
David's Generation: Void Era ALL SEASONS

The story revolves to David who create his path and faith by starting to go in adventure ways like capturing a dungeon that he sees for the first time. He became a son of the great dual swords user King Ash and an infamous newly-goddess Queen Era, The Goddess of Ice. He begins to start a new life with happy life, however, the truth about his past and present world and its history together with betrayals and deaths will push him to become stronger. NO RELIGION INVOLVE. Any characters, events, things, beliefs, cultures, places or traditions are fictions and any of it involves your religion, it's purely a coincidence. NO STORY HAS BEEN COPIED - Any characters and events that may seem the same in others' story is a purely coincidence and didn't read or encounter them before by the author.

Intreo · ファンタジー
73 Chs


David's presence is faded away again. Empress Era wants to find it, however, she is called by the 12 General Assembly to listen to their report.

She also investigates Sar's identity to not make a mistake again like Ashera Incident 5th Class, Kinsa Fir's Case.

Strelitzia is walking when she saw David in disguise.

David has been shocked and mistakenly called Strelitzia by her old name, "Kinsa Fir."

"It's okay, David. My old name is safe if it is you," Strelitzia said.

David apologizes and continues to talk to her without hesitation.

"How are you, David?" Strelitzia initiates to talk.

"I'm fine, Zia. You know I'm always fine," David answered.

"You know, I'm worried when I married another man and not you. After that incident, you became silent and always practice your sword. Always in front of war. Farther and different from usual. Sorry. Sorry for betraying you," Strelitzia said.

"It's fine. And you're not the only reason why I became like that. I became what you said because I wanted to. If I will not become successful and not become one of the strongest and even not stronger enough to protect this kingdom, I mean this empire and the empress, I will never here. My existence only lived with purpose," David said.

"Why? Why are you always said that you only lived with purpose. Don't you feel happy right now? Do you even enjoy your life right now?" Strelitzia insisted.

David hears the word 'enjoy', and he smiles on her and say, "Yes. I'm having fun." but he becomes sad again. "But I don't know when will it finish."

Strelitzia pats his head and David shocks. "This is what you did to me when I felt down when we're a child, right? I'm so glad that I'm the one who will do it too with you."

David only nods.

And at that time, Strelitzia's guards go with them. And a little child call Strelitzia, "Mama! Mama!"

"It's time now, David. I have to go. See you again," Strelitzia said.

David only waves his hand while stopping his emotion.

"Right now, you are happy, Kinsa Fir, right? right? The man who had to be your husband is not me but another man. It's only obvious not me to become your man but that businessman," David thinks to himself.

His eyes are full of tears when he asked and blamed himself, "What have I done? If I didn't only focused on training and if I only gave her attention everyday, maybe I am her husband. Maybe I am in her side. Maybe I will not find another girl. Only her."

And that time, a people who commits crimes, murdering people, raping innocent girls with various crime they committed go towards David. They didn't know that he is Prince David.

"Hey, pal! Do you want us to let you go out alive in this place, right? Give us money!" their leader said.

They laugh but it only stops when David stabs his Vorax in the throat of their leader. The criminals are shocked but they are not afraid of him because they also want the leader's position.

But David knows their movements. The other criminal wants to stab him at his back and the other one is in the front. He dodges the other one in the back and overthrow him in the front. Then, when they are in the ground, David slices them.

The other one tries to stab him again but he beheads it easily.

The remaining are confused why they are all died. But the other one tries to become tough and makes himself their leader. He orders them to encircle David and all of them attack at the same time.

However, that strategy will not help them to defeat David. He rotates his body and beheads all of them.

The only remaining is the leader and three people. But the three people escape. The leader decides to attack him too but the leader who supposedly taller than David and stronger are only choked by David and throws in the wall. He then, stabs him in his chest which resulted him in dying.

Then, he didn't even let the three people escape because he charges his legs until it becomes perfect to release to make a quick speed like a cannon and caught up with that three people and behead them by rotating his body again.

Meanwhile, Empress Era accepted a report that the Olympus Kingdom has fallen to the Demon Lord Deribal which the regeneration is quick.

The highest knight and new-god Olympus who fought many wars and unbeatable has been defeated and killed by Lord Deribal together with his 30 strongest high demon ranks.

Because of it, they must abandoned the other villages including the Village of Dicve to minimize their given protection to their territory. The only solution to save the other villages is to relocate them near to Ashera Empire.

But Empress Era insisted to not minimize their territory because they have too many strongest warriors and generals. Even the current generals are the strongest, it doesn't mean that there has no other strongest in them.

Because the Olympus Kingdom has been invaded by Lord Deribal, it is only a hundred kilometers away from the Village of Dicve. But David is there and Empress Era trusted it to him.

However, the two old generals are not convinced because they know David's limit.

"There has no way Olympus will be defeated. Some of their strongest are our instructors," Yiera said.

Empress Era has a cold eyes of Yiera that she is eavesdropping and kicks her out.

"Please let me enter, Era! Enter, Era!! I am a previous general of this kingdom! Let me enter!" Yiera screamed but Empress Era orders the generals not to give her an attention and don't listen to her scream.

But Empress Era said, "Somehow, Yiera said is true. Including myself. Olympus taught me how to fight before."

She also adds, "The only way to defeat the strong is either duel him, outnumbered him or taking hostage that makes him hesitated."

Strelitzia also adds, "If it is true, then we must strengthen the empire. We must train too many soldiers as we can to prevent that from happenings. If it is true that the enemy took the kingdom as their hostage or some people, we must have to be careful. All people must have at least trick magic to escape or give the soldiers a time to charge."

"It's a good strategy, Ziazia but you must remember that not all people can defend themselves including me, so-" Yiera interrupted her chat with Strelitzia when Empress Era interfered again and throws her again in the other side of the door.

"The next time you will intervene our meeting, I will throw you in the window, Yiera," Empress Era.

General Shed who was assigned in the Village of Fairus runs quickly after he heard that there has a report.

On his way to the meeting room, he sees Yiera crying.

"Why are you crying, Yiera?" General Shed asked while he stopped his excessive breath.

"Eraera is so harsh. I just wanted to join to the meeting room and have a chat with Ziazia but she threw me away. She even throws me in the window the next time I go there," Yiera said while wiping her nose in General Shed's cape.

General Shed as a gentleman wants Yiera to be happy, although, thinks about Yiera wearing naughty clothes.

"Then, I can help you to enter the room," General Shed said with his pride and Yiera couldn't help but hugs him tight.

Because Yiera has a big breast and hugging General Shed, his nose begins to bleed and grins creepily while Yiera enjoys it.

General Shed will enter the room now.

Yiera is too scared of Empress Era, so she clings into General Shed's arm. Because of it, General Shed's face begins to red.

Meanwhile, David returns back to Empress Era to apologize and sees Yiera clinging to General Shed while he is grinning so creepily.

"What are you guys doing?" David asked them.

General Shed got surprised by his sudden presence but he notices that he is in his sadden face again, a war face of him.

"Do you get in a fight again?" General Shed asked.

"Yeah! I killed those murderers and thieves," David answered.

General Shed and Yiera have been shocked by his unusual answer.

"Why did you do that? You know that not all options are resorted in violence," General Shed scolds him.

"Why are you angry to me? First, I just defend myself. Second, it is them who do it first. Third, if I didn't do something, they will kill me and last, don't scold me. You're not my parents. Even you are a general, have respect to my decision as a prince," David answered him as he belittling him.

General Shed wants to punch him but Yiera stops him. "Don't do anything stupid Sheddy. That's our prince. However, he's not like before. His eyes are scarier than Eraera. Stop for now."

General Shed stops and calms himself by touching Yiera's back. Yiera feels it but she is too innocent in reality.

David passed by and said in low voice, "Fifth, I will not listen to the perverts who only know how to grope innocent old ladies."

General Shed embarrassed on what David said, so he yells, "Don't call Yiera an innocent old lady. She is adorable, cute, and s-s-sexy and beautiful!"

Yiera is blushing and said, "But I am old as Eraera."

"Don't worry, Yiera. Even you're an old woman, you're the best," General Shed said while not accepting what Yiera said about her age.

Meanwhile, David entered the room.

"What's about the fuss, mother? I heard that the Olympus Kingdom is in trouble," David said.

"Yes. What you said are all true. Olympus Kingdom is now fallen. Olympus is hurt badly. We can't confirmed if he died in battle or not. The letter shows to be a quick message and it looks like they rush to send it," Empress Era answered.

David shocked and hardens his palms.

"Did you know that father, King Ash is in Olympus," David said calmly.

Empress Era and the other generals are surprised on what he said.

"How do you proved that what you said are true?" Empress Era asked eagerly.

"Because the archangel who happens to be my acquaintance in my long journey said it. I know her and I trust her," David answered.

Empress Era stands and she adjourned the meeting while rushing in her office.