
DAYWALKER: The Night That Changed Me

Vampire’s, Lycan’s, Zombie’s, all of these fictional creatures were nothing more than a means to letting your imagination run wild, all for the sake of not being bored of the same old thing day in and out. It was theorized that these creatures actually existed at some point in time during the dark ages of human history, but it was never confirmed nor proven. Nowadays, the talk of these creatures are merely just speculation and or stories depicted as fictional beings summarized for men and women to fond over, either through good looks, powers, and or personality wise. But there are some that believe in these beings, some even digging into old pieces of human history just to prove that they existed, or rather that they still do exist. I on the other hand think that these people are wasting their time searching for concrete evidence that possibly doesn’t exist, I’m already 20 and living on my own after moving out of my parents home. I didn’t really have time to be so ignorant about life until I felt like I should stop mooching off my folks. I have a decent job, but it only pays minimum wage, although the benefits are rather…where am I going with this? To keep a long story short, I guess I was proven wrong, during the night shift at my job. One night is what changed my perspective on the nowaday society I lived in for so long, and it was all due to a bite to the neck, by a very sex- I mean, scary vampire woman. Daisuke, age 20, Occupation, gas station employee. And my current status? I’m in danger… ———————————————————————- BOOOM ANOTHER STORY AHAHAHAHAHAH Hope you like it! Stay tuned for this wild adventure O:

Iamjustjay · アクション
5 Chs

Night-Walker (3)


The woman giggled, wrapping her arms around Daisuke's neck. Try as he might her grip was supernaturally tight, and he begins to hyperventilate.

"Shshsh~ it's okay, no need to be scared"


Her warm breath, her grip slightly loosening, and her eyes fixating on his eyes. Daisuke's breathing began to calm down.

"I need you to listen, and stay calm, okay?"


Daisuke tried his hardest to steel his mind and steady his breathing, but after a moment he managed to calm down. The woman brushed her hand against the hand Daisuke had against her neck, slowly bringing it away from his neck.

"Wa..wai! I'm still-"

Despite moving his hand, the blood that was once spilling out had stopped completely. In a state of shock, Daisuke's mind raced.

'Tha blood stopped?! When?! How?!…but more importantly…who the hell is this woman?!'

Daisuke gritted his teeth afraid and even more cautious of her. She smiled gently cupping her hands on Daisuke's cheeks, bringing his face close to hers.

"Let's bring that cautious look of yours, and calm it down. I'll answer any questions you're having rummaging through your mind"

…Daisuke paused for a moment, and he thought of the questions he wanted most answered.

"Okay, why did you bite my neck?"

"Simple, I was thirsty"

"…who are you?…"

"It's Clora Condor Tempest, any more questions?"

Daisuke's thoughts began to race even more, but one last thing popped up in his head.

"Wha…what are you exactly"

Clora titled her head slightly and caresses Daisuke's cheek with her thumb. She smiled and spoke, in a seductive soft tone.

"..a Vampire, something your mind is very familiar with. Right, Daisuke?"

His heart began to race as his thoughts and feelings to what she had said. 'A vampire? No, no fucking way. She can't be serious…that shit is just fiction..right?…it can be real'. His thought's kept racing and racing, to only be brought back to the crushing reality of the situation.

Her overwhelming strength, the speed she showed, even going as far as to drink his blood. Once more Daisuke's breathing began to become unsteady, his thoughts running rampant. He was afraid, afraid of everything that people would say about vampires on the internet, what they do, what they eat, what they kill.

Daisuke took a glance at Clora seeing that her smile and her gaze were all fixated on him. Despite the situation, he thought of ways to get away from her, he thoughts of ways to try and faith back, but nothing, absolutely nothing came to mind.

"Are..you gonna kill me…?"

"Hmm, I might"

His heart stopped as his blood ran cold. Her expression showed that she was still contemplating the idea, as if time slowed down, Daisuke couldn't help but reflect on his life. He was gonna die a gas station employee, he was gonna die a loser, but worst of all…he was gonna die a virgin.

'..fuck my life….is this bad luck or what?…all because I wanted to get home faster?… because I decided to play the nice guy?….damn it all…'

He thought inwardly cussing himself out for being a lazy idiot.

Lol hope he doesn’t die :D!

Iamjustjaycreators' thoughts