
David's Generation: Void Era ALL SEASONS

The story revolves to David who create his path and faith by starting to go in adventure ways like capturing a dungeon that he sees for the first time. He became a son of the great dual swords user King Ash and an infamous newly-goddess Queen Era, The Goddess of Ice. He begins to start a new life with happy life, however, the truth about his past and present world and its history together with betrayals and deaths will push him to become stronger. NO RELIGION INVOLVE. Any characters, events, things, beliefs, cultures, places or traditions are fictions and any of it involves your religion, it's purely a coincidence. NO STORY HAS BEEN COPIED - Any characters and events that may seem the same in others' story is a purely coincidence and didn't read or encounter them before by the author.

Intreo · ファンタジー
73 Chs


After the Fire Laser, the Tigrecentaur is very exhausted. David uses Fire Lasers again and hits it. He doesn't even show any concern or pity for the Tigrecentaur. He just launches Fire Lasers continuously like there has no tomorrow.

The Tigrecentaur is weakening. David realizes that what he launched Fire Lasers even thousands is not enough to defeat Tigrecentaur.

David thinks that the only left is the another level of Fire Laser. But he never used it in any actual battles. He called it as Fire Burst the same as the Thunder Burst.

Like the Thunder Burst, the Fire Burst also requires a time and a tremendous amount of Fire Magic. However, in his previous trainings, he failed to gather a lot of heat particles. But in order to do that, he needs to learn the heat resistance which he failed to study because he learned the beginner Fire Magic first before the Middle Fire Magic.

[BEGINNER: Fire Cannon/Fire Beam | MIDDLE/AVERAGE: Fire Laser | ADVANCE: Fire Burst | LEGENDARY: Blue Fire Burst | MYTHIC: Blue Fire Ray Burst - The ADEUX]

While David is thinking, the Tigrecentaur attempts to hit him. But he blocks it. The Tigrecentaur continues to hit him and doesn't give any space to move. The Tigrecentaur seems that it is recovering quickly and suddenly. The Tigrecentaur smashes the ground, so David doesn't do anything but to leap, however, when he gets to the ground, the Tigrecentaur smashes the ground again and the ground shakes. Because of it, David loses his balance and stumbles to the ground.

The Tigrecentaur uses Thunderclap to finish him but David uses Fire Barrier to defend himself and puts a blind spot for the Tigrecentaur to not see him for a while while he is thinking. Also, he runs while he moves the Fire Barrier. The Tigrecentaur senses him by listening to the ground and detects him.

Because the Tigrecentaur is insisting to kill him, he then uses his increased level of Fire Barrier, the Lava Barrier.

[BEGINNER: Fire Barrier | MIDDLE/AVERAGE: Lava Barrier | ADVANCE: Lava Spherical Aegis, Basalt Hurdle, Scoria Buffer | LEGENDARY: Ashes Fall Safeguard, Magma Shelter | MYTHIC: Obsidian Safeguard, Tantalum Carbide Escutcheon]

But the Tigrecentaur breaks the Lava Barrier after punching it for a several times. David loses the control in the battlefield.

Because he wants to defeat the Tigrecentaur, he decides to use the Fire Burst even he can't do it properly.

The Tigrecentaur smiles and said, "I, Leo, will finish you in my true form."

David closes his eyes and starts to gather heat particles. But can't continue in a long time because he can't endure the heat.

While the Tigrecentaur is chanting its true form,

"I, Leo, the Tigrecentaur of this dungeon,

I am the strongest among all the creature,

Decides to activate the strongest among them,

A wild and yet, the most powerful warrior in the world,

I, Leo, will show my greatest form,

Show him my real and the truest form, Serbia, my dearest pet,

Come! Divina's Sol!"

The Tigrecentaur becomes stronger and larger than its original form. It changes its color into white and yellow. And a tremendous amount of Thunder Magic is sensing at the Tigrecentaur that even it is not visible, David senses the difference between the original Tigrecentaur into the True Form, Divina's Sol. The Tigrecentaur only holds a sword and a shield. Its armor, Fileus' impenetrable armor has been enhanced and the hole disappeared. The wrist armors become more sturdy and the Tigrecentaur's furs become longer. And lastly, its face seems different from the orginal one and scarier.

David doesn't want the Tigrecentaur knows that he is afraid and more worried to fight against it. He fought against the Cerberus before but the Tigrecentaur uses its True Form as its final form. He thinks that if the Tigrecentaur shows its True Form, it means that it hides more tremendous amount of magic power than before.

To conceal his being alarmed to the flowing amount of magic power of the Tigrecentaur, he provokes it by saying, "Sol means sun, which is good for me because I use Fire Magic. Isn't it the best if you call it as Tonitrus instead of Sol? A baby cub like you will not understand what I mean, right?"

But instead of letting the Tigrecentaur's feeling went out and went berserk, it remains calm.

Instead, the Tigrecentaur grins wickedly and said, "You will understand why I have Sol instead of Tonitros." After saying that, the Tigrecentaur disappears suddenly after David blinks his eyes.

When he opens his eyes, the Tigrecentaur is in front of his face. David goes panic and grabs his Vorax and swings it to the face of the Tigrecentaur. He is certain as he sees it that all of his swings hit the Tigrecentaur.

However, the Tigrecentaur laughs only and fades like an illusion.

David traces where the laugh's whereabouts and finds out that the Tigrecentaur is near at his back.

David turns back quickly and attacks randomly but the Tigrecentaur disappears again.

The Tigrecentaur walks towards him slowly while saying, "Divina uses the Sol and Luna power. It is not a name nor thing but a power that borrows inside Divina's soul. Rumors said that Divina is actually a goddess that shares her power to the humans that loves and takes care their animals until their death. She resurrects them but you will become a demi-humans, a half-human, half-animal. That is the beliefs of demi-humans. Also, there are rumors said that she is a mythical beast. A pure and beautiful white fur. A beautiful tiger that also used Sol and Luna as her main weapon. Sol at day and Luna at night. And only rare to see the combination of Sol and Luna. The Tigrecentaur like me that looks like Divina, even my magic is thunder or fire or water, I will choose the power of Sol or Luna to become the strongest like her."

That time, David also recalls that he met the mythical beast he believed named Divina but doesn't know when and where. Until he remembers that some messed up white tiger who looks like a mythical beast and it attacks them. But suddenly, that tiger became weakened and he knows that it is weak but because Sar was there and he is guilty that time and suspected as pervert and hid in any place that Sar will never notice, David planned to retreat in the trees but that mythical beast attacked him and seemed that Sar came to an agreement with the mythical beast. But because he was too scared, he teleported with Sar leaving the mythical beast in the forest without even knowing or asking her name.

Meanwhile David thinks about it, Divina takes care of Sleepy and Naughty in Sar's house. Those baby fire foxes seem fond of her especially on her tail that becomes their usual cushion for sleeping.

David doesn't know the details but to relax more without knowing that he is gathering heat particles, he asked while the Tigrecentaur stops to listen, "What if that mythical beast and the goddess of demi-humans are one, what will you do?"

But the Tigrecentaur founds out that what David asked was useless and starts to walk again while telling his answer, "As mythical beast or goddess of demi-humans or combined o whatever is it, Divina is still Divina who uses Sol and Luna power. She is our guardian."

When the Tigrecentaur is getting near him, he notices that he feels hotter but doesn't even feel irritable or exhausted and it seems that he finds the way for heat resistance.

He then, imagines the Fire Burst and changes its shape. Because he knows that it is more powerful than Fire Laser, he will use his two hands.

But because the Tigrecentaur is close to him, he can't charge quickly. But thanks to the heat he feels, he seems that it is more energetic than his usual.

He stands up and uses the Healing Ring to heal his body. Then, he rushes towards the Tigrecentaur while casting Fire Mirrors with 10 times.

The Tigrecentaur looks surprised at first, but it also uses clones the same with David and smashes all of them. Because there are no left except the clones of the Tigrecentaur, David casts Fire Swords also the same as the number of clones and hits them.

At first, he is hard to control the numbers of Fire Swords, so he can't hit all the Tigrecentaur all at once. So, he gives the Fire Swords a small fragment of his consciousness and hits the remaining Tigrecentaur clones.

But while he is focusing to hit every clones, the real Tigrecentaur is above him and falls at him. But he anticipated that all enemies with clones and even he will place the clones as a decoy and the real one will attack the enemy.

Because all of the Tigrecentaurs he saw are rushing, he then, uses that opportunity to have a small time and casts Fire Cannon and hit the Tigrecentaur above him.

However, the Tigrecentaur explodes and indicates as clone. He then, hears the Tigrecentaur's voice near his left side, "You may predict where my clones are but you didn't predict the real one. How boring!"

And he got blown by the Tigrecentaur when he got kicked earlier while the Tigrecentaur is talking.

While David is in the air, the Tigrecentaur teleports also in the air and kicks him again to the ground.

David spews blood at his mouth while his bones are damaged. He doesn't want to yell, so he bites his lips and endures the pain.

He then, shows the Healing Ring and heals his body but the Tigrecentaur shows too and picks the Healing Ring.

The Tigrecentaur then, breaks the ring and smacks it to the ground. It kicks David again and smashes to the ground as well.

David stands up barely. He casts Fire Heal to heal his wound, however, it can't recover the wounded internal organs and also cracked bones.

The Healing Ring will never show up again even he calls it. He then, notices that his Healing Ring will no longer available because it has been smacked and destroyed by the Tigrecentaur.

Because he knows that without it, he can't recover and without recovery, he will useless and can be killed in action.

But because he doesn't want to be killed in pity situation, he shouts while gathering heat particles in rapid time. He collected too many heat particles enough to kill the Tigrecentaur.

He raises his hand and faces it to the Tigrecentaur. He then, releases all the heat particles in his hand and charges it.

The Tigrecentaur knows that it is dangerous to it as well as if it hits to its body, he also opens its mouth and charges a lightning particles rapidly and casts Sol's Thunder Burst.

Because David releases it first, the Tigrecentaur doesn't have any choice but to release it without completing it.

David shouts to increase the magic power of the Fire Burst. The Tigrecentaur seems struggling. But only at first.

Because the Tigrecentaur also puts more lightning particles to the Sol's Thunder Burst and in a short period of time, the Tigrecentaur overpowers David's Fire Laser and pushes the Sol's Thunder Burst to David.

Because David knows that he can be killed if the Sol's Thunder Burst will hit him, he dodges it but his left foot caught up in the Sol's Thunder Burst.

His left foot burns and feels so hot and very painful. He screams in pain but he stands up quickly and wants a comeback.