
South Blue

As Blackbeard's imposing figure landed on the shore, the sea serpent that had ferried him swiftly retreated into the depths, leaving him alone to survey the town sprawling before him. With a purposeful stride, he made his way to the nearest establishment - a dimly lit bar that seemed to cower in the shadow of his presence.

The patrons of the bar, catching sight of the behemoth that had entered their midst, scattered like frightened mice, leaving Blackbeard alone amidst the deserted tables and chairs. Ignoring the fearful whispers that followed him, he settled himself onto a stool, his gaze flicking casually over the newspaper clutched in his massive hand.

There, in bold print, was the news of his treachery against the Whitebeard Pirates, the death of Thatch, and the staggering bounty placed upon his head by his former comrades. One billion dollars in the dark world - a testament to the fear and hatred he inspired in those who dared to cross him.

Blackbeard's laughter echoed through the empty bar, a chilling sound that sent shivers down the spine of the trembling bartender. "Zeahahahahah! Hey, bartender," he called out, his voice rumbling like distant thunder. "Which sea area is this?"

The bartender, visibly trembling, stammered out a reply. "S-sir, this is the South Blue."

Blackbeard's eyes widened in realization, a hint of incredulity coloring his voice. "Holy shit... Those vortexes in the ocean are truly destructive. They've taken me from the Grand Line to the South Blue."

As Blackbeard stepped out of the bar, his keen observation Haki guiding him through the unfamiliar streets, he soon found himself standing before a quaint dress store. With a sense of purpose, he pushed open the door and strode inside, the tiny bell above jingling in his wake.

"Hey, you," Blackbeard called out to the trembling tailor behind the counter. "Make me a dress fit for my size."

The tailor approached Blackbeard cautiously, his hands shaking as he fetched a measuring tape. But as he attempted to take the measurements, he soon realized that Blackbeard's size far exceeded any he had encountered before.

Undeterred, Blackbeard supplied the measurements himself, his voice commanding and authoritative. "I'll tell you the measurements. Write them down," he instructed, his gaze fixed upon the tailor with an intensity that brooked no argument.

Furthermore, Blackbeard sketched out the design for his attire - a majestic dress with intricate detailing, adorned with skulls each boasting three eyes, reminiscent of his own unique heritage. He also requested a matching cap and shoes, each bearing the same ominous motif.

"Make me two pairs of everything," Blackbeard demanded, his tone brooking no dissent.

The tailor, overwhelmed by the imposing presence before him, nodded frantically, his hands trembling as he took down the measurements and hastily jotted down the design specifications. "I-I'll do it as quickly as I can, sir," he stammered, his eyes wide with fear.

Blackbeard merely grunted in acknowledgment before striding out of the shop, leaving the tailor to his task. Too intimidated to ask for payment, the tailor could only watch in silence as Blackbeard disappeared into the streets, his imposing figure fading into the distance.

A pirate ship docked at the island's deck, its crew spilled out onto the shore, led by none other than Kid, Killer, Wire, and Heat - the notorious Kidd Pirates. Their arrival seemed to coincide perfectly with Blackbeard's own presence on the island, a twist of fate that promised confrontation.

Blackbeard regarded them with a mixture of amusement and disdain, his towering form casting a shadow over the assembled pirates. Kid declared boldly, a smirk playing across his face. "This island is mine from now on."

But before Kid could even finish his proclamation, he found himself face to face with Blackbeard's unyielding presence. With a confident grin, Kid launched a punch at Blackbeard, expecting to assert his dominance. However, to his astonishment, Blackbeard didn't so much as flinch.

"What's the matter, Kid? Didn't you have lunch?" Blackbeard taunted, his voice laced with mockery.

Kid's bravado wavered as he stared into the unyielding gaze of the behemoth before him. Nevertheless, he persisted, raining blow after blow upon Blackbeard's seemingly invincible form. But each punch seemed to only elicit laughter from Blackbeard, his booming voice echoing across the shoreline.

"Zeahahahaha! Is that all you've got, boy?" Blackbeard roared, his laughter bordering on madness. With a swift motion, he seized Kid by the collar, effortlessly lifting him into the air.

With a disdainful smirk, Blackbeard hurled Kid directly at Killer, the force of the impact sending both pirates crashing to the ground in a heap.

"What a monster," Kid muttered, his voice tinged with fear and awe.

But Blackbeard was far from finished. With a feral gleam in his eyes, he launched himself at the remaining members of the Kidd Pirates, toying with them like mere playthings. He tossed them about with reckless abandon, their struggles futile against his overwhelming strength.

Kid's desperation led him to summon forth a mechanical giant arm using his Devil Fruit ability, aiming it directly at Blackbeard with a ferocious cry. But Blackbeard only chuckled darkly, his confidence unwavering.

"Is that the best you can do, boy?" he taunted, his voice dripping with contempt.

With a swift and powerful strike, Blackbeard shattered the mechanical arm with his bare hands, the force of his blow sending shockwaves through the air. Kid's arm bones were crushed under the devastating force, a cry of agony tearing from his lips as he crumpled to the ground.

Killer, witnessing the brutal defeat of his captain, lunged forward with his knives, intent on avenging Kid's fall. But his blades were no match for Blackbeard's sheer strength; with a casual motion, Blackbeard shattered them with his bare hands, leaving Killer stunned and defenseless.

As Kid and Killer lay defeated, Heat and Wire, the remaining members of the Kidd Pirates, resorted to desperate measures. They fired a cannonball at Blackbeard, hoping to overwhelm him with brute force. But to their astonishment, Blackbeard caught the cannonball with ease, crushing it in his grasp before their eyes.

"Don't be foolish, young ones," Blackbeard warned, his voice a low rumble.

Undeterred, Heat and Wire prepared their largest cannon, aiming it directly at Blackbeard with grim determination. With a thunderous roar, they fired, sending a massive cannonball hurtling towards their adversary.

But Blackbeard was prepared. With a flick of his wrist, he summoned the power of the Yami Yami no Mi, creating a black vortex that swallowed the cannonball whole. The ball burst inside the vortex, but to no avail; the swirling darkness of the vortex absorbed the explosion without so much as a tremor.

"Now, all your tricks are over," Blackbeard declared, his voice laced with a chilling finality. As Heat and Wire looked on in shock and horror.

As Blackbeard stood over the injured Kid, his offer hung heavy in the air. "Boy, I like your courage. Join me, and I will make you my vice-captain," he proposed, his tone carrying a hint of admiration.

But Kid, despite his pain, refused defiantly. "Forget it, bastard. I would rather die than work under someone," he spat, his resolve unyielding.

Undeterred, Blackbeard's gaze turned to Killer, who lay bleeding nearby. With a swift motion, he grasped Killer's head, his grip unyielding. "Don't, Kid. Do what you want. I've already given my life to you since we became pirates," Killer uttered, his voice a mixture of resignation and loyalty.

Blackbeard's patience wore thin. "I don't have much time, boy. I only want to hear yes or no," he pressed, his voice growing more insistent. "If you choose to follow me, you will be under one and above all. It's your choice. I can give you unimaginable power. I can teach you Haki."

Kid met Blackbeard's gaze with defiance, his eyes burning with resolve. "What is your goal?" he demanded.

"My goal is to become the absolute king of the world," Blackbeard declared, his voice echoing with ambition.

Kid's laughter rang out, a mixture of amusement and defiance. "Fine. We will join you. You become the king of the world, and I will become the Pirate King," he agreed, his voice carrying a note of determination.

"Welcome, boy. Your path to power begins now," Blackbeard announced, a triumphant smile gracing his lips.

Taking the Kid Pirates to a medical center, Blackbeard ensured their wounds were tended to. Afterwards, he ventured into the ocean depths, capturing a massive sea beast and utilizing its meat to enhance Kid and Killer's recovery speed.

With the crew healed and rejuvenated, Blackbeard's gaze turned to the horizon. "How many crew members do you have, except us?" Kid inquired.

"Only you guys. But don't worry, more powerful people are going to join soon," Blackbeard assured them, his eyes glinting with anticipation.

Kid and Killer, moved by Blackbeard's strength and vision, knelt before him, followed by Wire and Heat. "Captain Blackbeard," they intoned, acknowledging his leadership.

Blackbeard chuckled, revealing his true name. "My real name is Marshall D. Teach, but you may call me Captain Blackbeard."

With their allegiance sworn, Blackbeard and his newly formed crew set sail once more, their ship now adorned with the emblem of the Blackbeard Pirates - three skulls with horns and three eyes.

As Blackbeard and his crew prepared to set sail, the question of roles on the ship arose. Killer promptly identified Heat as the cook, while Wire was designated as the sailor. Satisfied with the arrangement, Blackbeard nodded approvingly.

"Good. Let's head to the East Blue first," Blackbeard decided, his gaze fixed on the horizon.

But Wire interjected, pointing out the need to wait for the log pose to recharge. Blackbeard waved off the concern, his confidence unwavering. "No need for that. I remember all the routes," he assured them.

With Blackbeard at the helm, they navigated through the treacherous waters of the Calm Belt. His Conqueror's Haki radiated an aura of dominance, driving away any sea beasts foolish enough to challenge them. Kid and Killer watched in awe, intrigued by the display of power.

"What was that power you used just now, Captain Blackbeard?" Kid inquired, his curiosity piqued.

Blackbeard smirked, pleased by their interest. "That was Conqueror's Haki," he explained. "A special type of Haki possessed by only a select few individuals."

Eager to learn more, Kid and Killer requested to be taught this formidable ability. But Blackbeard shook his head, his expression solemn. "Conqueror's Haki can't be taught," he clarified. "It's a power that stems from one's ambition to become a conqueror. Only selective individuals have it."

As they sailed onward, Blackbeard turned his attention to Kid, recognizing the potential for Conqueror's Haki within him. "Kid, you should also possess Conqueror's Haki. It just needs stimulation. You'll awaken it in the future," he remarked, instilling a sense of anticipation in his young crewmate.

Then, addressing Killer, Blackbeard pondered the possibility of his latent Conqueror's Haki. "I don't know about you, Killer, but there's a chance you'll have it too. But remember, ambition is key. Merely making me the absolute king and Kid the Pirate King shouldn't be your only ambition," he advised, his voice carrying a weight of wisdom.

Killer's gaze drifted skyward, his thoughts consumed by a long-held aspiration. "You know what, Captain? I've always wanted to be the strongest swordsman, but I never had much talent in swordsmanship, so I never talked about it," he confessed, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Blackbeard's laughter echoed across the deck, dispelling Killer's doubts. "Killer, you have talent, and you have me as your captain. Don't worry about your talent. Now that you're part of my crew, I'll create the perfect Devil Fruit for you. But you must steel your resolve to become the greatest swordsman," he declared, his words instilling a newfound determination in Killer's heart.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Killer nodded resolutely. "Okay, Captain," he affirmed, his resolve firm. "I must become the greatest swordsman ever."

"Good. Get to your training now," Blackbeard commanded, his tone firm but encouraging.

For the next three days, Blackbeard rigorously trained his crew in Observation and Armament Haki, pushing them to their limits. Finally, as they crossed the Calm Belt and arrived at the East Blue, their skills honed and their resolve strengthened, they stood ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead on their path to greatness.