
Dating the Strongest Boss

【The entire world bullies you, hates you, and isolates you, but your world has light because of him. I hate this world! But I love you!】 Xiao Chen is an ordinary person, but the world he lives in is never ordinary. Various bizarre deaths and spiritual events happen around him. One after another, countless passersby look at him with pity, as if they’re looking at a dead person. Early passerby: I remember that this Xiao Chen died really tragically, and when he died… blablablabla, and… blablablabla. Passerby in the middle: ? Why is Xiao Chen still not dead??? Late passerby: WHAT? Why is the Boss in a relationship with Xiao Chen??? Xiao Chen: ???? #Why do people next to me look at me like they’re looking at a dead person?# #Why is my back and waist sore when I wake up in the morning? Furthermore, why are there red marks on my neck?# #What do I do if I’m trapped by a ghost? Seeking help online, urgent!# - Description from Novelupdates

AngelusSilens · LGBT+
121 Chs

Dating the Strongest Boss Chapter 14: "Thriller College"

Wang Tong squeezed his hands tightly, his muscles twitched, and everyone looked at him attentively, with unclear horror, fear, despair, pain, and helpless eyes.

Wang Tong 's body began to tremble. He walked in front of the sulfuric acid bottle, looked at the colorless and transparent oily liquid in the bottle, and carefully extended his index finger to tentatively touch the bottle, but he had n't waited for him to actually touch the liquid. He collapsed his hands and shrunk back. He was a cold-blooded person. How could he be willing to grieve himself for others? He gritted his teeth, "I can't do it."

"Uh huh !!"


All the people bound by the vines began to struggle fiercely, their eyes wide open.

I don't want to die! !

The broadcast chuckled in a strange tone, "It seems that everyone has their own opinions!"

"Since that is the case, I can give you another chance!" It made a raspy rubbing sound.

At the same time, the vines that bound everyone started to loosen and loosen the shackles at a pitiful speed.

"As long as you put his hand in sulfuric acid, this level will still count as your win!" Wang Tong's eyes widened, his heart jumped, and he planned to run, but he was rushed face-to-face before he took his leg. The boy grabbed his left arm and Wang Tong was horrified. He was actually his most obedient brother!

Wang Tong practiced Taekwondo, and he kicked the boy off with a leg sweep.

But in the next second, another boy who rushed over grabbed his right leg. Before waiting to resist, the girl with straight hair rushed over hit the chair again!

"Bounce!" There was a loud noise.

Wang Tong's whole body was unstable, and he was hit on the back and fell to the ground. Wang Tong could even hear the sound of a slight fracture in his back when the chair came over.

"Ahhhh!" He grinned in pain.

Others saw each other, looked at each other, and immediately stepped forward without hesitation, wanting to restrain Wang Tong's unrest.

Wang Tong, not to mention struggling, he has started to sweat with cold pain, his right hand held his waist and curled up on the ground.

"Quick! Get the bottle!" A boy in the crowd began to shout, Wang Tong endured the pain and wanted to break free, but he was like a break up, and he couldn't make any effort, let alone grabbed his hands and feet. Five or six people, he can't move even if he wants to move!

"Release Lao Tzu!" Wang General began to attack the head of the nearest man. The boy was angry and took the chair just used by the girl and hit it again on Wang Tong's head.

"Poof!" Wang Tong's throat was bloody, dizzy, and a deep blood mouth was smashed on his head. He was like a life-losing doll, and he completely lost his ability to resist, and his hands and feet began to stop. Twitch, left eyeballs can also rotate left and right.

The people in front of me were all transformed into jackals, tigers and leopards at the moment, and everyone wanted to bite a flesh on his body.

Their resentment, survival instinct, and squeezed anger.

Xiao Chen was sitting in Xu Sheng's arms, and there were tears in his eyes that were just agitated. His hand grabbed Xu Sheng's back.

"At that time, was it painful?" Xiao Chen asked with a trembling voice in a hoarse voice.

How could it not be painful?

Being humiliated and slandered by everyone, that mental torture was far more bitter than the humiliation he suffered, and he was tortured even more before he died. He hated and cursed them with the most vicious words in the world. The hatred and resentment of the bone marrow, blood and hatred are the original sins of his revenge!

Xu Wenrou gently stroked the senior bangs with his hands and gently rubbed the corners of his eyes with his palms. His gray eyes were full of obsession, "No pain."

Xiao Chen choked.

He didn't believe it.

"Senior, can I kiss you?" Xu Sheng raised the corner of his mouth slightly, buried his head on Xiao Chen's shoulder, and smelled the body scent exclusive to the senior's body. His eyes were a little confused, and the faint scent stimulated him. Yourself.

Xiao Chen didn't speak, her expression was a bit dull, and she didn't refuse, let alone resist, but just slouched Xu Xu's arms.

Xu Sheng smiled, kissed the senior student's throat knot, and went up, kissed the other person's left ear, and licked the earlobe with his tongue. He could feel the senior student's involuntary trembling in his arms. The senses stimulated some tingling tremors.

Xu Sheng likes the senior's left ear very much. Even a slight blow can make the other person tremble, so every time, he likes to lean over the senior's left ear to talk to him.

The author has something to say: Baby, I am in a bad mood recently because of the three-dimensional thing, everyone should know.

But I did not expect someone to find me happy even in the second element, and reported me plagiarizing this article!

The reason is that the subject of my article is a huge fan, which helped to be attacked by campus violence, and the plot turned into a revenge of Li Gui is the same as that one.

First of all, I would like to ask, is there a large number of subjects that are popular among people? Are there many people who have been helped by weak and pathetic diseases? Ever seen a Korean campus horror movie? In Korean campus horror movies, you said, are the ghosts in most movies all turned into ghost revenge because of excessive resentment such as bullying on campus? ?

If it is said that I was plagiarized because of this plot, it is really speechless.

My first story in this article focuses on revenge, punishes those who have attacked, and restores the process of attack and death step by step. I want to write this story to rely on humanity, I can even tell you My private design draws on seven deadly sins.

The seven deadly sins have seven counts, pride, laziness, jealousy, greed, gluttony, anger, lust.

Bai Qiaoqiao died because of pride and despise Xu Sheng, deliberately hurting him and humiliating him.

Liu Chunming died because of laziness, inaction, and as a teacher who did not stop the perpetrators and assisted for abuse.

Yang Jie died because she liked Xiao Chen and hurt Xu Sheng because of jealousy.

Because of lying, Zhou Ping didn't tell Xu Sheng's death process, so he was sentenced to death and torture.

In the next plot, Wang Tong will die from the greed of everyone's survival, Gao Xuhan will die from the anger of everyone.

And the only sin in the end, **** is Xu Sheng itself.

In the first world of my book, there are many, many private devices. I do n't know if you have seen these sentences in other articles. I have checked these things for a long time.

Including the inner world, the appearance of the world, the dream terrier, various quotes from the Bible, etc., I am really very careful to write this article, I am also very uncomfortable.

If the dismissal is successful, I will of course continue to write, and I write these things, not for anything else, I really do n't want anyone to report me anymore, so I will explain it once, I 'm very tired, really, do n't force me !

I was originally slow because of a lot of things. This reported incident made me lose some of my fighting spirit in writing.

I hope that this will not happen again.

If I was locked for this reason, then I have nothing to say. Change the website and at least finish the world, and everyone is worthy of myself.

Love you guys.

Because of this accident, the short Xiaojun was put up, alas.