
David's Generation: Void Era ALL SEASONS

The story revolves to David who create his path and faith by starting to go in adventure ways like capturing a dungeon that he sees for the first time. He became a son of the great dual swords user King Ash and an infamous newly-goddess Queen Era, The Goddess of Ice. He begins to start a new life with happy life, however, the truth about his past and present world and its history together with betrayals and deaths will push him to become stronger. NO RELIGION INVOLVE. Any characters, events, things, beliefs, cultures, places or traditions are fictions and any of it involves your religion, it's purely a coincidence. NO STORY HAS BEEN COPIED - Any characters and events that may seem the same in others' story is a purely coincidence and didn't read or encounter them before by the author.

Intreo · ファンタジー
73 Chs


Erzana enjoys singing as her favorite interest. However, it is a juvenile song that is solely upon David.

Erzana performs a song.

"Papa is Papa... Papa loves Erzana," she continues, and David seems disturbed by her song.

"Erzana, you're quite loud. I got trapped in this forest and yet, I went far away with you and remained misplaced again," David complained, troubled by Erzana's humming and distracted since he constantly keeps forgetting where he might go and doesn't recall the spots that they've previously been there before.

"Erzana will always follow Papa," Erzana said cheerfully and added, Erzana will obey all of Papa's orders."

"Follow, huh?" David is skeptical and follows by asking her, "Then, do you then have the power to locate my kingdom?"

"Hmmm... Erzana has no idea," Erzana replied and chuckled.

David sighs, knowing Erzana is unable to assist him.

"Okay, we'll go again. I'm not sure where I am, Erzana. Do you even have a map of this forest?"

David inquired riskily, even though Erzana had no idea.

Erzana shakes her head and rolls her eyes, indicating that she has nothing.

"So, Erzana? Do you have nothing? Come on, I want to get out of this wilderness," David whines and complains once again.

Erzana makes a plaintive expression. David can't resist Erzana since she's adorable. Erzana feared that David would reject her. So David catches and holds her by the hand gently and puts her in his backpack.

At that time, he is not carrying a bag or anything with him. Erzana falls at the land since he didn't bring anything else with him. Spirits like Erzana do not vanish or die when they descend from the sky to the ground, but they can feel the injury. Erzana drops and screams.

"Papa no longer loves Erzana. Papa no longer cares about Erzana. Papa hates Erzana. Erzana will be alone again," Erzana continued to wail.

David does nothing except attempt to reassure and console Erzana. He even carries her as if she were a baby. Erzana is still sobbing. He is at a loss for what to do until he recalls her mother singing her a lullaby to soothe his younger baby brother and younger newborn baby and put them to sleep.

Then, he soothes her with a song, usually sung by her old mother, and Erzana begins to sleep and yawns like a baby. She was just five years old in mental and physical appearance despite her original age, over a thousand years.

In his previous life, his tutors taught him about survival and how to remain alive in the wild, so David chose to set up camp near the woods and harvest it.

It was now sunset, and he recognized and prepared for the fact that they would constantly be in danger owing to the nature of the jungle. Erzana is still sound sleeping. As long as David gazing at her, she's adorable.

He's too hungry because his table was full of meals and beverages before he departed, and he hasn't been visited by hunger. He also starts a fire at dusk. Erzana is still asleep when a boar passes by, only when it spots him.

As it prepares to attack him, the boar yells. David is afraid, but he reminds himself that he must protect Erzana at all costs. He suddenly remembered what his father, King Ash, had told him about typical monster attacks.

Normal creatures, such as the boar. The boar charges at him and attempts to kill him. David prepares his hand, grabbing the boar's horns and tossing them into the flames. The board is howling in agony as it burns its skin to death.

He's too hungry to cook it, so he chooses to burn it. He first removes the boar's fur before burning the flesh. He then eats it and leaves some food for Erzana.

When he wakes up, it is daylight. He forgets he's in a monster-infested forest and rushes to find Erzana, and saw her eating at the spot where he'd left the cooked boar.

She is reverberating her song, which she subsequently titled "Papa." She eats it while marveling at the tasty meat, and like other toddlers, she eats with a lot of leftovers in her mouth and on the ground.

After that, they go through the forest without knowing where they are or without even carrying a compass, and Erzana detects something dangerous in their surroundings.

"Papa, Erzana thinks there's something dangerous around us," Erzana reported.

"How could you sense it? I don't see anything," David wonders as he prepares for an ambush.

"Papa... Erzana feels something big. They're two. Erzana doesn't recognize them as humans. They're giants," Erzana described what she saw.

"Huh? Then, can you sense or see, feel what it is so that we can prepare?" David inquired, wanting to know what she perceived as a threat.

"Hmmm... Let's see, Papa," Erzana said as she began to look about.

Erzana casts a spell in which the surrounding area acts as a radar, allowing her to see what, who, and where the people or creatures are.

It may also be used to track down opponents. Then Erzana summons a clone of herself and soars through the air to see what it is. Following that, she recognizes it as a gnoll.

"A.. A.. A gnoll? I don't have a sword, and I only have a little mana... I can't perform magic spells at all, and they are huge and categorized as fierce monsters; they are the orcs' and goblins' tanks," David terrified.

Erzana notices David's fear and attempts to cheer him up.

"Don't worry, Papa. Erzana will give you power," Erzana adds as she provides him enlightenment to boost his confidence.

"Huh? Wh-what? A power?" David asked, questioning Erzana's strength.

Erzana offers him a blade as he pretends to believe her. A katana-like object comes in his line of sight.

"Is this a katana?" David said again, perplexed as to how a sword like a katana could exist in that world.

"Huh? A katana?" Erzana is unaware of that sword, which causes her to ponder what it might be. "Erzana only creates what she sees," she continued.

"Perhaps this sword comes from Auntie Aiko's Japanese-like empire or their predecessors," David speculates, and asks, "Then, how would I be able to use it?"

"Say the word, Void Slash if Papa wants to slash the target enemies in short or mid-range. Void Hole if Papa wants to absorb their mana. Void Flicker if Papa wants to teleport in short range and Void Teleport in long-range teleportation as long as Papa is in there before or sees the image from other people through mind sharing. Papa used Void Sprint if Papa wanted to double the speed in the running. Papa can use all of it while imagining or visualizing it only," Erzana demonstrated.

David questioned, "Say, Erzana, does it need mana to operate it?"

Erzana responded, "No, Papa may use it without absorbing mana; this sword is Erzana's mana."

Then, David enthusiastically questioned, "What will happen if your mana is low?"

David asked and Erzana answered, "Then Papa can't use the sword."

They are immediately attacked by the gnolls as they are conversing. A second gnoll hits David's left side, but David easily blocks it before dodging it.

"Papa, use the Void abilities of the sword," Erzana shouted to address directions on how to defeat enemies.

The gnolls were then quickly scratched using Void Slash.

Erzana complimented him, saying, "Great, Papa. Erzana knows you can do it."

David is astounded by Erzana's strength and the sensation of his first spell.

Erzana called, "Papa!" indicating David.

David smiled at Erzana calmly then said, "Hmmm... what?"

Erzana persuaded David to take it by saying that "their teeth can go for monies in other kingdoms, and the crystals in their neck have a worth for others as well."

"Yeah, the teeth will cost my kingdom as well, but we only need the gems," said David as he selected one. " What exactly is that crystal?"

"One of them is a diamond, but the other is an Olympus crystal, a rare crystal," Erzana said.

David expressed interest in the Olympus issue and questioned, "Olympus huh? Even Giela said it too. Is this Olympus crystal great?"

Erzana responded, "Yes, Papa... Erzana can dissolve it and we can also eat it.

Erzana continued, "Papa, take the gnoll's teeth, too. Erzana wants it to collect for Erzana and Papa's thing to sell," so David might gather it unknowingly as a tactic. David then takes everything.

"We can eat the meat of gnolls too," David replied, adding that he was hungry.

Erzana said, sickened by the gnolls' meat, "Huh?? Yucckkkk."

David said that gnolls are similar to hyenas, and that hyena meat tastes similar comparable to the dog family.

Then Erzana used her void magic to disintegrate the Olympus Crystal. They all eat it once she adds it to the soup that David prepares and combines it with her magic.

Erzana forgets that this Olympus Crystal can increase mana storage capacity within the bodies of those who consume it, as well as to improve the physique and stamina of those individuals. David ate it and praised its aroma. While he is awake, there are no symptoms.

After eating, they keep forward and engage gnolls that are once more patrolling the forests in battle. He used Void Slash to kill numerous gnolls, as usual, acting as though it were nothing out of the ordinary.

He sharpens his sword as well as the swordplay he learned in a past life as well as the swordplay from his father, his generals, and himself. He also takes the gnoll's teeth, and when he has amassed a large number of teeth, Erzana quickly gives him a magical sack.

David questioned again when Erzana caught his eye, "What is it, Erzana?"

Erzana explained, "It is a magical purse with room for ten carts.

David questioned, "So, Erzana... 10 carts? Which implies I may put the gnoll's teeth here?"

And Erzana gives a "yes" sign with a nod of the head.

David muttered to himself, "So, I can put a hundred thousand gnoll's teeth here." He then reiterated what it meant to put the items into the magical pouch.

Then, as a reminder of how many gnolls he slew, he places 126 of their teeth in the magical sack.