
Darkness Calls

When thirty two year old born vampire Cade, meets his best friend and turned vampire partner Nathan's, sister Charlotte, he has to balance his work life and his responsibility as a private militia leader with wanting to get closer to Charlotte. He wants to keep her close, but there's danger around every corner. What'll happen if his old enemy sets his eyes on his love? Will he be able to keep her safe and defeat the vampire who betrayed his trust? Or will he fail? He only has one chance to get rid of his past and focus on his future.

Alyssa_Lee_4855 · ファンタジー
4 Chs

New Friend

Cade Stone stood silently within the shadows of the forest, his piercing green eyes taking in the battle scene in front of him. He had been tracking his vampire sire, Marcus Valentine, for weeks when he'd stumbled upon the gruesome scene. Momentarily forgetting his personal vendetta for the man who betrayed his trust, he took in the shouts of anger, the overwhelming scent of blood, and the paramount of carcasses covering the open field less than a mile ahead of him.

He wasn't sure what really held his attention, as he had seen many wars over the years he'd been alive. He was technically over four hundred years old, but he had freezed his age at thirty two years because he was still in his prime then. He was one of the few born vampires of his generation. Of course, that was many years ago and most of them had passed on due to the brutal vampire hunters that wiped out many of his kind in his teen years. They were able to stop their age whenever they chose and even continue it, they still looked very young no matter their age though. Unless a born vampire was staked through the heart with a piece of a pure oak tree, they would not be killed. Made vampires stopped aging the moment they were turned and were much easier to kill if they weren't careful, any piece of wood through the heart could kill them, but they could live forever as well. Each vampire had the ability to use telepathy, whether it be to communicate or control others, and the ability varied from mediocre to advanced depending on their age. All vampires needed blood regularly to keep them from becoming soulless. When they were soulless they drank blood to kill, instead of only taking what they needed to survive. All vampires had super human strength and speed as well because they were the ultimate predators and were not to be taken lightly.

The scene in front of him wasn't any different than what he's seen before, but he still couldn't pry his eyes away from it. Suddenly, a man with sandy blonde hair caught his focus, his fighting skills were impeccable and his speed rivaled his own. He was human, but he fought passionately, taking his enemies down with little to no effort at all. Cade watched as enemy after enemy dropped, he just barely noticed another man sneaking behind the blonde man before he spun and killed the other, but not without taking a couple stabs to the abdomen first.

Cade watched as the blonde man continued to fight even as he began to grow weaker from the blood loss. This man was a force to be reckoned with, Cade thought with amusement. He could use someone like that as an ally; using his speed, he surged forward out of the safety of the forest to catch the man as he started to fall before bringing him back to his hiding spot.

He was barely conscious and his breathing was extremely shallow, to Cade it sounded as if one of his lungs had been punctured from the knife as what little breathing the man had was very weazy. Cade bit into his wrist and lifted the man's head slightly. "You're not going to like this, my friend, but I want you to survive. Please drink what I offer so that you may heal," he said quietly, hoping the man could hear him before pressing his bleeding wrist to the pale lips. The transition from human to vampire was extremely painful, as the blood had to work through the body and kill off the human cells simultaneously. The result was excruciating if the human was fully conscious, but none less lethal when they weren't. He had hoped that this human was strong enough to survive the transition. Some weren't and it had taken years of practice to get his technique correct so that whoever he decided to change would survive.

He watched as the man, unconsciously began sucking on his wrist, some of his strength returning which had him reaching a hand up to grip Cade's wrist. Cade was counting the man's heartbeats to make sure he fed him enough blood; if the heartbeat was faint it wouldn't work, if it was steady and strong it was the best bet and this man's heart was pounding with a calm steadiness that had Cade smile slightly in satisfaction before pulling his hand away.

"You must sleep for awhile, it's the easiest way to undergo the transition," he telegraphed to the man's mind, in which he saw the man relax fully breathing deeply. "You will awake when your body is ready and then we will feed and I will explain more to you." He sat back on his haunches and made sure the wound from his teeth was healed before relaxing. Giving blood for a transition was always taxing, and he felt the exhaustion began to seep into him, although he wouldn't show it.

He listened to the sounds of the war still raging around them as he waited. The man's body twitched every once in awhile as the pain became overwhelming for him but he didn't make a sound.

An hour later, the man's eyes opened and he looked around before spotting Cade, who was leaning casually against a tree with his eyes locked onto the man's.

"What happened?"

Cade saw him struggle to sit up, he knew the man was still in pain and went to help him. "You were stabbed and close to death. I helped you because I need someone like you to help me."

"What did you do? Why me?" He blinked a few times, obviously struggling to get used to his new senses, which were magnified until he was able to feed.

"You are a vampire now and I need an ally, someone with your talents, to help me get rid of an enemy of mine."

The man nodded, his brows furrowed as if he had more questions, but he chose not to ask and instead said, "I'm Nathan and I'll help you," he reached his hand out for Cade to take.

"Cade. Thank you," he gripped the man's hand and stood swiftly, "Come on, we have to feed so we'll have the strength to do what we need done."

Nathan grimaced, but soon smoothed his face when he realized that he would have to get used to drinking blood if he was going to be a vampire. However crazy it may seem to him after finding out that they were real in the first place and finding out that he was now one himself.

"You will have to leave your old life behind though, I'm terribly sorry for that, but it will seem as if you were actually killed in action for your family and friends," Cade said firmly as they walked towards the battle field that now only had gravely wounded and the dead left behind. He led Nathan to a human who was unconscious and had a bullet wound in his stomach, making him have a slow and painful death. It wouldn't be long now. He turned to Nathan, "Do not feed to kill or you'll turn soulless and forever be a killer," he instructed, "you must take your fill but listen to the heartbeat, if it stops before you're done you will no longer be able to see the light as it will be too late for you. Since he is almost dead, you only need to feed for a couple seconds to gather strength, we'll move on soon for a full hunt when you're not so famished."

Nathan hesitated for a second, "You'll have to pull me back if I try to go to far," I'm not sure I can do this one myself. I can already tell that his heart will give soon."

Cade nodded, relieved that Nathan was of sound mind to ask for his help instead of going straight into it and going to far. "Don't worry, I will help you. I didn't change you just to give you up. Now, listen closely to the heartbeat, it's slowing down and very faint, but still there signifying there's still enough blood in his veins to feed. Go slowly, like taking sips of water, and focus on the heartbeat the whole time. Think of something that makes you happy to keep you grounded to reality, as drinking from a living source gives you a high like no other."

Nathan nodded and did as he said. Cade kept his ears tuned to the heartbeat and his eyes on Nathan. He corrected his position a couple times and reiterated the need to go slow once more before Nathan got it and pulled away as soon as they heard the heartbeat slow further.

"Perfect," Cade said, nodding in approval. He had to feed as well before they left and chose another unconscious man a few steps away, hearing a small pop as his fangs pierced the flesh on the man's neck and drank deeply. Once he was finished and they both felt rejuvenated, he led the way to follow Marcus's scent that still lingered in the air. "I've been tracking another vampire, one who betrayed my trust to humans who hunt vampires to extinction, who in turn killed my family. It was years ago, but he's still causing chaos everywhere he goes, leaving behind bodies drained completely of blood. He has become soulless, so he only travels at night because the sun will kill him, that's what happens if you go too far. I need to eliminate him before he takes all vampires down. That's why I need your help, I saw you fighting," he glanced at Nathan out of the corner of his eye and saw him listening intently, "your technique is amazing and, while I'm well trained in fighting myself, I could use some back up and a friend to rid the world of Marcus."

Nathan nodded, "You saved my life, it's the least I can do to repay you," he grinned over at Cade, which had him smiling in return. This was the start of an easy comraderie and friendship between them.

Hello readers!! I decided that I would continue writing on here as the first time was so much fun. I literally thought this story up while I was at work the other day and decided to start writing it today.

All character's names and the story are all original creations of myself. I might change the title later, as when I write, I usually don't name my stories until after I'm finished but let me know whether I should change it or keep it.

Please comment and let me know how you like it so far, just be nice on the criticism cause I'm still new at sharing my stories before they're done.

I will try to update daily, the times will vary as I have two jobs to handle on top of other chores, but rest assured I will keep this story going for as long as I can.

Keep in mind, I write as I go so I won't know what goes on in the story until I've written it. You will know when I know basically 😊😊😊

I will also try to keep up with any comments, questions, concerns, etc. as I possibly can and try to interact with you all after each chapter.

Thank you all for reading and I hope to hear from you soon! Bye for now!!