
DBZ: Another Monkey

Jin was given a chance to start over in a new life after he had "unfortunately" lost his past life. He suddenly finds himself in a universe where there are aliens with monkey tails and overgrown house cats that could destroy him with one flick. He decided to live once again and to do that he needed to adapt. At least he has his past knowledge to give him that edge. Disclaimer: I don't claim the characters from DBZ or GOH as my own.

hoonie423 · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs

Chapter 3

Days turned into weeks, and Jin's progress accelerated. The unforgiving gravity of Vegeta became his training partner, sculpting his muscles and pushing his stamina to new limits. His sparring sessions with Pellet and the other children grew increasingly fierce, each clash honing his skills and pushing his power level higher.

One evening, as the crimson suns dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the training grounds, Jin overheard a hushed conversation between two older Saiyan boys. They spoke in low tones, their voices laced with a mixture of fear and excitement."

Did you hear?" one whispered, glancing around furtively.

"Hear what?" the other replied, his voice equally hushed.

"About the mission… to Planet 22?" the first boy spoke, the name sending shivers down Jin's spine. He'd heard rumors, whispered tales of a barbaric world where Saiyans hunted a monstrous creature.

Jin's heart pounded in his chest. He wasn't supposed to be involved in missions yet. His training wasn't complete. A sense of unease settled over him. Was this a normal mission for young Saiyans? Or was there something more sinister at play?

Driven by a newfound sense of curiosity, perhaps bordering on recklessness, Jin decided to investigate. He waited until the two boys had left the training grounds, then slipped away into the shadows, following at a cautious distance.

They led him to a secluded area where several Saiyan pods stood dormant. A chill ran down his spine as he saw Bardock standing beside one of the pods, a grim expression etched on his face. Other Saiyan warriors, their faces hidden in the dimming light, stood nearby.

Jin crouched behind a large rock, his senses on high alert. He strained to hear snippets of their conversation.

"The higher-ups are getting restless," a gruff voice rumbled, likely belonging to a high-ranking Saiyan. "Frieza wants results. This monster is proving more troublesome than anticipated."

Bardock's voice, cold and hard, cut through the tense silence. "We'll handle it. Just like every other mission."

Jin's stomach twisted in unease. Frieza's name always held an ominous weight in Saiyan society. He vaguely remembered stories from Earth of a tyrannical race of aliens with a chilling grip on the Saiyan people.

Another voice, sharp and laced with malice, chimed in. "See that you do, Bardock. Failure is not tolerated."Jin recognized the speaker - Nappa, a Saiyan known for his cruelty and ruthless tactics. A flicker of unease sparked within him. What if this mission was a trap? What if Bardock and the other Saiyans were being sent to their deaths?

Suddenly, a large hand clamped over Jin's mouth, stifling his gasp. He twisted around, surprise widening his eyes as he saw Pellet looming over him, a stern look on his face.

"What are you doing here, runt?" Pellet hissed. "You shouldn't be eavesdropping on grown-ups' business."

Jin struggled against Pellet's grip, a torrent of questions bubbling up inside him. "This mission… is it a trap? Are they sending my father to his death?"

Pellet hesitated, then sighed, releasing his hold. "Look, runt," he said in a softer tone, "there's stuff you don't understand yet. This ain't playtime. It's survival. Just trust your old man."

Jin stared back at Pellet, torn between fear for his father and the ingrained Saiyan need to prove himself. He yearned to be part of the mission, to fight alongside Bardock and the other warriors, but a nagging suspicion gnawed at him.

As the conversation continued, Bardock boarded his pod, a steely resolve in his eye. The other Saiyans piled into their respective crafts, their expressions grim. The pods roared to life, erupting in a plume of fire before vanishing into the darkness of space.

Jin stood alone in the desolate landscape, a chilling sense of foreboding clinging to him. This was no ordinary mission. The shadows whispered of danger, and for the first time, Jin felt a flicker of doubt about his place in this harsh Saiyan world. He clenched his fists, a new fire burning in his eyes. He would get stronger, stronger than any other Saiyan. Strong enough to protect his father, to understand the secrets hidden within the shadows, and to carve his own path in this unforgiving universe.


Days bled into weeks, a dull ache of worry gnawing at Jin ever since his eavesdropping incident. News of the mission remained shrouded in secrecy. Bardock hadn't returned, nor had any communication been received from his team. The silence was deafening, fueling Jin's anxieties.

One afternoon, while exploring a secluded area near the training grounds, Jin stumbled upon a strange sight. Half-buried in the dirt, partially obscured by overgrown vegetation, lay a small metallic box. Curiosity piqued, he brushed away the dirt and leaves, revealing an intricate design etched into the metal surface. There were symbols, unlike anything he'd seen before, swirling around a central image that vaguely resembled a human figure.

Hesitantly, Jin pressed a small button on the box. A hiss of compressed air filled the air, and the box snapped open. Inside, nestled in a bed of soft cloth, lay a small, leather-bound book. The worn pages were filled with detailed illustrations and strange symbols that resonated with an unfamiliar energy. He had a feeling this wasn't ordinary Saiyan technology.

Jin cautiously opened the book. The first few pages were filled with text in an unknown language. But as he flipped through it, he found detailed illustrations depicting a human figure performing martial arts stances and attacks unlike any fighting style he'd witnessed on Vegeta. The movements flowed with a strange grace, almost defying the laws of physics.

One image, in particular, caught his eye. The figure stood in a powerful stance, one leg extended, fist drawn back in a striking position. The caption below, written in a broken form of the common language used for intergalactic trade, read: "3rd Stance Hwechook". Jin's heart pounded with a mix of excitement and apprehension. This wasn't a Saiyan fighting style. Where did this book come from? And why did it resonate with him so deeply?

He spent the next few days poring over the book, deciphering the broken language and memorizing the intricate stances. The movements felt oddly intuitive, as if his body somehow remembered them from a forgotten past life.

He practiced in secret, away from the watchful eyes of other Saiyans. The unfamiliar techniques demanded a different kind of strength and flexibility than the brute force combat ingrained in Saiyan culture. But with each passing day, Jin felt himself growing stronger, more agile. His ki control, always a point of weakness, seemed to improve under the book's guidance.

One evening, as the twin suns cast an orange glow across the training grounds, Jin decided to test his newfound skills. He found himself in a secluded clearing, mimicking the stance from the book, his body coiled with anticipation. He channeled his ki, feeling it thrum through his veins. With a powerful yell, he unleashed a kick, his leg blurring as it tore through the air.

A shockwave erupted from his foot, leaving a deep gouge in the earth where it had struck. A wide grin spread across Jin's face. This wasn't just some alien fighting style; it was a form of combat perfectly suited to his unique circumstances. He was an Earthling soul in a Saiyan body, and this book offered him a way to bridge the gap, to fight using his own potential.

He continued to train in secret, mastering the techniques from the book one by one. The "3rd Stance Hwechook" became his signature attack, a powerful testament to his unorthodox training. He named the fighting style "Mori Style" after the symbols on the book's cover, a silent tribute to the unknown source of his newfound power.

As weeks turned into months, Jin noticed subtle changes in his own power level. While still far behind seasoned warriors like Pellet, his growth rate skyrocketed. His agility and ki control became the envy of other young Saiyans. Whispers of a "prodigy with strange fighting techniques" began to circulate.

But with his newfound power came a growing sense of isolation. He couldn't share his secret with anyone, fearing the judgment and potential hostility of his Saiyan brethren. He was a warrior walking a tightrope, balancing between his Saiyan heritage and the fighting style of a forgotten martial art tradition.

One day, while sparring with Pellet, Jin instinctively used a defensive maneuver from the book, deflecting Pellet's powerful blow with a seemingly effortless motion. Pellet stared at him, a flicker of curiosity sparking in his eyes."Where did you learn that move?" Pellet demanded.

Jin hesitated, his heart pounding in his chest. He couldn't keep his secret forever. But revealing it could have unforeseen consequences. He took a deep breath, a decision forming in his mind.

3rd chapter finished. As you can tell, I got the Mori style from the God of High School. I really like the moveset from there but forgive me if I get some stuff wrong in the future.

hoonie423creators' thoughts