
Darkness of Darkness-Vampire meets Vampire

Lee Shi Yi, common women in city A,used to be rich but all her grandfather assets were gone to Aunt Marie and nothing was left for her but until she found out about her parents identity.Her parents were the king and queen of the Dao Chao Vampires.Even though her parents were royalty,their death is still unknown.She also reopened Lee Cooperation. Ling Su Han, one of the richest people of city A, owning Ling Cooperation which is also one of the biggest and rich companies in the world. Being a straight guy, the media mistakes him as transgender as he has not met a woman for a long time.He is also royalty in blood as he is the prince of the Qing Ling Vampires but the truth is his parents already died in a car crash. Aunt Marie, Lee Shi Yi’s grandfather’s second wife, also the person who has been taking care of Shi Yi after her parent's death, is keeping many secrets from Shi Yi for a very long time regarding her parent's death and who she actually is. Wang Ying Yue,daughter of the Wang Cooperation which is also one of the biggest companies in City A,invites Lee Shi Yi and Ling Su Han to a party. Ling Su Han was her university friend and Lee Shi Yi was her childhood friend.She is also a Vampire,The Vampire of light. Lee Shi Yi and Ling Su Han meet each other in a friend’s party one day. When they first glanced,they felt something familiar like they knew each other before. As they walked outside together, they could not hear the party noise in the background.

minyi · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Chapter 2:Ling Su Han

Lee Shi Yi spent the night at Aunt Marie's house. She was sleeping soundly in one of Aunt Marie's guest room. Aunt Marie walked into the room to call her awake.

"LEE SHI YI WAKE UP THIS INSTANT!"Aunt Marie stood right at the door of the room while shouting at Shi Yi.

"Just let me have 5 minutes more, Aunt Marie...."

Aunt Marie started to use her scary voice," If you don't wake up now your favorite pancakes will be mine....."

"You wouldn't dare to eat my pancakes!"

"Oh I dare, wake up this instant and your pancakes lives would be spared", Aunt Marie laughed. Shi Yi had no choice but to wake up. After brushing her teeth, she walked into the dining room to find her pancakes.

"Thank you, Aunt Marie, for cooking this delicious breakfast."

"Your welcome Shi Yi", Aunt Marie replied to Shi Yi. As both of them were eating breakfast, Shi Yi received a text message from her best friend Wang Ying Yue.

"Hey, you wanna come for a party that I would be planning today, sorry if I did not invite you earlier...Are you free today?",Ying Yue typed.

"I am not doing anything today, I can come", Shi Yi typed back.

"Great! The address is at Five Season hotel, ballroom 150 at 6, see you there!",Ying Yue typed. Shi Yi puts her phone down on the table.

Aunt Marie gave Shi Yi a curious look," Your friend messaged you?"

Shi Yi nodded and continued saying," I am going for a party today at Five Seasons hosted by Ying Yue."

"Oh alright, just don't drink too much alcohol and don't do anything stupid"

Shi Yi gave Aunt Marie an irritated look," Alright Aunt Marie..."Suddenly the atmosphere of the dining room turned extremely quiet.

"It's been a long time since I saw you going out for a party Shi Yi", Aunt Marie blurted out. This time around, Shi Yi did not answer Aunt Marie and continued eating her pancakes. During these 5 years, Shi Yi has not gone to a party for a long time as she still could not believe that her parents died. She only went out with Ying Yue as she was the only one that would not ask about her parents.

Right after breakfast, Shi Yi asked Aunt Marie, "Aunt Marie do you have a nice gown or dress for me to wear for the party tonight?"

"Of course Shi Yi, I have one dress in mind, I have not worn that dress even once", Aunt Marie babbled. As Aunt Marie opens her closet, Shi Yi felt like the dresses were glowing.

"Wow, Aunt Marie! You must have spent loads on these!"

"Of course, here is the dress that I thought of giving you", Aunt Marie said while handling the dress to Shi Yi. The dress was a galaxy gradient dress that had diamonds all over it.

"Wow, Aunt Marie! I still cannot believe you have this dress! This dress is splendid! Thank you, Aunt Marie! I love you!"Shi Yi exclaimed.

"Come on go try the dress on!", as Aunt Marie push Shi Yi into her changing room to force her to try the dress.


Shi Yi walks out of Aunt Marie changing room. Shi Yi looked like she wanted to rock the world and that aura of letting men fall in love with her with just looks.

Aunt Marie sat in her comfortable chair starring at Shi Yi, "Oh my god! You look like a goddess! Like the goddess of the full moon!"

"Really? Do I look that good?"

Aunt Marie blurted out, "You know you could impress the Prince of the Qing Ling vampires, Ling Su Han..."

Shi Yi laughed, "Don't be ridiculous! How could I impress a Prince? I don't even think I can even impress a frog!"

"You know Ling Su Han is a great guy, I have read many articles of him before and apparently this guy is rich and he does not play with women at all! He is also 25 years old which is young!Even the media is thinking of him as a transgender! He has not shown his face in public with a woman at all!"

Shi Yi started to give a look of shock, "So you are saying that I should be with him just because I am the future Queen of the Dao Chao vampires? No way am I falling in love..."

"What happens if Wang Ying Yue knows him and invites Ling Su Han to today's party? You will never know Shi Yi, he may appear to this party tonight with his friends."

Shi Yi giggled, "you are seriously funny, why would Wang Ying Yue know him? Anyways I have already promised myself not to fall in love..."

"Shi Yi, you know you need to continue our family tradition and I am not using your identity to find Ling Su Han but just maybe you are meeting him tonight...", Aunt Marie said.

Shi Yi gave Aunt Marie a tiresome look on her face, "That would not happen Aunt Marie"

——————After eating lunch———————

Shi Yi looked in the mirror as Aunt Marie prepare her for the party.

Shi Yi gave Aunt Marie a look of surprise," I did not know that you could do makeup that is this good."

"Of course, you are looking at the fourth King's second wife here!",Aunt Marie exclaimed.

(A little information you need to know about Aunt Marie:She is Lee Shi Yi's Grandfather's Second wife because Lee Shi Yi's grandmother [which is Lee Shi Yi's biological]passed away when Lee Shi Yi's father was just 5 years old and Lee Shi Yi's father has a half-brother[Aunt Marie's son]but is living in city D)

————After Fours hours of makeup————


"Your welcome Shi Yi", Aunt Marie smiled.

Omg this was so fun to write and thank you for reading the second chapter as I said in chapter 1,I may abandon the story as I have school and work load.I am worried that I cannot cope all of my activities.

Other social media platforms that I am also handling since before webnovel(and every week I am busy enough already):

1)Instagram account:@baby_suiko (doing mostly edits)

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