
The Cave Of The Untold ( what lie's ahead )

Harmark and five other brave warrior's where walking in the cave, they kept on walking until they started hearing sounds " what was that " one of them spoke " it's the mora's a creature of the dark it only eats spider's so don't worry " huh how could such big creature eat little spider's" one of them said not knowing that a giant spider was on top of his head " that's the point it's not a small spider" the other one said " what?" he asked with a grim on his face " there is one top of your head right now", " Di'on don't move " then he stretched out his sword "Allen don't" then Allen looked at Harmark " why" he asked "those aren't just spider's they are cave spider's" " what's the difference" Allen asked " it eat every moving thing, for example " then he threw a small knife immediately the creature ran to it and eat it " so if you stay still it won't harm you" then 'kaliat' started laughing " what's funny" jaosh asked " you were scared " he continued laughing then jaosh got angry and pushed him " you think that's funny, huh" kaliat kept on laughing then the spider started running towards him to rip his head off and eat him for dinner he immediately pulled out his sword and slayed the creature without thinking "You've killed us all the spiders don't work alone " Harmark said in distress" what do you mean Caillou asked " it means that the spider's friends most be close by and now that e have killed there friend they Will not stop until we have killed us all" Allen spoke " c'mon don't be a baby will just kill them all " kaliat said foolishly " we can they give birth to more of them almost every hour" Harmark replied " so what do we do" Caillou asked Di'on took a deep breath before he spoke" RUN" then they started running none stop as the creature chased them vigorously .

after some time they stopped when they got to 'SISI' the witch.

it was a beautiful place to be so they went further until they were welcomed by two of her maids they got in without questioning they were servered food and drink they eat as much as they wanted until they got tired then sisi asked Harmark to come to the river bank with her and he did then she said to him "call out to who ever you want" then he taught for a while what should he do who should he call unto " what ever you do now determine your future" then he raised his head " 'Elmah' " then the water rises to certain level until it formed a fig picture of Elmah his wife then tears started streaming down his eyes before he could call out her name " Elmah" then slowly she turned to see his handsome face but for the first time she saw her husband cry she didn't even know he could do that, all her life she never acted as his wife, she only acted as the queen of Asmendan because according to her husband it's her only duty and that's why she gave him only one son because the kingdom needs one heir and not Brothers killing each other for the throne she never taught he had feeling except the one for his son so to be in a safe side she did everything he asked without thinking twice or opposing him so how could he be crying and why then she saw him fall to the ground then she felt a sudden pain in her heart like something pricked her and it was uncomfortable so she ran to him and embraced him then he started speaking " I have not been the best husband to you nd I don't think I will have another opportunity to say this" she was confused but she listened patiently like she always do but this time she wanted to know what her husband was feeling and relief him of the pain he was feeling but then heard something she didn't believe he could ever say " I Love You" the word stroked her like a Sharp sword was placed in heart but a sign of relief was let out as tears fell from her golden iris, she has been waiting for this all her life up to a point where she had given up on waiting thinking it will never happen then she finally responded to his confession " I Love You Too" but then a question stroked her why would he confess now in the middle of nowhere he should have been more romantic and come home first " why are you saying this now come home and let's talk more while we have a nice bath together and eat peach pie and berries" she said to him with a sweet smile " am sorry queen but am not sure I'll make it home and that's why I am confessing my love to you if I don't do this I won't die in peace" he said to her with a pleasing smile on his handsome face " no you can't, what would I do without you " she said in tears what kind of faith does she have the only time her husband cared for her is on his way to his death sentence and all because of her stupid son. yes she gave birth to him but if her husband dies because of him she Will surely hate him and she won't forgive him " you will teach our son how to be a good king and also find a good wife for him" he ordered her " but my king " she wanted to oppose " no if' s or but's it's an order" he cut her off " yes your highness as you say" she replied " one more thing" then she raised her head to him " you are the most beautiful woman I have ever sat my eyes on take care of yourself and never let my pet forget me " he said to her in griff and she nodded slowly as the water take's her away and she fell to the ground in tears if nobody kill's her son she will someday how stupid can he actually be he is his father's son he is supposed to be smart .

the king watch how much pain swelled up on his beautiful wife's face, even if she tried to hide it he knows how much she hates there son right now he only wished she was different maybe like the human mother's who cared for there children no matter what or something else but just as long as she loved there son but no she is an Qurill mother people that don't care for anything but themselves they are extremely beautiful but extremely selfish as well and that's why he never confessed his love for her but he knows she is very obedient and she will definitely follow his orders so he is on a safer side " a wise choice" the witch finally spoke up " you know you will pay a price ;but you don't know what it is so you assumed it was your life, but I assure you it's way more than that " Harmark rose up wanting to know more " but I can't tell you what it is I can only gat you to BARBENDEL the rest is up to you " then she waved her hands and magical dust surrounded him as she spoke into his ear " you know what to do when you see the witch " then she disappeared .

when he opened his eyes he found himself and his men in a dark place really dark then he stood up and look out side and saw a mighty dragon then turned to his right and saw a huge gate with four walls and six caving then his men stood up one by one "where are we" kaliat asked "we are at the entrance of BARBENDEL, (THE GREAT CITY OF THE DARKEST DIAMOND) " Harmark answered......

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