing the Joker in the future.

The second thing he learned is that his colleague professor Jonathan Crane may or may not be a villain.

Jonathan Crane had a tough life of bullying at school and abuse at home, but what caught his attention was the nickname that his classmates called him 'Scarecrow'.

This really wouldn't be enough for him to really care about except that his high school bullies where apparently literally scared to death.

Once again Drystan hardly knows anything about Dc, but the scarecrow was a big enough villain that he had heard of him and his 'fear toxin'.

Added to Jonathon's obsession with teaching and studying fear and how it affects people, he was pretty certain he had a villain in the making working a few classes down.

He also labeled his student Stephanie Brown as a possible villain afte he learned that her father Arthur Brown had been formerly incarcerated for the crimes he committed as the Cluemaster.

He wasn't really a big comic book person but he did read a lot and typically the children of villains tend to commonly follow their parents paths even in the real world.

This didn't mean he was going to treat her unfairly, on the contrary he decided to make sure to pay more attention to her to keep her on the straight and narrow.

Her flather was currently on the run but Drystan wasn't worried much about him as he was a very minor villain in Batman's history book and even if he did show back up, Drystan would make sure that Batman got an anonymous tip-off.

Aside from that, he didn't find anything that really stood out for the other students in the school so he decided that he would have 3 of his clones further investigate the three that he's discovered and assume the other students are just normal people unless they do something that riles his suspicion.

Today he still had two very important things to do besides sta...-Investigating every person he ever meets.

The first is that in about hour he is meeting Barbara Gordon for lunch before heading to the library to discuss how they will run their class together.

The second is that tonight he will do his first job as an assassin.

A 2 star job had been posted to assassinate a gang member that had raped the clients daughter.

After running a check on the target in the system however he decided that this person would be his first assassination.

The target 'Rob Foreman' had been convicted several times and is the prime suspect for several rapes and murders.

These sorts are fairly common targets on the site but the reason he chose to take this one is that his most recent victim was a student at his school.

she wasn't in his class but as a teacher, he felt like he had the responsibility to avenge the students of his school so that they wouldn't need to be afraid of the 'Boogyman' in the future.

With that in mind he set about half of his clones to do preparation for his first mission tonight as he decided that he wasn't going it use any superpowers for his first one as a rite of passage into his new life.

The clones weren't doing anything involving the target, just checking his gear and making sure that the target didn't go anywhere he didn't know.

After he had everything ready, he headed out of the house to meet miss Gordon.