
David's Generation: Void Era ALL SEASONS

The story revolves to David who create his path and faith by starting to go in adventure ways like capturing a dungeon that he sees for the first time. He became a son of the great dual swords user King Ash and an infamous newly-goddess Queen Era, The Goddess of Ice. He begins to start a new life with happy life, however, the truth about his past and present world and its history together with betrayals and deaths will push him to become stronger. NO RELIGION INVOLVE. Any characters, events, things, beliefs, cultures, places or traditions are fictions and any of it involves your religion, it's purely a coincidence. NO STORY HAS BEEN COPIED - Any characters and events that may seem the same in others' story is a purely coincidence and didn't read or encounter them before by the author.

Intreo · ファンタジー
73 Chs


Dena casts her domain again and put David inside it. This time, five golems that is about 10 meters tall. Their weapon is a tree, however, it doesn't mean that it is not hurt to hit by it. The average measure of hit power of the golem using tree is 3000 psi to 5000 psi. Their punch's average measure is over 4000 to 7500 psi.

Their punch is stronger than the tree. When they used trees, it means that they are only playing their prey. But if they knew that it is stronger than they expected, they will switch into their strongest weapon, their body: fist and feet.

David prepares Vorax and casts Fire Sword to finish off the golems in one strike. Then, he follows by firing the beam. He hits the head of one golem. Its head is shattered but it's not killed by one shot only.

The golems start to taunt, trying to scare David. However, David is accustomed to the taunts of the gnolls as one of the strongest and scariest taunt among the other creatures. David charges while the Fire Sword is floating near his back and follows everywhere he went like a magnet, north pole is him and the south pole is the Fire Sword.

When he gets near the golems, the golems try to stamp him but he slides quickly. While he is sliding, he sees an opportunity to target the foot of one golem. He uses Fire Beam and successfully lands a blow and destroys the foot of golem.

When he finishes from sliding, he runs quickly in the golem which he fires beam and lets them chase him. The golems stamp the golem who can't stand. However, the golem's body is so tough that even using the other golem to destroy it is not efficient and effective in this kind of battle.

At that time, he only used one Fire Sword. He realizes that having it is effective against the golems but spends more time. He used Fire Beam at one golem earlier and it seems that one Fire Sword is enough for golems. However, it needs more time to charge before fire at the target.

David's casualties to the golems are one golem hits in its head and a paralyzed golem who can't stand because of the foot that had been exploded earlier. However, the golem who hits in its head can also move but its sight is not efficient to hit the target because its left eye was destroyed along with the left side of the head and the right side seems hit by only a few millimeter, and the golem who can't stand can able to hit its target.

David thinks what should he finished first, is it the three golems that can able to fight and leave the other two golems and destroyed it after the three golems, or the two disabled golems who can't even fight properly and followed by the three golems and casts multiple Fire Sword and shoots beams to the golems at once.

He doesn't able to decide, so he thinks other plan by depending in the current situation. The golems charge at him at once including the nearly-destroyed golem. He then, thinks that it's about time to cast multiple Fire Swords and fires beam to the golem. But the golems change their course.

They run separately. One to his left flank and the other one is in his right side. The one in his rear and the other one is in front of him. David didn't mastered changing the Fire Swords at different positions in his will.

The golem in his right flank attacks him by the tree is above him and strikes him down. However, he jumps in the left side where the other golem is. He jumps and the golem at his front earlier, strikes him by attacking right side to the left side with full force. He then, changes his course to the left side and instead of hitting him, the golem in his front earlier hits the golem in his right side.

Because of using the full force of the golem at his front, the golem in his right flank earlier destroyed its body. It's still alive but it doesn't move properly. The golem in his rear rushes while the tree is carrying above its head. When he is in its sight, the golem also strikes with full force at David. The golem in his front earlier rushed too and about to land a tree in him.

David uses this opportunity and jumps backward while starts to cast Fire Sword. The golem at his rear earlier accidentally strikes the neck of the golem in his front earlier and destroys its neck.

The golem in his front suddenly explodes and hits David even though, he sees it coming and covers his head and his hands are hit by the falling rocks in the exploded golem. At first, he will heal it later and thinks to destroy all golems first but he also thinks about his safety and he is uncomfortable to fight while he is injured or he has wound, so he heals it.

His Fire Beam is ready at that time, and fires at the neck of the golem in his rear earlier. He charges too much power in it than last time he used. Because of that, the neck of the golem in his rear earlier has been penetrated by his Fire Beam and also hit the golem in his left side, the golem which hit its head earlier.

The two golems explode after it and even affects the other golem in his right flank and gets exploded too.

After it, the disabled golem which its feet was destroyed earlier grows big. The rocks in the exploded golems suddenly pulls by the disabled golem and healing itself.

David wants to avoid it from healing and he knows that it will evolve like the wolf he encountered before but it's too late when the rocks are protecting the golem. The golem heals gradually.

The golem evolves. It is more muscular than before. Also the trees are combined and it is like a sword that mixed with rocks. This golem becomes taller in double as over 21 meters. Also, it adds magic like ground shaking, defensive and offensive magic spells.

The golem is fully recovered and evolved. It taunts in front of him and because of it, it's like a weapon that pushed David away like a wind.

David changes his position into a defensive stance. He closes his eyes because the wind from the taunt with some dissolve rocks are hitting him. The taunt suddenly stops but his eyes are still closed.

He hears a loud sound from above him. Because of it, he opens his eyes while seeing the ground darker. He taught that it is an effect first, however, the sound is getting louder and when he looks above, he sees the golem. He begins to jump but the golem is caught up with him.

David casts his 7 Fire Swords and blows the golem by Fire Beam. However, the golem tramples the ground and it is shaking.

David loses his balance and the only parts of the golem hit is the arm. However, the golem's arm is recovered quickly.

He then, jumps again while the ground is shaking and repeats his idea again by casting 7 Fire Swords and blow the golem by the beams in the air. However, the golem jumps too and punches him.

He uses Fire Barrier in the air which he rotates his arm in 360 degrees and uses Fire Beams to cope against the powerful punch of the golem. The golem's arm is melting, however, it still managed to land a blow to David.

Because of the punch with managed damage casualties, David flies away and hurts. His body is crashed and the blood is getting out in his mouth. But instead of panicking, he uses his Healing Ring to heal. He only thinks to recover all of his body while closed his eyes to think quickly while in the mid-air.

And after he opens his eyes, he gets surprised that he doesn't feel any pain anymore and the crashed body is fully recovered, however, he feels exhausted because he focused too much magic power to restore his body.

His sight is blurring and his vision is doubling and tripling too. He is at his maximum capacity, so he focuses all of his magic power to one shot of Fire Beam only. He charges all of it with 3 Fire Swords. The Fire Beams are with a range of over 4 meters.

The golem shakes the ground again and David loses his balance again. So, he drops his body and lies to the ground and charges the Fire Beam.

When the golem sees that David is not affected, it begins to rush. It casts a floating big stones and throws to David but David casts Fire Barrier and put some Fire Blast on it to make sure that it will be melted. The golem taunts and all of the Fire Barrier gets swept away.

The golem rushes while having a defensive barrier magic spell and David is ready. David shots the Fire Beam with his all might. The golem seems not affected, so David shouts to increase the magic power of the Fire Beam. The range increases as well as the radius and its size. But the golem withstands it.

David is losing consciousness. The Fire Beams are still there, so he makes a powerful explosive like Erzana taught him, "Void Explosion." He casts the Fire Sword and he moves it freely even without thinking that he actually did it.

While the golem is focused on David's Fire Beam, he flies the Fire Sword close to the neck of the golem. He then, multiplies it in many counts.. He is not aware of it because he is feeling dizzy and anytime, he will knock down.

Then, he casts Fire Explosion in the Fire Swords. The Fire Swords explodes and the golem's defensive barrier disappears. After that, the Fire Beams get penetrated to the body and the golem explodes.