
Darkness inside the Light

John was always considered a lazy guy. He would often lie down in the green meadow, watching the clouds without having any interest in the world around him. One day, his brother said that he wanted to become a hero and slay the Demon Lord, asking him to come along with him on his journey. Unexpectedly, John decided to accompany his brother for his own reasons... Author: This is the first time I write a novel and until now I find it very fun. English is not my natural language, so any reminder for grammatical errors is welcomed. I am not sure about the consistency of my updates, but I'll try to organize my time in a way that I can upload steadily at least 3-4 chapters every week

IIIEmperorIII · ファンタジー
56 Chs


Hearing the merchant's comment, John didn't look surprised at all. From the start, there were several reasons that he had given so many clues about his identity. Firstly, he wanted to test if his intuition was correct. The old man gave him a feeling similar to his father like he had immeasurable power hidden. But more importantly...

" Say, old man, what is the price of this bow?"

"5 silver coins young master" the merchant replied while looking at John with amusement.

If someone were to consider that 15 silver coins are enough for a family of four to live comfortably for a whole year, then the price can be considered for a commoner extravagant and ridiculous, but to John's eyes, the bow deserved this much.

" Then about this sword?"

" 7 silver coins young master"

John was now sure. He didn't know what this old man was doing in a small town like this, but he knew the reason he set a stall. Obviously, it was not to sell weapons that only the Lord of this territory had the financial ability to buy...

"This is my last question old man. For this black dagger over there, what do you want for exchange?" Upon hearing these words a wide smile formed on the merchant's face.


Meanwhile, in the harbor of St. Nicolas, two figures were sitting side by side on some rocks on the coast while gazing at the boats in the sea. One of them was a young man around 14 years old with long silver hair and two big green eyes. His robust body combined with the greatsword on his back was creating an image of a heroic being.

The other was a young girl around 15 years old with orange hair arranged in pigtails and two blue eyes filled with energy. With a slim body but ample bosom, her figure was without a doubt alluring. Her face had a hint of childishness and naivety from her youth.

" The last time I saw the sea was when my parents were still alive. I was only four but I still remember my mother's warm gaze as she was holding me in her hands" Vladimir said without expression but his eyes revealed for a moment a trace of sadness.

" I am sorry Vladimir, I didn't want to make you feel sad when I brought you here or anything like that!" said the pigtailed girl hurriedly. She truly felt bad from the bottom of her heart. Seeing her teary expression, Vladimir revealed a warm smile

" Don't worry Helena. It's been nine years since then. And I had also beside me my foster father and later, my brother" Vladimir said gently as he tried to appease the young girl. Seeing her starting to calm down he turned his gaze again at the sea.

" I really love the sea..... It's unrestrained, mysterious and beautiful. Back then, my mother would often narrate me fairy tales about the Water Dragon of the East or the adventures of the red-beard pirate Morgan, but my favorite stories were always about Kane the greatest explorer of the world"

as he said that, a gleam of excitement appeared momentary in Vladimir's eyes, like a child looking at a new toy for the first time. Although so many years had passed since the death of his parents, the silver-haired youth still loved the stories which accompanied him in his childhood. Back then in the Moon Village, he could only beg his father to bring him as many books he could every time he traveled.

Being influenced by the cheerful and innocent words of the handsome boy in front of her, the orange-haired girl couldn't restrain the smile from appearing on her face. Wanting to cover in some way her embarrassment, she hurriedly opened her mouth to speak...

"I loved the tales of Kane too... When I was a child, I even had a crush on him, wanting to marry him. I can still remember the face of my dad when I told him that I would embark on the first ship I would find and travel the world like my idol did."

Upon recalling the memory of her father desperately trying to knock some sense into her, she couldn't keep herself from letting a melodious laugh escape from her mouth. Seeing that the girl was laughing made Vladimir feel an indescribable happiness that he couldn't understand. A warm atmosphere surrounded them making them feel shy, but at the same time affectionate towards each other.

"By the way, Helena, do you know about the existence of mana? It's not like I want to be nosey, but I couldn't help than feel curious when I sensed magic power from you" Vladimir asked the thing that he wanted to from the very beginning. Although part of the reason he asked her out was also that he felt attracted by her appearance and demeanor, the main reason he wanted to talk to her, was to satisfy his curiosity.

Her big blue eyes blinked from surprise when she heard this question. She had never told anyone about the fact that she could use magic, much less meet anyone who could pinpoint her secret like Vladimir did

"I... I always loved the sea. Whenever I was sad, I would come here and feel an invisible energy approach me like it wanted to cheer me up. After some time, I started to feel a similar energy inside my body. Wanting to interact with the power coming from the sea, I started unconsciously to create water out of thin air!" Wanting to prove that wasn't lying she immediately opened the palm of her hand, creating a small transparent ball made from water!

'What is a genius, this is a genius... If I didn't have father together with me, forget about unlocking three elements, I doubt if I would ever feel the existence of mana....' Vladimir thought as he wanted to sigh. He looked at the anxious girl with a little jealousy, but also with some tenderness.

"Do you want to learn more about the power inside you?" the silver-haired youth asked with a mysterious expression. At the same time, he thought that if John were to see him now, he would definitely beat him to death...

"You know what is this?" the girl asked with surprise, as well as with excitement.

"Don't worry my Lady, I promise I will satisfy your curiosity with the best of my ability..."