
David's Generation: Void Era ALL SEASONS

The story revolves to David who create his path and faith by starting to go in adventure ways like capturing a dungeon that he sees for the first time. He became a son of the great dual swords user King Ash and an infamous newly-goddess Queen Era, The Goddess of Ice. He begins to start a new life with happy life, however, the truth about his past and present world and its history together with betrayals and deaths will push him to become stronger. NO RELIGION INVOLVE. Any characters, events, things, beliefs, cultures, places or traditions are fictions and any of it involves your religion, it's purely a coincidence. NO STORY HAS BEEN COPIED - Any characters and events that may seem the same in others' story is a purely coincidence and didn't read or encounter them before by the author.

Intreo · ファンタジー
73 Chs


King Ash went to observe what happened to David and Kinsa Fir after escaping at the breaths of Fire Dragons. He became ecstatic at David though when he noticed their two faces close to one another.

"My, my. My little son, David. I didn't have much lessons to teach you now," King Ash enthusedly exclaimed as he drew closer to them. David is furious that King Ash did not even assist them. David's feet were then firmly planted in the ground and he was unable to stand. King Ash approaches him nevertheless, and he swings a hand toward David's head.

Following that, David's head approaches Kinsa Fir. Particularly, their lips drew together. When David wanted to stand, he quickly slid his feet and kissed her even though there had only been a millimeter between them at the time.

Kinsa Fir remained silent and said nothing other than to sob.

David becomes enraged and summons Erzana and Ashera's swords in an attempt to sever King Ash, but each attempt was repulsed by the two men's swords as they grew enthused toward the two. "Does Era know that you kissed her, David?" King Ash inquired.

David was teased by King Ash, who said, "You're a young couple to be married, but I'm a king and you're my son, so, if you wanted to get married, I can arrange it."

King Ash pushes David as he prepares to slit him, and then leaps to avoid the fire breath. Additionally, David is about to recover when he takes a kick from King Ash, but because to his rapid reflex, he dodges when he notices a fire breath coming.

Simba Reco became irate when King Ash fled during their combat, asking, "You're not stupid enough to didn't notice me, don't you, a mere human?"

Simba Reco's dragons are blocking King Ash as he dashes in front of him to aim for his neck. The dragons attack King Ash with fire after blocking. He only blocked it for as long as the fire breath was present. He then leaps once more, but this time, using his might, he focuses on the fire dragons, paralyzing them both and beheading one of them.

When he first noticed it, Simba Reco was horrified. "It seems as though you have a secret weapon or power that you can use against me as your ace, isn't it correct, human? You weren't strong then, but you're stronger right now."

King Ash, on the other hand, didn't even allow a single word to pass through his ears as he glared at Simba Reco with the desire to assassinate him, saying, "I didn't even have to use my Monarch's Play to defeat you, a gnoll with a power of an insect. Easy to get crushed by two fingers."

When King Ash spoke, Simba Reco was quaking with fright. Simba Reco became enraged to mask his dreaded fear of King Ash. However, Simba Reco made a move that was sufficiently careless to provide King Ash the chance to kill him with a single blow. King Ash vanished in front of Simba Reco's eyes without so much as a blink, and when the charging Simba Reco looked down to his body, he found him positioned and his one hand touching Simba Reco's chest and blowing it.

Simba Reco managed to escape using his shadow to climb the tree, much to the relief of King Ash, however he still has a wound at his chest although not severed. He believes that King Ash is aware that he is already dead, but King Ash is not foolish enough to deny his awareness to everyone else.

King Ash was relieved, but when he sensed Simba Reco's location, he stopped and waited for him to attack. But King Ash desires to see if David's ability is equal to or greater than that of his past older siblings and sisters. Simba Reco examines the two kids to see if he may use them as bait to get away. King Ash suddenly races toward the Kingdom of Ashera, pretending to have an urgent matter to attend to.

Because only Kinsa Fir was weeping at the moment, David calls King Ash. At that time, Simba Reco recognized Kinsa Fir and wanted to use her to kill David, but when he saw her acting like a useless soldier sobbing on the battlefield, he started to throw up and wanted to get rid of her right a single time. David's eyes are following Simba Reco as he runs behind them to their behind after him jumping down to avoid being seen by Kinsa Fir and the human standing next to her.

David's eyes are glaring like a monster that even frightening the nearby creatures so that they can't be disturbed or scared. Even with Erzana by his side, David is hesitant to engage such a gnoll in combat. Erzana, though, appears to be lost in the jungle once more after their earlier fall. Erzana suffered a little since she couldn't locate David and Kinsa Fir where they fell.

David is scared but he has to fight. Kinsa Fir's life is at stake.

He prepares his swords, glaring and waiting for Simba Reco's assault and prepares to fight him with full strength.

At that moment, Simba Reco was looking at David and was aware that he could see him. He then takes his weapon in hand and uses magic to trap him.

David, however, reacts as swiftly as a bolt of lightning striking a tree and stabs Simba Reco in the stomach. Then, Simba Reco laughs while melting. "How are you doing with your lucky gift from me, human?"

Simba Reco was following David, but he was still standing still. Kinsa Fir launches an ice spike beneath Simba Reco as he prepares to hit David to knock him out. He leaps, feeling regret, to stop David from getting away with his plan. However, Kinsa Fir fires ice needles into the air as Simba Reco is about to fly into the air and hits him.

Kinsa Fir shouted, "Go, David!" despite Simba Reco blocking all the needles.

David is there with a sizable void magic sphere in his sword and tosses it at Simba Reco when he turns his attention to his left side. Simba Reco was unable to avoid it, but because he believed he would definitely perish, he took the magic sphere with him and teleported to Kinsa Fir.

David notices a large shadow below the Kinsa Fir and learns that Simba Reco may kill her in addition to himself. Kinsa Fir was not aware of it at that moment, nor did he get up. After landing in midair, David takes off quickly.

Kinsa Fir closes her eyes and tries to call for help but didn't when Simba Reco appears in front of her with the Void magic sphere and is about to burst. Even though she heard an explosion, she was unharmed.

She then feels a hand on her breast. David's face is at her body, one of his hands is on her breast, and one is in her head when she opens her eyes. When David was running to save Kinsa Fir, his hand slipped. Initially, all of his hands are at her back and at her nape.

An unidentified voice says, "After you complete that task, call for my support."

Kinsa Fir's reasoning is muddled yet again. When David feels something in his palm that is as soft as a pillow, he accepts it while still in the process of healing. Kinsa Fir restrains herself from grumbling even if she wants to. Kinsa Fir appears fine, but she is biting her lips and covering her mouth with her hand when David stands up to check on her. Her face is also red.

While he attempts to figure out why Kinsa Fir is covering her mouth, he notices that his hand is firmly grasping Kinsa Fir's breast when he places his hand at her nape.

David questioned, "Why didn't you say it?" but Kinsa Fir was bawling.

When King Ash suddenly appeared, David was unsure of what to do. When his father departs and they are all about to perish, he becomes angry with him. He grumbles endlessly until his insanity gradually fades. Every syllable he yells out in complaint is a release of his annoyance, and the more he yells annoyance, the more brutish his force gets.

You already know what happened when he let out all of his resentment while keeping his hand in Kinsa Fir's breast.

Kinsa Fir finally reveals her emotion as he is going to wrap up her complaints. At that moment, David was startled and rendered paralyzed, unable to remove his hand from Kinsa Fir's breast.

King Ash taunts David, "I don't know that you're such a womanizer and even at the front of your father, you fondling your wife's breast." King Ash adds, "Is that how obscene you two, did while you two were away, David."

David exclaims, "Father, she is not my wife."

King Ash said, "Ah! Sorry! Not a wife, for now. A fiancée first before wife?"

David began to say, "No!!!! Not fiance!! Not girlfriend!! Just.." but stopped short, prompting King Ash to mock him once again.

"Your girl?" King Ash asked.

David's head was also becoming foggy at that point since he responded "Yes" without understanding what King Ash had said.

As he stated so, Kinsa Fir was shocked and thought that he didn't want her to abandon his duty to her. His hand was still pressing on her breast. She said, "I'm maybe a kid right now, but I'm all yours, David. What you said makes me so pleased. You may keep fondling my breast."

King Ash was taken aback and continued to make fun of David, saying, "Oh David! Such a womanizer and his daughter is so nasty."

David's thoughts were foggy, and as he heard what Kinsa Fir had told him, thunder struck at his hand and caused him to pass out. [Collapse from humiliation]

Kinsa Fir was then recognized by King Ash as the first candidate to succeed him as queen and head of the Ashera Kingdom.