
Darkfey In Mcu/Comics [DROP] Free for adoption

Zicarius · ファンタジー
1 Chs


September 24 2021

-Phillipines, Manila-

Zicarius has just finish watching the "marvel endgame" When an add pops up on his phone

[When you have 8 Wishes What will it be]

Zicarius:Huh? What the hell is this add Might as well check it.

[When you have 8 Wishes What will it be]

Zicarius:Ok Here we go

[When you have 8 Wishes What will it be]

1-All of Maleficent Power & Abilities With no weaknesses.

2-To be a Dark Fey/Phoenix

3-Instant Mastery

4-Instant Compression

5-Library Of Heavens Path

6-Highest talent for everything

7-To Customize my own wings and body

8-Infinite Energy (Mana,Chakra,Qi,Chi,Life Force,etc)


Zicarius then fell on the bed because of a sudden headache Then he passed out


When he woke up theres a screen infront of him

[Pls Customize Your wing and body here]


Zicarius the switch his appearance to


White Hair

Golden eyes with low glow

8 pack swimmers body

10 inch brother (😉)


[Pls pick a world]

Zicarius:MCU With a little bit of comics

He then started vanishing in the void


Frigga Has just given birth to thor