
Dawn Of Outstanding Mages(DOOM)

Derrick and friends who just wants to be normal cultivators but stumbled against an orb which they didn't know would changed their destiny forever. Novel by Canis.

AlexaandCanis · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Chapter 8: Dorm Fight

The boy gritted his teeth and walked out of the dinning hall in anger. Then Allison returned too her spot and continued launch.

"Great job". Klaus gave Allison a thumbs up.

What! No we've got to cultivate next and he didn't eat his launch. Conor saintly expressed.

Well that the point,he didn't eat so he won't cultivate well without strength given him the image of a spoilt rich brats in the eyes of the elders and besides I didn't tell him not too eat launch. Allison eat her meal; besides are this..I don't know saint that doesn't want people to get hurt, Conor that guy pushed you. She added.

urhnn am not a saint,it's just too much for the first day. Conor said.

Guys let's heade for the next class. Derrick stood up wiping his mouth then the rest followed behind. When they got to the cultivation hallthet waited a little bit then few minutes later the class started,the cultivation elder gave each of them a scroll written on it was a cultivation technique. Derrick and he's crew decided too try it out, when the class ended Conor complained; what sort of cultivation technique were we given, it's too fucking slow. The rest agreed as they head towards the assembly point for the collection of their dorm tags. After collecit they all head to their dorm apart from Allison who was at the females dorm but even though the other trio where at the same dorm they we re allocated different rooms

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When Allison got to her dorm she saw two girls at the corner of the room with a Scared face and saw a third one laying majestically and immediately guessed the situation,the two at the corner were bullied and the one laying majestically joined Thier sofa to hers. Allison didn't mind,she shifted her sofa away from where the third girl layed for her too late but before that could happen the third girl laying pulled Allison's hair saying; don't think because you're the daughter of the famous ice witch or niece to the famous forest witch gives you the nerves to mess with me now joined the others. She pushed Allison towards the others, Allison smiled wryldly turned back and gave the girl three good slaps. The slaps came as a shock too both who was hit and the two at the corner; don't also mess with me. Allison stated.

You really got some backbone. The third girl gritted her teeth and summound so many blood arrow.

Hmm she's a beginner stage cultivator. Allison noted in her mind.

Knowtow too me seven times and I might just consider not hitting you with this blood arrows. The third girl added.

Hahahaha do you think the power you have as a beginner stage cultivator could be compared with mine. Allison laughed in her mind and said out loud; I might not be at beginner stage yet but~Zmmm~Allison concealed her self in the shadows.

Bitch come and face me alright don't run I'll only hurt you a little. The third girl moved around in frustration of searching for Allison. When the third girl got close to the walk Allison grew a root out of it strangling her to the wall,then she tried too use the blood arrows too pierce every nook and cranny of the room but she was too late cause Allison strapped her hands too the wall which dispelled the blood arrows. Allison came out of the shadows,grew out a root which was threatening too poke the third girls eyes soon she started choking that was when Allison released her. Turning to the other girls Allison said;you may have your sofas.

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