
Darkest Matter: As above, so below

As the Dark comes, the chaos comes as well, yet, as He arrives, Darkness fears him, as he enrages for more with vengeance. As She continues her journey, the world is in great danger, more to the apocalypse. Hatred the powers, Her husband will never stop until he finishes his task once and for all. Until the end of his life https://www.royalroad.com/profile/348604/fictions

AntiHero874 · ファンタジー
41 Chs

Howaito, rīdo, ierō

On the widest lawn, two individuals walk toward their next destination to find the Apostles, so they can find the track to Takeru Itto. Tomioka hums a song, all the way after both of them separate from their family, making Akira get distracted. "Can you stop humming that ridiculous song?" Akira said.

"Why not?"

"That's for the weak,"

"Whatever you say, boss," Tomioka sarcasm him with a slight eye roll to the air. As they kept walking, Tomioka still hums. Took a cigarette from his pocket, put it in his mouth, and put it on. "That's bad for your health, Mr. Angry Man,"

"Then? Go away from me," Akira responded. He wanted Tomioka to go far from him so he could not get distracted by him. But that decision is still not working on Tomioka as he throws small rocks at him. And even worse, he sang. His voice was distorted and unpleasant, forcing Akira to pull his blade out and point at him. "You have crossed the line, Tomioka,"

"Am I?" Tomioka said, and then he pointed his finger to the sky, a raining million arrows were aiming at them. Akira parries every arrow from above using his blade and Tomioka goes at his back.

"Why didn't you tell me, sh*thead!!" Akira scream. Tomioka replies only to laugh at Akira with full amusement.

After a few minutes, it stops, and as both of them witness, the magnificent tall and big border in front of them is dark to see. "Akira," Tomioka said.


"Knock the door,"

"Where the f**k is the door?!!"

Suddenly a phone call rings harshly in Akira's pocket. "You brought a phone?" Tomioka asked.

"It's just a burner phone, nothing else."

"Why don't you answer it?"

"She'll know where we are,"

Out of the blue, a horn sound was heard from above. Then, hundreds of men stand around the barrier, and there stands a commander. "Who are you from beneath our great country?" he said.

Tomioka and Akira stare at each other, then he pushes Akira a bit in front. "You can do it, cousin,"

"Mutterfukker," Akira expletives. As Akira goes closer to the wall, "We are the clients of your Queen Amelie,"

After an hour of silence, the small door opens and two teenagers run toward Akira and hug him. "Father." a girl said. Both are blonde, one short hair is the youngest while the long ponytail hair is the oldest.

"It's been a while, my dears," Akira said to both of them.

Tomioka stares at Akira with serious eyes. "How many wives are you married to?"


"Father, where are Amelia and Hinata?" the youngest asked.

"They're taking care of their mother, Hanna," he said.

"I see you having fun with our daughters," said Queen Amelie.

"Why do you guys look so casual? Are you supposed to be like royalty?" Tomioka said.

"Is that a joke? We're not royals," Emilia giggled.

Tomioka becomes more confused. "But, your mother?"

"Queen is part of the name," Emilia said.

While Tomioka and Emilia argue with each other, Akira goes to Amelie, kisses each other, and talks about their life. Then, he asked, "Any Apostle attack?"

Then, she whispers to his ear, and finally, he nods. "Tomioka," he called his name and made a sign. He agrees and everyone goes inside.


A female wendigo walks along the space heading to her master to give some of the daily reports. Suddenly a Supreme holds her from her work. "Hey, Wendy. Would you want to walk for a while before you talk about that report to your master?" he said.

"Not interested," she said and continued to pass by until he grabbed her cups. She holds her hardcore feeling, so she elbows his head. "F**king pervert!!" and she ran off.

As she arrived, as usual, she gave the reports to her master. After an hour she saw Takeru just staring at the rotten arm in the pole glass. "Master, what's wrong with him?" she asked.

"Never talk about our Elden, understand?!" he warned her. So she sealed her mouth, but she was still wondering about him. Takeru laughs by himself while watching the rotten arm.


As Akira and the others arrived at Queen's home, he opened his left prosthetic arm and put it on the table. "Father, it's all messed up," Emilia said. "I told you to not overdo it,"

"But at least it still works on my hand,"

"Over here, dear," Amelie said.

As they enter the room, Tomioka asks Akira about her status. "She's just become a prime minister recently,"

"Not that, dumbhead. Relationship,"

"She's the second wife of mine,"


"Okay, you take it too personally,"

"Why didn't I know her?"

"Enough you two," Amelie said. She smiles after seeing them fighting each other like children. "Both of you remind me of both of my daughters,"

She leads them to the room, where it's dark. As she opens the door, cold wind blazes upon them. Soon, a voice heard like whispers and screams. "Brennen, brennt, brennt," Akira chanted. Soon, the cinder flows out. Akira goes in alone and walks upon the Apostle-09, Hestia, her name is Melissa Fujiwara, Daughter of Osamu, sister to Lisa.

"You finally found me, Ruka."

"You've sent me your Dream-Walker, and I am here now. So, speak, Marika," said Akira. In reality, Akira was talking to Melissa's split, Marika, an Apostle entity.

"I will, after your first training," and she immediately sprints towards Akira like a flaming fire. He guards himself against her attack using his hemisphere shield without moving, then he pulls his blade and slashes her blade. Sparks by sparks, flurry by flurry, fire with fire, they still haven't got a sign that they need to stop.

"You're just like your sister, Elyssa."

"What can I say? We're siblings,"

After two hours of fighting, both Akira and Marika sit, face-to-face with each other. Both satisfied with their training, Marika decided to change her persona to her original default, Melissa. As her white hair changed back to her red hair, she changed her red eye color to yellow. "Hey," (Melissa whispered)
