

"do you have a plan " he asked with a frown and she nodded " what is it" he asked again impatient,"THE SWORD OF BARBENDEL" then suddenly the wind became stronger the windows were shaking like as if they were afraid of the word she spoke then the candles went off for some time then lit up again after a few moments of silence the night even became more darker and the prince shook his head in disapproval "no you can't" he spoke "we are not allowed to use such words in this Castle, do you love your life or not if you don't then I cherish it too much for me to risk it so please stop whatever madness is going on in your head if my father finds out he will rip off your head in one go and there is nothing I can do about it so please keep these thoughts to yourself" he complained " no you don't have to worry I have it all planned out In the Raven lake when the moon is that East going towards West we shall meet and flee the castle it's our only opportunity will be gone before they know it if you really love me then come I'll be waiting at the river bank with two horses it will take us one night to change history and everything will be the way we want it" there was a hard knock on the door banging as if it was about to fall"I don't have time so I will see you later I'll be waiting you will come if you don't want to see my dead body so goodbye for now my love"she left before he could even answer "what a crazy woman" he taught " but I love that crazy part of her that's why I love her so much of course I'll come no one can stop me not even the king himself see you soon my love"the knock on the door became harder"I'm coming" he answered "hold on a minute" then he opened the door" you " he growled upon seeing the face of the person....

"you don't look happy to see me" legolas said with a frown"what are you doing here legolas" Hasmel asked in anger "what your father ask me to check up on you since you haven't come out of your room for a very long time now he was worried so as is loyal general I did as he asked" legolas said with a straight face "well you have seen me I'm alive so you can go back and tell father that I will not be joining him for dinner today"and was about to slam the door when he noticed soldier running around like something serious is going on but it became even more serious when they heard the horn of the dragon lord " the horn of the dragon lords" both said in amazement then looked at each other" I'll play with you some other time prince Hasmel for now I have royal duties" left in a hurry " what's going on" he asked himself before looking at the moon " wait the moon is at west that means at Raven lake it's at East this was what Dana was talking about I better get going" he put on his clothes and left in a hurry.

he arrived at the river bank " Dana!!!" he screamed " Hasmel my love you came I knew you'll never let me down" then she kissed him hard before they hurriedly climb onto their horses and ran of as fast as they could......

( back at the castle)

legolas and his men were at the verge of Thyretira a city far away from the castle " the sword of barbendel" legolas said in wonder " how did it get here" he asked one of his soldier " I don't know sir it came out of the ground" the soldier answered " have you informed the king" just before the soldier could answer another solider announced the kings arrival " I guess that answers my question" then a tall dashingly handsome well built man stepped down from the horse " your highness" they all bow down in respect " were is my son " then respect surdenly turned into fear upon hearing his voice" he is in the castle your highness" legolas answered and the king smirked wickedly "we have been decived " legolas frowned in confusion " this isn't the sword of barbendel it's fake " then he walked towards it " my lord if you touch it you'll die " legolas cried in fear if the kings death in front of him but the king ignored legolas's plee and pulled the sword out then it immediately turned to dust everyone was surprised why would the prince try to decive his own father and how the hell did the king know what was happening so quickly he is very smart and wise the and fearful too the prince is dead for sure his father would kill him without thinking twice Eve if he is the only hier to the throne " I have to say my son is really in love for him to do this and the women is very talented as well but she is also a witch he is not in love she cast a spell on him so she can use him to get to the throne of bar bendendel" " what" legolas asked confused " I can't explain, right now we need to get to barbendel before our world crombles to ashes" then he climbed on his horse and rode of as fast as he could to save his son and his soldier followed him in a haste ...