
Darkness of Cold Nights

The thrilling silence of the night and the deep darkness of that night are creating a great wave of fear in his heart. .................. .......... What did he know about that night in which he looks fearlessly at the beautiful and charming moon.That night is going to change everyone's life . "No, it can't be. Mommmmmmm ahhhhhhhh" ..... Violence Horror Thrilling (18+) Boyloveboy

Nisha7 · ホラー
8 Chs


Rohan put him down on his private chamber's bed and covered him with warm blanket before holding his hands transferring spiritual energy.He kiss his head and leave to take shower .....

" How things went there " Rohan's cold voice echoes in living room where everyone were sitting with his father hanging his head low with bruised face ....


He shout angrily making other flinch hard . Rahen , Jeremy , aunty Lila and Mrs Richard look at each other secretly muffling their laugh looking at Mr Richard who is trembling there ....

" I,I am s,sorry son I,it was s, simple but i,I don't know how things went like this " ...

" Then damn can't you wait for me come back what of I won't reach there at time huh " rohan growl angrily....

" Are you a little boy who can't understand everything that is being said clearly. NOT TO EXCORIST SATAN'S DEVIL."....

Rohan walk out from there angrily left his father guilty . Actually think went like that ....

When Rohan left to Esthan's home his father got an dangerous case which he think was simple and were excorising there for two days and today he was near to death thank God Rohan got alram and run there to save his father ....

" You should've been patient uncle . Now he will be a living lava " .... Jeremy said patting his shoulder..

" Don't worry sweetheart his anger will flew away soon his mate is here so come Let's go to room " .....

Lila and other left leaving rahen , Jeremy.....

" Soooooo " .... Jeremy walked to rahen who raised his brow walking backward but he pull him immediately.....

" Would you like to go on a date sweetheart"..he asked caressing his cheeks making rahen blush and look away ...

" W,why would I " he stutter with his beating heart biting his lips nervously . Jeremy hold his chin up make him look in his eyes ...

" Because I like you and want to marry you " ...

" Huh " .....

Rahen look at him shockingly with open mouth making Jeremy chuckles ....

" S,so soon you liked me a,and m, marriage" Jeremy sigh and sit on couch making him sit beside him . He hold his both hands and rub soothingly....

" Love didn't require long years it's just happened . I don't want us to be like other in just boyfriend I want us to be in stronger relationship. I want to bind us in marriage. Do you like me want me to send my parents to your house " .....

Rahen listen his every words and look at him with teary eyes . What goodness I did to deserve this . He take shaky breath and nodded making Jeremy smiled widely...

" Don't cry lovely hmm " rahen nodded . Jeremy pull him in hug rahen snuggle in his arms taking deep breath....

Rohan came in his private chamber locking it . He changed his clothes and threw them away angrily. He laid beside esthan and pull him in hug snuggling in Esthan's neck sniffing his calming scent . Soon he drifted to sleep ...





He awake feeling so much stronger then before. He tried to move but feel strong grip around his body . He rub his eyes to see clear . He turned and look toward his right side . He was sleeping there with wrinkles on his forehead. Seems like he is tense . Esthan move slowly and rub his forehead wrinkle's . Soon they fade away and appear a beautiful smile on his face ...

He start admiring the handsome man sleeping beside him then turn to look at big room no it's like a palace chamber so big and beautiful with blue decorations ....

" Where am I " he think deeply but slept when didn't seems to know where's he . He trust Rohan with everything he have and snuggle in his chest purring like an cute cat . Rohan open his eyes when esthan slept . He was actually awake and pretend to sleep . He smile and kiss his head and chuckles when he again purr like a cat...

Morning time is the best time. Nature is at calm. Everything is quiet and noiseless. The birds chirp and twitter. They often break the silence of the morning hour. A cool breeze blows. Early risers are on their way to go to some park or garden. There they do exercise, walking our jogging. Of late, city people are becoming conscious of their health. We all know that real wealth is health. And it is morning hour when we are free to exercise or exert. Students study for their examination. They can do some serious studies. After all, this is the best time. During the day there is a lot of noise and din. There is a plenty of disturbance. Best concentration time is only the morning time. One can do anything and everything peacefully. There is no hurry. There is no hotch-potch. There is little stress and strain. Then one is at peace with oneself as well as with nature. ...

He took a deep breath as the cool and beautiful morning air hit his body .....

" Good morning beautiful " .... He look back immediately as he hear beautiful deep voice.He smile and nodded signing him good morning.

" How do you feel now " Rohan asked sitting beside him . Who want to tell everything he but got sad cause he can't speak. Rohan smile at his struggle....

" No need to feel sad come here " he pull him near and joined their forehead together...

" Now said everything you want to say in your mind I will listen everything. " Esthan looked at him confusedly but start speaking his heart out in mind ...

" It's feel so refresh after so many years . My body feel stronger then before like ,,,, umm ,,,like I became a superhero. My body didn't hurt like before everytime I wake up before. Now my body don't feel hurt . It's feel so. So good " .....

Rohan chuckles and back away before flicking his cute small nose making him scrunch cutely...

' don't worry it's just start you will get better day by day . Just last procession of catching that devil then you are free from him and can speak again " .....

" Wait WHAT" .....