
Dawn of a new world

Allen Walker son of Brian Walker, the dragon slayer,descendants of Lilith, battles against all odds thrown against him will he be able to get his position as one the devas all will wash away with the old world like his predecessor

Daniel_Bello_8319 · ファンタジー
17 Chs

Chapter two old legends

Chapter two old stories

Daemon drag me inside his store" show me the map

I brought out the map from my bag spreading the map on map on a table

I have tried to decipher it but it written in an ancient language that why I brought the map to you daemon,

Can you see maybe you could decipher it daemon?

Daemon grab the map from my hand he took to a

Light bulb shedding the light on it

This are ancient Egyptian alphabet I should be able to decipher it

Daemon took out a magnifying glass from under the top cabinet from his store,putting the map under the light he look at the map

Putting down the magnifying glasses, huff daemon inhale, well it a set of coordinate leading to four different locations,

but before I tell you this coordinate promise me you won't go searching for that staff of Moses like your father did allen

I can't make that promise uncle daemon,

I said to him

Sigh, you are just like your father arrogant and stubborn like him,ok then I will tell you the location but am going with you I can't let you go alone on this adventure or your father will kill me if I died, Uncle daemon said with a smile on his face

Hahaa I chuckled ok so can you tell me the coordinate now

Well this is it,he said pointing at four location on the map

Daemon took out a modern map from his bag

Spreading the map on top of the old map He said

Well according to my calculations the coordinate leads to this four location the first one is the great pyramid of gyza in Egypt, the second one is in blood fall in antarctica the third one is the door to hell in Turkmenistan while the fourth one is the Bermuda Triangle

Ok so which one are we choosing first and when are we going?

Calm down allen you have to think this through are you sure you really want to go on this journey,

You might die out there. Our world is much more mysterious than you think!"

Am sure uncle daemon I want to go on this trip even if it kills me

Sigh! you have really grown up

He looked at the map with a solemn face thinking to himself

I think we should go to Egypt first, at least it is much safer than the rest of the location.

But how are we getting there uncle deamon

Don't worry about this I have. A friend his name his Daniel, he owns a cargo plane I think he could help us in the meantime I have to tell you some dangers we might face once we get to egypt

Uncle daemon said while sighting to himself with a lonely face

Where should I start first hmmmmm ok let start with moses since we looking for is staff we might as well start with him

Do you know about the thousands of Israelite that Moses brought across the Red Sea?

Yes I know uncle daemon who does not know about the story

Then this will be much easier, you should have heard about the story that the Egyptians were hungry while they in the desert, uncle deamon said while pacing around the room like a restless kid

Yes I know uncle deamon I said impatiently, what are you trying to get to uncle daemon I ask

Putting his hand on his chin, Well how should I say this you should know that god Send mana down from the sky to feed the thousands of Israelites right?

Yea I know

Well the story is true but the story wasn't complete entirely he said with a solemn face,

The truth is that after god sent down mana from heaven. Some Israelite family awaken to some powers back,then he said.

I looked at him blankety, I was stunned in place,

Sigh uncle daemon if you don't want me to go on the journey then just say so stop trying to deceive me with some kind of story

Am not joking kid he said with a stern and serious face, god really send mana down to earth,He granted man powers back in those Days , We called those he granted the power to wield mana the gifted ones out of the gifted ones seven family came into being the most powerful gifted of all they fought for Israel back in those days even the kings of Israel was born from those family, sigh,well now the family is already down to four nobody know what causes the destruction of the other three family but it was tragic.

I was stunned by the information I said to myself. Blakely, our world is really mysterious so there really is God. I quickly recovered, I ask him, but does that have anything to do with our task?

That's what I want to say now he said while sitting down, sipping the coffee on the table. Do you know what happened after Moses' death?

No how will I know

Well after Moses death his staff was supposed to be given to Joshua, but those greedy Israelite

Wanted his staff they wanted to use the staff for themselves, fortunately they could not get the staff because Moses as given it Joshua on the day he died, sigh sipping his cup of coffee human nature is really bad,

Well before Joshua death he split the staff into four pieces giving each piece to his loyal subordinate he said they should keep where nobody will find while they map the place for the day of the new owner of the staff to get it

Allen could not but complain, what kind of brain dead operation is this why hide the staff and create a map for it isn't that leading the seven family to it

Don't worry kid the map has been enchanted those family can't find it, but be warned if they know the map is with you, well you are dead daemon said exaggeratedly, how about it are you scared kid he sipped his coffee while looking at me with a smile on his face