

In a world ravaged by tragedy, a young child's existence was shattered when the cruel hand of fate stole away his parents, leaving him orphaned and alone. But destiny had other plans in store. Guided by an aged mentor who became a beacon of hope, the child found solace and strength, growing into a resilient soul, untamed by the darkness that surrounded him.

Riteesh_m · ファンタジー
25 Chs

Thrill Unleashed

Chapter 20 - Thrill Unleashed

The air crackled with tension as Steve and Frank's heated exchange escalated into a physical confrontation. Tempers flared, but little did they know that their clash would awaken a dormant curse within Steve, unleashing a thrilling sequence of events.

Steve, known for his ominous reputation, had been feared by many in the past, but now he found himself moving with purpose.

As he stepped closer to the foreboding castle, his heart raced with a mix of determination and apprehension. Unbeknownst to him, fate had already set its course.

Frank, still catching his breath, couldn't help but ask Steve a question that hung in the air like a heavy fog. "Will you defeat Shilva?" Frank inquired, his voice laced with uncertainty.

Steve, his gaze fixed on the towering castle ahead, didn't respond with words. Instead, a silent resolve settled within him, echoing in his mind, "Of course, I will."

The entrance of the castle loomed before them, its imposing presence intensifying Steve's growing anger. With each step, his frustration mounted, fueled by the sight of blood staining the path and the captives helplessly bound to pillars, their eyes filled with fear. This scene further stoked the fire within him, propelling him towards the edge of reason.

Suddenly, a surge of uncontainable rage surged through Steve's veins. His eyes transformed, their once vibrant hue fading to an eerie, chilling white.

A primal scream erupted from deep within him, shaking the very foundations of the castle as he bellowed, "SHILVA!" The sound reverberated through the halls, unsettling those who heard it, including Shilva himself.

In an instant, a dark shadow materialized above Steve, eclipsing him entirely. The force of its impact sent him hurtling towards the ground, the world fading into darkness as he lost consciousness.

When Steve eventually regained his senses, he found himself in a bewildering predicament. Like the other captives, he was tightly bound to a cold, unforgiving pillar.

Confusion and disorientation gripped him as he desperately searched for answers. It was Frad, a fellow prisoner, who offered a derisive response to his inquiry. "Such a dumb man, you are," Frad sneered, his voice laced with contempt.

"Where am I?" Steve questioned, his voice tinged with a mixture of fear and frustration. Frad's condescension persisted as he retorted, "Clearly, you're even dumber than I thought." Steve's mind raced, trying to make sense of their dire situation. Concern for the well-being of the other captives prompted him to inquire further, "What happened to the others?"

Frad's eyes flickered with a mixture of sadness and bitterness as he recounted the events that led to their current state. "They were overwhelmed by Shilva's unfathomable power," Frad replied, his voice tinged with sorrow.

The weight of betrayal hung heavy in the air, leaving Steve grappling with the realization that their meticulously crafted plan had been shattered by a traitor's hand.

As the captives wallowed in despair, a cacophony of sound reverberated through the chamber, heralding Shilva's imminent arrival.

The mere sound of his laughter sent shivers down their spines, a chilling reminder of the malevolence that stood before them. Shilva, accompanied by two fearsome beasts, stepped into the castle, an air of superiority enveloping him.

"You pathetic humans are so easily bonded by trust," Shilva sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. He relished in their vulnerability, mocking their feeble attempts to stand against him. With a smirk, he pondered aloud, "Let me see if you are truly the man that Yoru found intriguing."

Summoning what little bravery remained, Steve dared to challenge their captor. "Hey, you coward! Release us and face us head-on!" he exclaimed, his voice laced with defiance. Frad, exasperated by Steve's naivety, couldn't help but interject, his voice laced with urgency, "You idiot! Do you have any inkling of the dire circumstances we find ourselves in?"

Confusion etched on his face, Steve struggled to comprehend Frad's words. "What are you talking about?" he questioned, his voice filled with a mix of frustration and desperation. Frad's stern gaze met his, and with a commanding tone, he implored Steve, "Just stay quiet."

Silence fell upon the captives as Shilva's furious outburst silenced their exchange. He toyed with the idea of ending their lives, believing it would grant him the freedom he sought. Arrogantly, he declared, "If I kill you now, I will rid myself of any remaining enemies." A smug grin danced upon his lips as he reveled in his perceived victory.

But Frad, refusing to succumb to despair, mustered the last ounce of defiance within him. "You think you've won, but you're sorely mistaken," he spat, his voice laden with defiance. Shilva's smug expression faltered, replaced by a mix of curiosity and irritation. "Yes, I am," he hissed, determination gleaming in his eyes.

Confidence surged within Steve's veins as he met Shilva's gaze. "You're wrong," he stated, his voice resonating with conviction.

Shilva, taken aback by Steve's audacity, made a futile attempt to strike him once again. But Steve, undeterred, countered with words that struck at the heart of Shilva's deepest fears.

"The word 'beast' implies living and fighting without fear," Steve declared, his voice resolute. "But you, Shilva, you are nothing but a coward." The accusation lingered in the air, casting a shadow over their exchange.

Steve pressed further, his voice dripping with determination, "You were scared on Earth, weren't you? Not of King Raizor, but of something far more profound. I will rekindle that fear within you."

Enraged by Steve's audacity, Shilva launched himself once again, his movements fueled by fury.

Yet, as his fist neared its target, Steve's eyes snapped open, revealing a profound radiance that seemed to defy the darkness that enveloped them. In an instant, Shilva's assault halted, his body recoiling as if struck by an invisible force.

In the wake of this extraordinary display, Steve unleashed a torrent of energy, a brilliant aura enveloping him. Shilva, overwhelmed by the sheer intensity of Steve's power, found himself unsettled.

Doubt crept into his mind, his thoughts swirling with confusion. "Those bright shining eyes and that aura... this can't be," he thought, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

The clash between Steve and Shilva reached its zenith as they unleashed their respective powers. Energy crackled in the air, a testament to their titanic struggle.

The beasts that had accompanied Shilva trembled in awe, their animal instincts recognizing the overwhelming force on display.

However, before the confrontation could escalate further, nature itself intervened. Lightning danced across the sky, illuminating the crumbling castle.

Thunder roared, shaking the very foundations of the fortress. In an instant, destruction reigned supreme as bolts of lightning struck the castle, reducing it to ruins.

Amidst the chaos, a momentary lull settled over the battlefield. Steve's voice cut through the cacophony, his words infused with an otherworldly resonance. "Let's settle this now," he declared, his voice a symphony of determination mixed with other tones that seemed to carry echoes of ancient power.

The battle between Steve and Shilva reignited, a clash of wills and powers that reverberated through the shattered remnants of the castle. The stakes were high, and the outcome uncertain.

But fate had a cruel twist in store for Steve as, in the midst of the electrifying battle, he once again succumbed to the all-consuming darkness, losing consciousness to the thrill of the unknown.

And so, Chapter 20 came to a close, with the thrill of anticipation lingering in the air, leaving the reader hungry for the next exhilarating chapter in Steve's journey.

Written by Riteesh