

In a world ravaged by tragedy, a young child's existence was shattered when the cruel hand of fate stole away his parents, leaving him orphaned and alone. But destiny had other plans in store. Guided by an aged mentor who became a beacon of hope, the child found solace and strength, growing into a resilient soul, untamed by the darkness that surrounded him.

Riteesh_m · ファンタジー
25 Chs

The Perilous Escape


The night hung heavy with a sense of impending doom as the formidable beast captured Yumiko, while Steve found himself at the mercy of Shilva's ruthless men. In a moment of surprising candor, Shilva addressed Yumiko, his voice laced with a twisted form of respect.

"I spare your life because I have some respect for your father," Shilva sneered, his eyes glinting with malice.

Yumiko's voice trembled, a mixture of defiance and despair. "I don't care. Just kill me," she retorted, her resolve unbending.

A chilling smile played on Shilva's lips as he revealed the shocking truth. "Your father was the one who defeated me, and so I killed him," he confessed, relishing in the pain etched across Yumiko's face.

The weight of her predicament pressed upon Yumiko, her body battered and bruised. Shilva, reveling in his triumph, offered her a precarious lifeline.

"I will spare your life this one last time if you help me with a small task," Shilva proposed, his voice dripping with menace.

Yumiko's mind whirled with conflicting emotions, her fear giving way to a flicker of curiosity. "Do you even know what you're asking?" she challenged, a mixture of defiance and trepidation coloring her words.

"Consider it a chance for revenge. Bring me the person who accompanied you, and I shall grant you the opportunity to end me," Shilva replied, his eyes glimmering with a sadistic glint.

Shock and tension coursed through Yumiko's veins as she grappled with the gravity of Shilva's demand. The fate of both herself and the person who had fought by her side hung precariously in the balance.

"What do you need him for, you pathetic bastard?" Yumiko's voice reverberated with anger, her anguish breaking through the air like a gust of wind.

Shilva's fist collided with the wall beside Yumiko, a violent gesture meant to instill fear. "Remember, I am not kind. It's just a deal. Bring him to me, and I will spare your wretched life," he hissed, savoring the terror that radiated from Yumiko's trembling figure.

Overwhelmed by the weight of her choices, tears spilled down Yumiko's cheeks, mingling with the pain etched upon her face. As if by some mysterious force, her wounds began to heal, offering a glimmer of solace amidst the encroaching darkness.

In a different part of Shilva's lair, Steve stirred from his unconscious state, slowly rising to his feet. Confusion clouded his mind as he surveyed his surroundings, desperately seeking answers.

"Where am I this time?" Steve questioned, his voice heavy with uncertainty.

"Just our base," replied one of the men, his tone devoid of sympathy.

Steve's hand instinctively reached for his throbbing head, a realization dawning upon him. "I think I've gone too far this time," he muttered, his voice filled with a mix of regret and determination.

A hint of sarcasm colored Frad's voice as he spoke up, breaking the silence. "Glad you finally realized, young man."

The man who had spoken earlier interjected, his voice carrying a sense of hope. "You're not the only one who holds a deep grudge against Shilva. There are others who have fought against him, each driven by their own personal vendettas."

Intrigued, Steve pressed for answers, his frustration

evident. "If there are others who oppose Shilva, why didn't you stop me before?"

Frad's words carried a somber weight as he spoke. "Those who stood against Shilva before you, they never returned. We couldn't afford to lose any more people."

The man's voice joined the conversation, offering a glimpse into their calculated strategy. "We have been waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Shilva is cursed, and the curse weakens during the blue moon."

Frad interjected, his tone laced with caution. "There are two types of moons that can weaken a curse: the blue moon and the red moon."

Steve's curiosity grew, and he urged them to elaborate. "So, what happens during the red moon?"

A sense of foreboding filled the room as the man replied, his voice laden with sorrow. "The red moon strengthens the curse, and during its reign, Shilva nearly destroyed this realm."

With the impending blue moon only two days away, Frad outlined their plan with a flicker of determination. "When the blue moon emerges, we will seize the opportunity to strike back. We have assembled a group of brave troops who are willing to fight."

Steve's resolve hardened, and he made his intentions clear. "I will fight alongside you, but I won't blindly follow your plan."

Frad scoffed, eyeing Steve's modest iron sword. "And what do you intend to do with that feeble weapon?"

A flicker of annoyance danced in Steve's eyes as he defiantly examined his sword. "I'll make do. So, what's the plan?"

The man's voice held a hint of secrecy as he revealed the next step in their mission. "Shilva's stronghold lies on the edge of a treacherous mountain. He rarely leaves unless provoked by an enemy attack."

Frad nodded, acknowledging Steve's exceptional swordsmanship. "Given your skills, we need you to create a diversion, focusing on the beasts that guard Shilva's lair."

A wry smile tugged at Steve's lips as he muttered to himself, preparing for the daunting task ahead. "Fine, just countless beasts to contend with."

Eager to provide clarity, Steve pressed for more information. "And what will you do once the beasts have been dealt with?"

Frad's eyes gleamed with determination as he unveiled their ultimate objective. "Once the beasts are vanquished, we will launch a direct assault on Shilva himself."

The man's voice rang with urgency. "The finer details of our plan will be discussed as we move. Time is of the essence."

As they readied themselves for the perilous journey ahead, Steve couldn't help but seek a connection amidst the chaos. "By the way, what's your name?" he asked the man.

"I am Frank," the man replied, his voice filled with a mix of resolve and determination.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Steve steeled himself for the challenges that lay ahead. In his heart burned a flicker of hope, a beacon that promised redemption and reunion.

"Just hold on a little longer, Yumiko," Steve whispered to the unseen void. "I'm coming for you, no matter the odds."

Written by Riteesh