
Date a Live: Inverse Spirit of Paradox

A typical man on his teens who had lived a harsh life dies in the hands of Truck-kun(?) and was transported to a random God who gave him a chance to be reincarnated in another world. He was given a chance to grant five of his wishes and was reincarnated...in a random(?) anime world where he was a [Spirit] accompanied with some... unnecessary perks like the ability to travel through other worlds albeit randomly and a [Fragment]. And when he landed on his first world, he was not reincarnated as a normal [Spirit] mainly because of that...[Fragment], he was shifted into an [Inverse Spirit]. A being described in that world to be the embodiment of disasters, ruin, and chaos. How would his endeavors turn out to be in this new life of his? Would he be even successful on his journey? Would he even 'fix' himself in the process? Or would he even travel worlds on the first place? Who knows, come read and find out. Disclaimer: I don't own the original works that would be included in this fanfic as such as some of the characters, stories, and arts. They belong to their respective owners. —— . . . —— Warning: You will read some cringe shît in the early chaps but please bear with it. I promise ya, the later chaps would be worth reading and investing your time on Chapter Update Release: Yeah bruh... I don't have any stable update time so meh. This is also my first fan-fic so please go easy on me hehe (≧▽≦) [Edit: 5/19/22- The beginning two arcs is totally rough. As in, yeah. The story was still in its testing point back then, so it is inevitable... But right now, I think it's worth reading starting at the third arc, the MC is still not the best but is now clearly showing some development. ;)]

Wryyyyyyyy · アニメ·コミックス
86 Chs

Chapter 7: Date II [1]

Arriving at the meeting point to wait for Tohka and Tenka, Rei slowly recalled the conversation he had with them over a while ago.

Approximately, it was around 9:45 in the morning.

Rei was currently at the meeting point idly waiting as he leaned on a tree as he fiddled with his phone. Scrolling down through the various contents he was seeing in the internet, he then paused as the topic of interest soon ended up in his sights.

"Hah.... So it's like that huh"

Rei shot a relieved sigh as he read the contents of the topic of his interest. Well, those said 'topics of interest' doesn't really mean important in this upcoming date.

So after quickly digesting the necessary details he had read, he then shoved the phone back to his pocket.

Setting those matters aside, some are probably curious as for who had decided the meeting place and planned the things they will do in the date, well, it was surprisingly Tohka who did most of it herself.

To name the place of meeting, it was none other than the Tenguu Park which is the place where... well, things didn't end up in good terms the last time they were here.

Right now, the park was filled with people here and there, each of them seemingly enjoying and minding their own businesses. Rei could still remember how this placed looked like a war torn battlefield filled with rubble just a couple of days ago.

He couldn't help but grimace at the memory, he wondered if Tohka still feels kind of bitter about the matter, and if she did, he really can't blame her for that.

To fill up some details, he and the girls (Tohka and Tenka who was still somewhat reluctant in the end, decided to join up the date because it may cause Tohka to be sad if she doesn't do so) had split up as soon as they finished breakfast.

Tohka wanted to contact Kotori and the others from Ratatoskr saying that it was the time they do her a favor.

On the other hand, Rei was slightly surprised that Tohka managed to get out a favor out of them, but well, considering some circumstances, it wouldn't be surprising at all really.

As soon as he contacted Kotori and co, they immediately said to put Tohka in the line, and so he did. After a few minutes of talking to them, Tohka then cheerfully laughed as she hugged Tenka who was beside her at that moment.

Tohka then requested Rei to open a gate leading to the residential area of the city. Of course, Rei was skeptical about why exactly the residential area, but in the end, Rei still did it without prying any further.

Much to Rei's surprise however, the two were immediately picked up by Ratatoskr who surprisingly had their newly repaired and upgraded Airship named <Fraxinus EX> arrive just a few hours ago.

A very convenient coincidence to happen.

Also, this <Fraxinus EX> came out earlier than what Rei had remembered. It's not surprising though. It wouldn't be even a stretch that he already knew that such thing would happen.

'Talk about luck,' Rei thought.

He then began to ponder about what Tohka, Tenka, and the crew of Ratatoskr had in plan for their date. To be honest, he was kind of thrilled as for how it will go.

'Considering their antics and unusual choices, who wouldn't be excited about how it will turn out'

It was then Rei's pondering soon ceased as he then saw Tohka and Tenka approaching from the other side.

Tohka gently waved her hand as soon as her eyes landed on his figure, she then accelerated a little. On her side, Tenka just silently accompanied her as she gave a cold glare at every entranced people that leered at them as they strode to him.

"Rei! You came much, much, much earlier!" Tohka exclaimed as she showed a smile.

"Hmph...." Tenka on the other hand just silently stared at him before huffing.

"Of course I did. Who am I to make you pretty ladies wait, right?" Rei answered with a smile before assessing the looks of his partners for this date.

He then suppressed the urge to let out a whistle of amazement as he saw the clothes the two were wearing that he had never seen before.

Both were wearing jeans that go up to the stomach, and topped with chiffon black shirts in a cold shoulder fashion.

Tohka had her lustrous purplish hair set up in a ponytail with a detailed butterfly shaped hairtie, while Tenka just let her's cascade down naturally.

Tohka's and Tenka's youthful and foreign appearances looked really pretty, their mere presence alone attracted the attention of most people who are in the park.

The same could be also said to Rei whose appearance could be defined as foreign in a sense. Added the fact that he was already being eyed by several people a while ago, with the appearance of both Tohka and Tenka, this only brought various reactions.

Some could only gasp in awe as their jaws remained hanging in the air.

Some were surprisingly happy and even put a thumbs up at their direction.

Some could only grit their teeth in annoyance, but tried their best to hide it.

Some didn't bother looking at them and just minded their own business.

So what of it? Their reactions? Utterly trivial, and Rei didn't want to mind such trivial matters at all.

Rei's attention solely focused was on them—Tohka and Tenka, and to this date.

As he was looking at Tohka and Tenka with a happy smile involuntarily, Tohka then spoke to Rei while touching her clothes as if she was awkwardly dressed.

"Are they weird?"

In his mind, he wanted to cheer her up saying she was pretty, and so he did.

"You look magnificent Tohka, however, I think that your attire is kind of new? Did you go out and buy this time?" He curiously asked.

"…Hehe, Tenka, Reine, Kotori and the crew from that in the airship helped me pick our attires... Yes, I picked it up with friends, umu..." She bashfully said as she scratched her cheek.

'Friends huh. So you are starting to mingle and build bonds aside from me. I'm glad,' Rei happily pondered deep in his thoughts.

He'd never heard of Tohka that she has a friend who she can go to buy clothes with, so the fact that Ratatoskr's crew was a group of people that Tohka could consider as friends is a big step of her adjusting in society and building up her character without him in the picture.

Besides, being overly reliant only on him would only cause Tohka harm if he would conclude.

Yes, it's like addiction, and addiction is bad... it's common sense. Still, you could make some preventions or at least some alternatives to keep those 'addictions' in bay.

There may be parts of her personal life that he is not aware of, so he did not bother to ask any further. If anything, Rei was happy about how things turned out at the very least.

"That's great then!" Rei happily said as he clapped his hands lightly.

She then quietly walked next to him and whispered, "By the way Rei, did you really finally quit your job for good?" There was a hint of worry in her voice.

'Is she still bothered about that?'

Anyways, Rei then proceeded to reassure her as he then spoke his next words.

"Yes. The owner also gave me a bonus for all the hard work, so..."

It wasn't exactly a bonus which you would think of as 'money', but he gave him several coupons for discount when buying from the store—which deemed unnecessary for Rei had no problems anymore since Ratatoskr would provide them assistance for that matter.

But still, it's better to accept goodwill than reject it, right?

"...everything is already okay. There is nothing for you to worry about my job, Tohka," he finished.

Tenka who was watching by Tohka's side then clapped her hands, which eventually garnered the attention of the two to hers.

"...I don't know how this date works but we should get going now, shouldn't we?" Tenka unsurely uttered trying her best not to sound condescending. "Besides...I know that we could do more things rather than just standing here and talking"

"Oh my. It seems that somebody here is pretty excited about our date," Rei then teased as he covered his amused chuckle with his hands.

Seeing this Tenka scrunched up her brows in annoyance, "Ha? Try saying that again and I'll pummel you to the ground"

Rei then shrugged. "My my, that is if you could dear~"

"Bastard..." Tenka then scowled at him clenching her fists.

Though she knows that she couldn't manifest her... <Demon King> here due to various reasons such as being low in Reiryoku for some reason and because of Tohka, wouldn't landing a solid fist on the bastard's amused smile suffice to quell her anger?

The answer, probably yes.

"Sis! No fighting! Also, Rei. Don't tease her too much mou!"

But before Tenka could continue, Tohka interjected and defused the situation in haste. She then pouted at both of them with a troubled expression.

"Alright, alright. I won't continue," Seeing that, Rei applied as he then looked at Tenka with an apologetic smile.

"Tsk, you lucky bastard..." Tenka on the other hand couldn't help but just click her tongue in annoyance. In the end, she relented and just let the matter be.

"Umu umu. Don't fight! This date will be exciting Sis, so don't be too hard on yourself and just enjoy what's about to happen, kay?" Tohka excitingly both held their hands as she suddenly pulled them up and began walking.

Rei and Tenka briefly glanced at each other and nodded. If anything, all they wanted to secure right now is that they—or specifically, Tohka, would enjoy this date to the fullest.


The date proceeded surprisingly smoothly than expected.

First of all, the three took their time roaming the place as Tohka and Tenka could appreciate the wonders that this world—or city, has to offer.

Though Tohka had already seen such sceneries more than enough for she occasionally goes out and even watches TV, and she practically lives in this city, the same couldn't be said however to Tenka.

Even if Tenka could see glimpse of these sceneries and such from Tohka's memories, it is still a different if you experience it yourself and not relying on Tohka's memories.

In summary, the first parts of the date were a bit bumpy, mainly because of Tenka.

At the first few minutes of the date, Tenka was sure grumpy and was oozing of cautiousness. The numerous amount of humans was just the first nail on her head that urged her to destroy everything in the place. Just the sheer thought of these disgusting humans were the ones that usually hunted Tohka—her, these numerous makes her head ache to the point that it wanted to split up.

And obviously, Rei and Tohka was to stop here from doing anything rash! Of course, who else would except for these two?

From the outsiders view on them at that time, the three looked like they were making some comedy skit which brought some amusement and laughter from the passerbys. And obviously, the three didn't care about it.

As the date progressed, Tenka slowly adjusted herself in the new environment. Right now, she couldn't help but at least...enjoy herself. Not that she would openly admit it in the first place.

Though what they are doing could be described as 'simple' in a sense, Tenka couldn't help but be amused and enjoy herself for every new experience she makes.

'...Is this how the other me, Tohka, felt for the first time?' Tenka wondered.

It wasn't a very serious feeling to be honest.

It was just the feeling of excitement doing something new...and having somebody beside you in this peaceful setting.

A setting where she could at least feel safe for there is nobody hunting her.

And so on and so forth...

Overall, if Rei...no, Tohka were to ask Tenka if she is enjoying in this date... then she would just give a short nod. That would suffice Tohka as far as she knows.




The date progressed and they soon found themselves in the main district of Tenguu City. The city was brimming with life as clamors and noises coming from each and different sources resounded in the area.

They stopped at stalls and shops buying some snacks and drinks to keep them refreshed on walking all over the place.

And they are enjoying their own snacks right now.

Rei just bought a bottle of water for himself, and for Tenka, she just chose a can of soft drinks. They just bought drinks for themselves...

"Mm~ Nom. Nom"

...And here is Tohka who is eating her kinako bread in delight as they walked through the streets.

Surprisingly, Tenka doesn't like the said bread so she declined the offer of Tohka sharing some to her (even if Tohka was hesitating to give here some in the first place because it would lessen her weekly dose kinako bread...). Even though she and Tohka were supposed to be just the same exact person in most ways, seeing Tenka not liking Tohka's favorite food was enough to make them clearly different individuals in a sense.

And Rei didn't really mind such detail.

They can be whoever they want to be.

Each individual are distinctive in one way or another, and nobody could ever change this fact.

"Hey Tenka"


"Though I know you somehow don't like Kinako bread, which surprisingly contrasts the likes Tohka, I am sure you have some food or snack you probably have in mind right now, don't you?" Rei gently said. If anything, he knows that the interest of these girls when it comes in food was second to none. "So, what food would you like to grab as a snack right now?"

Tenka looked at him briefly at first before giving out her answer as she held her chin.

"Nn? Food you say... Nothing comes in mind bastard..." She replied as she took a sip from her drink before slightly tilting her head as she pondered over what to answer, and when she surprisingly found one, she continued. "...Oh? Hm. Perhaps there is, however, it probably won't be present here in this shops in our...'date' that we are having"

"I see... be sure to tell me. I might whip it up tomorrow morning or at lunch if you want to"

"Hmph. Maybe later then"

Tohka nodded her head as if she was happy hearing how Rei and Tenka's conversation had gone through. And so, when they are finished, Tohka naturally changed the topic.

She then perked up and looked at Rei with gleaming eyes.

"…Ne Rei," She poked Rei to his side and then said. "Should I get a tattoo?"

Rei then blinked at her sudden words.

'Tattoos? Really?' He was stupefied at the thought.

Is this Ratatoskr's choice?

What are they thinking?

'No no, probably not... but I can't rule them as a possibility...'

"…Tohka? Why a tattoo?" Rei inquired as they continued walking.

Then she raised her pale arm and said, "...A Tattoo. Ehehe, I am just planning to get a small one"

Rei then tilted his head to the side and further inquired. "Come on Tohka, tell me, why the tattoo all of a sudden?"

"…I saw what my friends did..." She answered meekly.

"Friends? Kotori and from Ratatoskr's?" He then shot his thousand dollar question.

"No no. It's not them," Tohka shook her head as she then sheepishly scratched her cheek. "Um, Rei. It's my friends from the internet"


As it turns out, all the lady friends that Tohka met over the past weekend, even before 'that incident' took place, in the internet had tattoos and piercings, and they said they wanted to do it because it was meaningful in a way and looked pretty attractive.

And Rei didn't know this. Rei wasn't usually privy on almost anything that Tohka does. She can live the way she wants, and Rei doesn't necessarily have to decide and know everything in her life.

That's why Rei didn't know about such thing.

"...where do they have it?" Rei asked suppressing his sigh.

"...I have a friend who drew a heart on her lower belly, and on her chest..." Tohka bashfully said, and Rei on the other hand showed grimace at the thought of this said friend.

'Those... internet friends of her, is it? I see... They are... bad influence... for my dear Tohka here. It's decided, I'll hunt them—' Suddenly, his dangerous thoughts ceased as Tohka immediately nudged him with a embarrassed expression.

"Ah, Rei! Don't misunderstand! It's not that I want to be in a place like that..."

Rei slowly nodded.

But still, those that she said were only impure tattoos, each with a location and a pattern. No, what kind of friends are they already getting tattoos like that...?!

Seeing that they are friends, they seem like the same age, but it was hard to believe that he had already had a tattoo at such an early age.

Tenka on the other hand didn't really understand what was going on, so she just silently observed the pair as they continued walking.

Rei showed a slightly troubled expression, and he was currently choosing the right words to persuade her not to get any ideas about getting one.

However, Tohka then spoke first.

"...Would you like to get a tattoo together? Me, Tenka, and you?"

She said to Rei with a hopeful expression.

"Go, together...?"

Rei slightly ot dizzy at Tohka's invitation to get a tattoo to accompany her. If you see Tohka who was looking eager in recommending it to him, it means that she really have the heart and resolve to do it.

To put in a Tattoo he means.

And of course Rei is fine with that.

It is possible to get one as long as it is not too big or conspicuous, and if it is engraved in an inconspicuous place, it will not look bad.


Rei was troubled on Tohka getting tattoos on her body.

If you really want to do something, Rei will support her with tears of blood... as long as it is reasonable and within the reach of their own abilities it is.


"Oi, bastard, answer Tohka now"

In response to Tohka's question and Tenka's glare, which seemed to make him compose in haste, Rei carefully selected his words and opened his mouth carefully.

"...What kind of tattoo would you like to have?"

Then, as if she was waiting, she took out her cell phone (she has one for a while now and knows how to use it) and started looking for something, then handed it to me and spoke in a shy tone.

"...This is it"



The moment she saw the tattoo photo she had shown, both Rei and Tenka showed their reactions. The former was of surprise, and the latter was of interest.

The tattoo that Tohka wanted to do was in the form of a ring engraved on her finger.

It was also painted on the ring finger of the left hand.

"…Tohka, do you really want to do this?"

"…Isn't it pretty?"

Rei took a peek to see if she was serious, and as if she really had this design in mind, she asked him for consent.

At that time, Tohka then put her hand in and flipped the phone screen and said.

"…Or this"

The next photo she showed was also a spectacle.

A woman's hand with a small 'R' and a man's hand with an 'T'. The calligraphy was magnificent and really stylish in his opinion.

Judging by the fact that they even came to such exquisite photos, it seems that Tohka was already planning this date way way back then.

"…What do you think?"

Rei suddenly ceased his ongoing thoughts at Tohka's subtle reminder, pretended nothing was wrong, returned the phone to her, and said.

"It is interesting"

"...So do you like it or hate it?"

As if that's all she had to say, she pushed for an answer again.

Rei felt cornered at the matter. Getting a tattoo was not something that he had even thought of having even back then in his past life.

And currently, he only has two options with no way of escape. It is either accept Tohka's proposal and make everyone happy, or reject her proposal and some sort of hell would be let loose.

Since this is the case, the only way he has was obvious... He should accept it... but later. They still have to eat lunch and do other more things in this date. If he remembers correctly, applying a tattoo would be time consuming on a sense, specially if it is a permanent one.

"We could get it... Yeah. But maybe at the end of this date, Tohka," Rei answered before heaving a shirt sigh as he soon smiled in surrender. "I promise we three would get one, okay?"


Then, Tohka made a joyful expression on her face, then calmed her expression quickly and quietly put her phone in her bag.


Tenka just watched how it turned out, in the end, she didn't really care about the tattoo. For her, only keeping Tohka's well being stable and her safety is her goal.

As for her thoughts on Rei...? Well, the bastard could just handle and fend off his problems by himself well enough... probably.

Hmph. At least she cares for him even slightly... yeah, for he is connected to Tohka and hers to begin with. Yes, that's just it. Nothing more, nothing less.








[A/N: ....

*Hides in a corner*

Umm, hello guys. Well, here's the chap that was planned to be released the day before yesterday... yeah... Did some edits and it took some time.

Imma split this Date arc into several chaps, heck, I need to research and take down notes from the internet on how dates really turn out if ya bring two girls at once and in a date, their attires, the activities, and such so um, yeah... it is kinda late again.

And as unrealistic as some details included here may be, useless bullshitery be damned. Imma gonna see through this and observe how this date turns out. So I hope it may suit to ur likings guys, and that's it.

Don't hesitate to comment your thoughts and if ya have seen some errors in writing like wrong spellings, grammar, or missing letters.

With that said, ciao~]


Wryyyyyyyycreators' thoughts